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Posts posted by Cajun

  1. Doubt we'll see him play for us again. Don't blame him. Who wants to risk the world cup playing in games that nobody gives a fuck about.


    3 1/2 months without football though, surely wouldn't be match fit.

  2. The football under AVB that I saw was horrible this season. Didn't you only score something like 7 goals in your first 11 games?


    We've scored 9 in our last 11 :lol: and that's with our random 4-1 and 3-1 wins.


    I wasn't comparing, everyone knows we have been horrific for some time now.

  3. Charnely's been associated with this club for some 15 odd years; surely he's seen better managers walk through the halls...


    This is what I don't understand, how the fuck has he been here for 15 years? Isn't he 36? Has he slowly progressed from ball boy to steward to tea lady to club secretary to Managing Director?

  4. A shite manager who did a brilliant job at 2 of his 3 clubs.


    I know, I know, he had a fantastic squad at Newcastle and that made the Championship very easy that he barely needed to come to work. Just like Harry Redknapp at QPR.



  5. Zola. Based on nothing really.


    Based on not being Pardew by any chance? :)


    Like a few others I'm almost of the opinion anyone but... However, I think some of us may underestimate the amount of fuckwittery Mike Ashley is capable of..... :-(


    I think this anyone but Pardew attitude is dangerous tbh. I really can't take any more cheap as chips appointments. There's more than enough tv money floating around now, either make a quality appointment or just fuck off and die.


    I had similar feelings but have resigned myself to the fact that Pardew is so fucking gutless and Ashley isn't going to get anyone of real quality I would just like a manager who can handle any pressure at all.

  6. Put this in the other thread but probably better in here.


    As far as managers go, no matter how much we pore over managerial records, it can never tell the full story. Some managers just click at certain clubs and there are no guarantees.


    In December 2009, Brendan Rodgers was sacked at Reading, with the club one place above the Championship drop zone. Five years later, he's within touching distance of the top prize.



    Very fair point.


    At the moment I just want a manager with a spine and a heart. Brain, legs, arms etc.. are optional.

  7. There were like four people who didn't want Martinez, let's not pretend like that was the common opinion on here :lol:


    I was one of them, and in hindsight I was obviously wrong, but I still think at the time it was a huge gamble for Everton to appoint him. They played some nice football at times, but defensively they were all over the park to the point where he got them relegated (despite winning a cup obviously). Still, fortune favours the brave, and here we are, stuck with the biggest coward of all. :(

    I was a sceptic aswell and I wish people would stop acting like it was obviously going to work out brilliantly for Everton. Martinez was somebody who never once in about 5 years got his team to be anything other than relegation battlers. There was rightfully doubts about him




    He got Wigan finishing around the same places Jewell and Bruce managed, although the football was a lot better then they got relegated under him. I don't think anyone called him shite or worse than Pardew but thought he was a risk until he proved he could step up.


    That won't stop the "Those idiots that said he was proper shit and that" comments happening every time Everton win a game over the next 3-4 seasons though :)

  8. A 1 in 2 striker, don't forget.




    I've really gotten to you at some point haven't I? :lol:


    You'll get over it sugar, be strong xx


    I'll echo that sentiment to you the next time someone criticises Gouffran for his umpteenth shite performance and you react like they've just urinated on your mum's face.


    Do you understand words? If so look up striker, if that confuses you try centre forward, if you are still confused then the answer to my initial question is probably no.

  9. If he was HBA it would be...


    "no one to pass to,  no movement around him,  been told to do too much etc etc"


    excuses galore.


    Its more like we sign a player who finally comes into his own as a centre forward scoring 1 in 2.4323679988009888887666554455* games then play him as a winger in a 4-4-2.







    *If this isn't absolutely correct I accept no responsibility for Ronaldo crying himself asleep.

  10. Finally been 'Pardewed'


    He's clearly stopped giving a toss, was stood back on his heels watching the play in front of him quite a bit yesterday. Probably had enough of filling in as a wing back.


    Yup he's clearly not a winger who can function in a 4-4-2 .


    He's a wide forward at a pinch but really he's a striker the fact he's asked to be an auxiliary wing back is a fucking joke



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