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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. Howaythelads


    I would. and this must be you... http://video.google.com/ThumbnailServer2?app=smh&contentid=fb9b67c56aabfffb&offsetms=1&itag=w160&sigh=vju03DSpKDVUg4AUGkzM5pkeMDI&h=90&w=120&sigh=__G2FnZWvZ5-Q82Ynxx9gIB7xzVag= S'pose you can't be too picky, like.
  2. More or less moved it, Dave. Check the "lookalikes" thread...
  3. Howaythelads


    Louise Taylor http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Football/Pix/pictures/2008/09/18/louisetaylor.jpg http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:r1O1fhsQZYVluM:http://dorland.pp.ph.ic.ac.uk/magpie/theory/gorgon.jpg
  4. :lol: Oh and if she's reading: Bit hypocritical criticising what people post on forums, when she puts her sex tapes on youtube. Come on, this is getting OTT now, these poor creatures have feelings you know. Just as well they're not reading the forum.
  5. Some skin, a mouth, lips, chin, nose etc etc. Basically, a face.
  6. So you are saying that a group of players stood on lookout knowing that Carroll was going to batter Steven Taylor? That it was all premeditated? How do you know this? Seems obvious he's taking the pee.
  7. If you aim for 17th there is a bloody good chance of finishing below that.
  8. She makes a living out of writing a load of cack and spite. Others put her right by posting when she's doing it. She needs to grow up, start writing decent, mature and truthful articles, then perhaps people will stop slagging her off on the internet. After all, if she was doing that what would there be to slag her off over? Once an idiot always an idiot it seems...
  9. What a crock of shite that is. This is just a typical lying journalist who doesn't know his arse from his elbow trying to stir up yet more shite about the club. WTF is he on about when saying during most of Newcastle's 16 years in the premiership there have been such incidents going on that have been covered up? He basically doesn't have the faintest idea what happened but has to write something to earn his next barrel of beer and 400 tabs, so as is the typical style of most of these so-called journalists, he makes it up as he goes along. In this case, he's probably hoping that by keeping it in the spotlight the club will feel forced to make a statement, such a shame for him then that those running the club are like me on this one and don't give a shit what he has to say. Sanctimonious tosser. Cheers
  10. not a chance of getting that lot. I agree. It's going to be a long, hard slog.
  11. People are in for a shock at the gap, imo we would struggle against Wolves and they're no great shakes. Investment is needed in new players. We need 2 x PL level strikers who will push the current lot into the role of squad members. We need at least one central midfielder and we need a better RB to turn Simpson into a squad player. We need a backup LB, Enrique isn't going to play every game. These 5 are needed before the season starts, not on the last day of the transfer window. This is the minimum requirement imo. If we're comfortable enough at Christmas I'd hope to see another push in January if Ashley has the proper level of ambition for the club. Overall, I'd be more confident if Ashley cashed in and sold to someone who knows what they're doing, I just don't trust him to get things right, especially with Llambias involved. He should be offering me that job, as I've said before...
  12. 99.9% of football "Journalists" are cack these days. They don't have a clue. All they do is write whatever they think will cause controversy in order to sell their shite paper, most of it is lies and they're best ignored. I've been saying this for years. Nobody should give a damn what they think, I certainly don't lose sleep over any tripe I see in the press.
  13. Because they're scabs? Do a search on nottingham scabs, just allow at least a week to read about it. Many miners from North Notts were totally commited to the strike action. Many from Northumberland and Durham were not. Anyway FFS what has this got to do with football 25 years on ? No more than why 6 good reasons for notts for fans to hate Newcastle has to do with football. Guess you missed that though.
  14. Because they're scabs? Do a search on nottingham scabs, just allow at least a week to read about it.
  15. I see a few have taken the bait over the silly lad's stupid comment about Robbie Keane.
  16. We're not there yet. It's a squad game. We don't know what Ashley will do
  17. He's been trying to get the thread closed for ages for some unknown reason, though to be fair, I do think it's been pretty much covered. The people who are definitely wrong are those who claim Ashley has so far done a grand job, he's done a shite job, however, he did the right things in January after 2 1/2 years of getting it hopelessly wrong. There is still a fair bit to go for him to show he's getting it right and wants to take the club forward. No one then. Quite. I can't remember ever coming across one of these mythical beasts. Agree with HTL though that there is still a fair way to go for Ashley, but it's good to see some softening of opinions on him. Try this Ummmm no, I'd think he's done a 'grand job so far' if he was this. That doesn't mean I need to forget there have been positives and that we seem to on the right track now hopefully. Not sure why you're arguing as I've also said there have been positives. Since January.
  18. He's been trying to get the thread closed for ages for some unknown reason, though to be fair, I do think it's been pretty much covered. The people who are definitely wrong are those who claim Ashley has so far done a grand job, he's done a shite job, however, he did the right things in January after 2 1/2 years of getting it hopelessly wrong. There is still a fair bit to go for him to show he's getting it right and wants to take the club forward. No one then. Quite. I can't remember ever coming across one of these mythical beasts. Agree with HTL though that there is still a fair way to go for Ashley, but it's good to see some softening of opinions on him. Try this
  19. I too am keeping an eye on Reading. However I 'd be very surprised if we got into the play-offs. Having said that, compared to where we were at Christmas, mid table is a surprise!!! Looking at the BET365 table though most of the division could still be relegated- strange times. Good luck. I hope Reading make it. I've no time for the scabs following their hypocrisy of 1974, I've no time for the welsh teams and Leciester are just boring. Even the word is boring. Lineker reminds me of a used car salesman.
  20. I'm keeping an eye on Reading. Nobody expects them to do it so they're under no pressure, but with games in hand and the form they're in I wouldn't be at all surprised if they sneak into that 6th spot, or get really close. A return of 29 points in the bag from their last 12 league games since the end of January means they're in cracking form right now. Similar through to the end of the season might be enough if they can keep it going. Not easy, but possible.
  21. He's been trying to get the thread closed for ages for some unknown reason, though to be fair, I do think it's been pretty much covered. The people who are definitely wrong are those who claim Ashley has so far done a grand job, he's done a shite job, however, he did the right things in January after 2 1/2 years of getting it hopelessly wrong. There is still a fair bit to go for him to show he's getting it right and wants to take the club forward.
  22. I was there. The biggest disgrace was that the scabs officials (chairman and manager) agreed to continue with the match after Police cleared the fans off the pitch and then officially complained and demanded a replay when their 3-1 lead was turned into a 4-3 defeat. Justice was done in the end when we knocked the scabs out anyway. As I say, a disgrace on all counts, tbh.
  23. When I think of Nottingham I don't think of football at all. I think of scabs, blacklegs and strikebreakers. Disgraceful bastards.
  24. I was hopeful but I believed bottom 2 was more likely merely because I thought the tw*t would sell every first team player and we'd be fielding a bunch of yutes.
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