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Everything posted by Howaythelads

  1. I don't see the word "deliberate" in there anywhere. Perhaps you can let everyone know where it is? I said : If you think they haven't made a load of bad decisions you'll be in a very small minority. I also said : If you think putting the club up for sale for so long and failing to sell it isn't potentially going to undermine a return the PL you are mad. Under these circumstances the players and coaching staff have done an absolutely superb job so far, despite Ashley.
  2. Well that's an improvement over the usual pearls....I mean, dollops of shite. As opposed to your daft post. Daftest posts I've ever made on this forum were a couple of years ago when I said it would take a shite Board and relegation before people like you would see the obvious.
  3. Eh? You talking to me? All I've done is post my opinion on ashley and the other wanker.
  4. Well that's an improvement over the usual pearls....I mean, dollops of shite.
  5. I don't know him (lamb chop), so I don't hate him. I see them (ashley and lamb chop) as inept wankers who have almost destroyed a football club I've supported for over 40 years due to a whole series of bad decisions. This will go down as a dark period in any future book on the "History of Newcastle United" and that they have the gall to give any advice to supporters on anything at all makes me cringe. I wouldn't trust either of them to hold a lolly stick and help kids over the road, they'd get that wrong as well.
  6. Why do people need to be reminded we were relegated by just 1 bloody point due to these inept wankers? What they have done since is try to undermine a return to the PL right up until January. They are now trying to close the stable door after the horse has just finished the Grand bastard National. The reason the club is so short of money is down to their own mismanagement that brought about relegation and lost of millions in revenue. Banging on about how much the fat idiot is pumping into the club just makes me want to reach for the sick bag. If he hadn't been such a fool since he took over the club he wouldnt' be needing to do that, so he deserves no gratitude at all and it's a beg for gratitude that comes out of this morons mouth every time he opens it.
  7. In the last 5 years we've been in danger of being relegated more than once to be honest Following Sir Bob's departure, it was every year. yup and it was getting dodgier each season, apart from roeders miracle run for europe as caretaker Yeah but the point I'm trying to make is that 5 years ago expectations were a hell of a lot higher than they are now. Ashley has got us relegated, he has lowered expectations to the point that many would now accept 17th playing shit football. In my opinion he doesnt deserve credit for getting us back to a position that is still far worse than when he took over when he took over we were a midtable side, we werent a side in the top half or challenging for europe, now yes we went down and he played his large part but the seeds of our relegation were sown when sir bob was sacked and graeme souness was judged a good replacement. Quite true. Ashley has made huge mistakes and we know that. Equally, he did inherit a complete mess financially and in terms of playing staff. He didn't inherit anything, he bought it. If he didn't realise what he was buying that's something else down to him as well.
  8. Lowering expectations isnt neccasarily a bad a thing, lowering ambition is. Having high expectations has been a big downfall for us as a club, an example being when we sacked SBR for finishing 5th, 5 years after saving us from relegation. It arguably paved the way for what was to come, no stability, no stable manager, influx of many players and countless pennies wasted. NUFC fans have been typecast for many years about there overly high expectations. Expectaitions should rise with progress, not vica versa. Robson had taken the team as far as he could take it, we were going backwards when he left but the club had ambitions to go forward. That was to do with the great job done by Robson along with the support of the Board of the day. Liverpool did the same when they sacked Hoolia. Chelsea have done the same in recent times. Showing ambition like this is a good thing. The reason it went wrong for Newcastle isn't because expectations of anybody were too high, it went wrong because the wrong man was appointed to take the place of Robson. Move on a bit and it can be seen Ashley can't even appoint and keep a recognised, proven manager of any stature at all. By the way, what you're describing above is expectations in the strict meaning of the word. What we have as Newcastle supporters is hope. Ashley has crushed it and he's crushed it by lowering the ambition of the club. To argue anything else in the face of the evidence is futile.
  9. What has to stop is this shite from the Fat man and his monkey banging about putting money into the club when it was the profit taking of Jan 2009 and a string of stupid decisions from an inept idiot that got the club relegated and lost millions. He's probably too dumb to see it's down to him he's supposedly stumping up this cash, not that I believe a word the chimp says anyway.
  10. Howaythelads

    Habib Beye

    In Beye's defence, he was in the final year of his contract, and we have no clue if another one was offered to him or not. If there was one offered to him, then I'd fully agree with you. But if not, then I'd sympathise with the player, because it's a big gamble for him. Further to this, noone could have predicted how easy or mediocre this league would turn out to be, so at the time everything looked to be doom and gloom for us. The icing on the cake of all this being that we had/have a bunch of retards running the club. All of this culminated in a pretty poor environment for a 31 year old in the last year of his contract to be plying his trade in. Regarding his comments about staying and then wanting to leave, I may be wrong, but there's a clear line drawn between when the contrasting statements were made. At the beginning of the last summer, Shearer was meant to be taking over, and one of his first reported acts was to give Beye a new contract and (supposedly) the captaincy. That was when Beye stated he'd like to stay. As soon as the Shearer appointment fell through and it was clear that the Board were sitting on their arses doing nothing, Beye changed his tune and wanted out, putting in a transfer request. I see no problem in this - a player has every right to look after himself if his contract is on the verge of ending and there's no gaurantees of a renewal, and at least he had the decency to put that request in which means he wasn't entitled to a loyalty payment from us. If Beye had a crystal ball, he'd probably have stayed, but from his point of view he was a good Premiership standard defender who had received a 3 year contract offer from a Premiership club with CL qualification ambitions. In what world was he going to turn that offer down? Surprisingly decent post. Your first one after all this time. Well done. Noticed the boo-boy posting shite as usual though.
  11. Nobody of premier league quality if Ashley is running the show.
  12. What is the point of you even posting in this thread? He needs to confirm he's a know-nowt at every opportunity. So this is the ideal thread.
  13. He's scared shitless. He'll go for a 1-0 defeat while hoping for a draw....or is that going for a draw but ending up with a 1-0 defeat. It's sometimes hard to tell.
  14. The reason we are in the Championship is because of SHEPHERD The reason people are happy with the signing players who would not have been considered good enough for us under the previous Board is because there are too many fans with unreaslistic expectations of what we can achieve on the pitch The fact is, he sold players last January who didn't want to stay and made a profit in the window, we were then relegated by just 1 point but this obviously has nothing to do with dropping points late on against Wigan and Stoke at home before January That we are signing players now could be because Hughton wants to strengthen and we're now being realistic
  15. It is highly likely that Freddie would have got us in serious (as in very serious) financial clarts. The figures suggest that he did and they are irrefutable. Not everything is in life is dichotomous. Not caring much for Freddie doesn't mean that people love Ashley. I am sure most people with erudition beyond that of pond life would agree. Do you? Daft twat. I take it that was a "no" and an admission of tadpoles as neighbours then? You can take it however you like. Given that I've never before said nor implied that people who don't like Fred automatically love Ashley means you're making an idiotic and stupid point, assuming there is a point somewhere in your contribution. This is why you're a daft tw*t. So repeatedly bringing up the old board is coincidental? Implication is clear and you are a bare faced liar I am afraid sunshine. At least with evolution you have plankton to look forward to. Tut tut. Just stating the facts, dear boy. Reciprocated. Show me where I've said or implied that people who don't like Fred automatically love Ashley, only then you can say you've reciprocated. In the meantime, it's more accurate to say you're lying and are therefore still a daft tw*t. Next... Waste your own time sidelight and look though the number of occasions you comment on it. You know, I know and so does everyone else. Denial isn't going to undo it is it? The frequency of it is dull, pepetitive and old hat. Give it a rest and try and say something interesting. Unlikely, but worth a try. Been on the alco-pops, or whatever they are. Still a daft tw*t.
  16. Excellent post. Agree with all of it.
  17. It is highly likely that Freddie would have got us in serious (as in very serious) financial clarts. The figures suggest that he did and they are irrefutable. Not everything is in life is dichotomous. Not caring much for Freddie doesn't mean that people love Ashley. I am sure most people with erudition beyond that of pond life would agree. Do you? Daft twat. I take it that was a "no" and an admission of tadpoles as neighbours then? You can take it however you like. Given that I've never before said nor implied that people who don't like Fred automatically love Ashley means you're making an idiotic and stupid point, assuming there is a point somewhere in your contribution. This is why you're a daft tw*t. So repeatedly bringing up the old board is coincidental? Implication is clear and you are a bare faced liar I am afraid sunshine. At least with evolution you have plankton to look forward to. Tut tut. Just stating the facts, dear boy. Reciprocated. Show me where I've said or implied that people who don't like Fred automatically love Ashley, only then you can say you've reciprocated. In the meantime, it's more accurate to say you're lying and are therefore still a daft tw*t. Next...
  18. It is highly likely that Freddie would have got us in serious (as in very serious) financial clarts. The figures suggest that he did and they are irrefutable. Not everything is in life is dichotomous. Not caring much for Freddie doesn't mean that people love Ashley. I am sure most people with erudition beyond that of pond life would agree. Do you? Daft twat. I take it that was a "no" and an admission of tadpoles as neighbours then? You can take it however you like. Given that I've never before said nor implied that people who don't like Fred automatically love Ashley means you're making an idiotic and stupid point, assuming there is a point somewhere in your contribution. This is why you're a daft tw*t. So repeatedly bringing up the old board is coincidental? Implication is clear and you are a bare faced liar I am afraid sunshine. At least with evolution you have plankton to look forward to. Tut tut. Just stating the facts, dear boy.
  19. It is highly likely that Freddie would have got us in serious (as in very serious) financial clarts. The figures suggest that he did and they are irrefutable. Not everything is in life is dichotomous. Not caring much for Freddie doesn't mean that people love Ashley. I am sure most people with erudition beyond that of pond life would agree. Do you? Daft twat. I take it that was a "no" and an admission of tadpoles as neighbours then? You can take it however you like. Given that I've never before said nor implied that people who don't like Fred automatically love Ashley means you're making an idiotic and stupid point, assuming there is a point somewhere in your contribution. This is why you're a daft tw*t.
  20. It is highly likely that Freddie would have got us in serious (as in very serious) financial clarts. The figures suggest that he did and they are irrefutable. Not everything is in life is dichotomous. Not caring much for Freddie doesn't mean that people love Ashley. I am sure most people with erudition beyond that of pond life would agree. Do you? Daft twat.
  21. The reason we are in the Championship is because of Ashley. The reason people are happy with signing players who would not have been considered good enough for us under the previous Board is because Ashley has driven down hopes and expectations. The fact is, he sold players last January and made a profit in the window, we were then relegated by just 1 point. That we are signing players now could be the fat tw*t realising how stupid he's been in the past but I won't be holding my breath.
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