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Everything posted by Menace

  1. He's a lot better than Lewis. Let's get him back asap.
  2. This is boring as fuck and has been for months. It's the same old shite ANYDAY NOW, NO RED FLAGS. I wish we would just get a definitive answer so we can decide to pack it all up and fuck off.
  3. This guy will be the sole reason we don't see the Championship - providing he stays fit. Cracking signing.
  4. Menace


    That incident with Clyne barging him off the ball was comical.
  5. People were convinced he's the better manager less than 6 months ago. Life comes at you fast.
  6. Excellent? No player in this team has been excellent for a long time under this Bruce era, not having that.
  7. Or it could be cause he shows up once in a blue moon? With proper coaching, I would definitely fancy Almiron out of the two. ASM is great on his day, but most of the time he tries to be flashy and it doesn't quite work.
  8. Yeah that would be it. I'm basing it on the last 3 games.
  9. It must be incredible being Bruce honestly. Imagine being so shit at your job but your pals have your back so you'll never get called out.
  10. The amount of fucking dots I've been joining I've become a master at etch a sketch
  11. I'm glad Humphreys is on our side. I'm fed up of the "doing a good job" crowd. Once Jake pulled out those stats not a single word got said. Pretty evident that they don't bother watching us regularly. This guy's days are numbered, all I saw today was players who could not be fucked to play for him. I wonder how long this "hes a great guy" angle will last. From kick off I witnessed one pass back and a direct hoof up top to their fucking keeper. Less than 5 seconds to lose possession man. Fucking joke.
  12. Well not really. Not everyone is as optimistic as you manorpark. On top of that, bar Liam Kennedy/ITKs, what concrete info is there that this is going to get overturned? Newcastle fans and pessimism go hand in hand.
  13. We'd probably get back what we paid for him though.
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