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Everything posted by Menace

  1. Who would pay £30M for Armstrong? Toney went for a fraction of that and he's a far better footballer
  2. The word spiv always raises a chuckle
  3. Third relegation pending under this oaf. For all the things Shepherd had against him - relegation was never on the cards.
  4. The hopium in here is mental. Christ. You're made to look insane if you think its off also.
  5. Oh dear Excellent she can concentrate on the takeover now. Full steam ahead !! :lol:
  6. Each passing day I'm becoming more of a football neutral. The last bit of love I had for Newcastle is slowly evading.
  7. His putting all the strikers on and the team having absolutely no balance tactic always gives me a good chortle.
  8. Menace

    Graeme Jones

    Bruce is a nice guy, why would he do such a thing?
  9. He was "Gallowgate End" on here
  10. I will buy champagne the day this twat fucks off.
  11. "plenty to be positive about"
  12. He's always pulled up Bruce on being wank though
  13. What’s your point? His point is he loves Bruce Ball and he wants it to stay. Anyone who wants better and thus the takeover are demons and should be burnt at the stake. They need to be cleansed from this forum so they can wank over 30% possession football and 1 shot on target1 Clearly..
  14. Before it was "New year will have some good news" Now its "We need to stay up for it to happen" Soon it'll be "its off cause we are relegated"
  15. He's been playing left wing essentially for the last 4-5 games. Even Ibra/Ronaldo/Messi take your pick would look absolutely wank in this team. How did this guy even get his coaching badges honestly?
  16. Wilson is the least of our problems ffs
  17. Hope this is true. But why "break" it once Rafa is available? Seems a bit convenient. Would've had more buy in if you'd mentioned it prior to Rafa resigning, surely? He’s on the wind up He got bored of his faux Pro-Ashley Pro- Bruce schtick and he’s moved on to pretending he’s itk Slim, I get that you’re bored of this whole takeover debacle and Ashley owning the club, we all are, but this isn’t funny. People are wanting to believe you and it’s diluting any real info that’s coming out. Not that there’s much. Never been a supporter of Ashley think people who know me know how active I was in trying to get rid of him. Bruce I hate but when he gets a result it does show up the critics. Also think the cyber bullimg of him is a bit much and needs called out. I know you are anti-Ashley. You used to be a good poster so I just wonder why you are doing this fake itk shite. It's really bizarre. Lockdown has fried people's minds.
  18. This guy is worse than Pardew man.
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