Hope this is true. But why "break" it once Rafa is available? Seems a bit convenient.
Would've had more buy in if you'd mentioned it prior to Rafa resigning, surely?
He’s on the wind up
He got bored of his faux Pro-Ashley Pro- Bruce schtick and he’s moved on to pretending he’s itk
Slim, I get that you’re bored of this whole takeover debacle and Ashley owning the club, we all are, but this isn’t funny. People are wanting to believe you and it’s diluting any real info that’s coming out. Not that there’s much.
Never been a supporter of Ashley think people who know me know how active I was in trying to get rid of him.
Bruce I hate but when he gets a result it does show up the critics. Also think the cyber bullimg of him is a bit much and needs called out.
I know you are anti-Ashley. You used to be a good poster so I just wonder why you are doing this fake itk shite.
It's really bizarre.
Lockdown has fried people's minds.