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Everything posted by Menace

  1. Anyone else muted Edwards?
  2. Menace


    Imagine paying double the price for Joe Lilly but not for Rondon who is proven in this league. Sounds legit.
  3. Who's that miniature Colback
  4. Shite and not even our shittest striker in the last 3-4 years.
  5. Him and Ashley will get on like a rat up a drainpipe. Rotten cunt.
  6. Guess who wins again.jpg
  7. £30m, so basically fuck all again then.
  8. I honestly wish I was as stingy as Ashley, probably why he's rich tbf.
  9. From having contacts in Dubai to Steve Bruce, is there anything this guy can't do?
  10. Dummett is bottom 8 Prem standard, Almiron is top 10 Prem I'd say too The issue is, we have some very decent players, it's squad depth and strikers that we struggle on. If we got 2 decent strikers we would stay up, even with Bruce. But it won't happen.
  11. He'll be sold within 12 months for profit anyway
  12. why did i expect any different honestly
  13. It's done. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  14. I always thought wishing someone death was not a nice thing, but I honestly hope Ashley dies.
  15. I'm already scouting for teams in Serie A to follow. Fuck this club, seriously.
  16. Joyce doesn't talk shite. This is happening.
  17. Hula Hoops is what prisoners eat
  18. Please make it happen so I can wash my hands with this nonsense. Honestly, we'd be better off.
  19. Businessman being busy shocker
  20. So we've had a barber, a radio DJ, and a dentist. What next, a tree surgeon?
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