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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. I think he has miss understood the word 'Cannit' for 'Cannae' as in "a cannit believe that"
  2. Well, apart from when they beat us 2-1 two years in a row.
  3. The thing with Man U's away following is that when they are winning (which is 90% of the time) they sing their hearts out and have an amazing array of songs, but when they are losing they are as quiet as mice and on the odd occasion that things go really tits up and they get a hiding they leave quicker than a cat up a drainpipe.
  4. They can't help that they are successful. They felt pain when the Munich disaster happened. Alot of their away support is 'proper' support not prawn sarnie eating tourists and businessmen. Manchester City hate Manchester United more than us, yet they could put football rivalry aside for 10minutes, so why can't we when it is something we all want? Away games are all about going for a fun drink, song and dance. Standing up is part of matchday tradition, and more of the 'working class' attend away games, as well as young'uns. If you go to an away game and don't want to stand just don't go, only morons sit at away games. So you are speaking for all AWAY fans are you ? If I wish to sit I'm a moron. A bit fascist that mate. Read what I wrote. Standing is great in standing areas. Sit in seated areas. Get yourself a campaign going for standing areas not for standing in seated areas - you may be more successful. ManU was a completely different club 50 years ago, now they are a successful world corporate brand supported by people who like to be assciated with successful things but have no real allegiance. But they do have SOME real fans I concede. Their away support is probably one of the best in the country. Our campaign is for safe standing sections, not standing in seated areas. What's the point in going to an away game to sit? You might as well remain on the coach/train/plane or in the comfort of your armchair. If you had dodgy knees from playing football you may have a different opinion. I find your assertion that more of the "working class" attend away games a bit strange. Are there statistics to show that a particular socio-economic group is more likely to attend away games than home ones ? More dedicated fans probably, drunk more and louder certainly, but the costs involved in travelling and in some cases the price of tickets may actually mean the true "working class" fan doesn't get to travel as much as he or she would like. Thanks for clearing up that your campaign is for safe standing areas. Then I definitely support you. I just couldn't bring myself to walk alongside those plastic fans who taunted us mercilessly at Old Trafford recently. If they were Wigan or Hartlepool fans I'd probably consider it. While it is true not everyone wants to stand at away games I could safely say about 85%+ want to and it is that majority who should be catered for imo. I also agree that there is a much higher percentage of the 'working class' fans who attend away games compared to home games.
  5. Good luck with the march I hope the powers that be take heed. Lol, as if they are REALLY going to shut SJP down because of people standing I mean come on has there EVER been a major incident where people were hurt at SJP since the extension in 2000 because the away fans stood? I bloody hate these idiot council jobsworths.
  6. This is a total joke of a situation tbh. I have a question, when in town on matchdays i get numerous little plastic cards handed to me by scantily clad young women employed by various bars in the area containing fixture lists on the back. Do said bars pay for this?
  7. pedro111

    Stephen Carr

    Carr is an absoloute disgrace of a player. He cant kick a ball FFS. I know he has scored 3 or 4 screamers over his career but they were absoloute flukes. He should be made to walk from Villa park back to Newcastle, naked, and with a huge stone on his back which is also chained to his neck, homer style.
  8. It was deflected was it not? Yeah, but so what? You almost make it sound like they don't count. Take a look here for thoughts on the first half: http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=49846.msg1198510#msg1198510 Most people were pretty pleased. Dont get me wrong I was over the fcuking moon with the goal.
  9. It was deflected was it not? Hardly. Wasn't on the scale of the Bouma deflection. Who's to say that header wasnt going straight at the keeper before the deflection?
  10. Why were their fans booing at half-time then? Because they were frustrated as at times, the Villa players could barely touch the ball and weren't even challenging our players for getting the ball in the middle of the park. We were better than them in the 1st half. If we weren't, MON wouldn't have changed it around at half time like he did. Becasue they think they should have walked all over us from the off (which they eventually did) OK we may have done marginally better than them in the first half but to take solace in that fact is hardly inspiring for the remainder of the season.
  11. It was deflected was it not?
  12. Did they score? No Did we score? Yes Did we look a threat at times and pass the ball around well? Yes Could they muster 2-3 passes at times? No I say we did. The game was pretty even in that first half, yes we were comfortable but so were they and to say we out played them is a fuckin joke tbh, we scored a deflected goal. Realistically I can only see us getting 9 points from the remaining fixtures and that is being generous so fuck knows where that leaves us.
  13. I didnt think we out played Villa for the first 45 mins today.
  14. Totally shite story trying to stirr up trouble yet again.
  15. pedro111

    Level 7

    Just looking at those first few pics from Shearers testimonial, it is clear to see that the ground would look ten times better if we had black and white seats all round. whomever thought fcuking grey seats was the way to go wants shooting imo.
  16. I cant believe that a professional footballer who gets paid thousands upon thousands each week has no idea how to strike a ball on goal no matter what position he plays, his two attempts today where totally pathetic. Having said that, the rest of his game was ok.
  17. Well, the PA people totally fcuked it up again, playing local hero at the END instead of the beginning, and playing the blaydon races over the fans while they were trying to get some atmosphere going.
  18. Yep bring it back, I bet 90% of the players love it aswell. I remember years ago Woodgate said he loved the tune.
  19. There has been tons and tons of negative comments on the phone ins, most of which from what I can gather are based solely on a hatred of us the newcastle fans and our 'delusions of grandeur'. There has also been fans of other clubs with positive comments but they are far outweighed by the negative imo. Anyone who really thinks Newcastle is just a 'run of the mill, average, mediocre club that has no business being among the front runners in the Premier League' is having a laugh imo.
  20. What a cracking press conference i thought.
  21. Des Hamillton and Ian Rush. Both are approaching their peak.
  22. I know, but I hate the negativity in this thread. Or in this forum in general. Who knows, maybe Manure has an odd day or something. Have some faith.
  23. Seems an amazing price for someone who was seemingly finished and floating around from Liverpool to Man City a couple of years ago.
  24. The state of this forum in regards to it being so negative reflects the state of the club. Simple as. Agreed. No reason to kick off the same old arguments about Shepherd et al though. Yeah its boring but those sort of things are exactly the reason why they post negative things arent they? Maybe so. I thought the OP meant the general state of posts on here though. Always predicting the worst etc. I hate to sound sadistic but doesnt the worst invaribly seem to happen to us on the pitch?, and i believe that has had an effect on the fans (me included) and untill we see a major trophy hoisted aloft by a Newcastle captain I dont think that attitude will change unfortunately.
  25. The state of this forum in regards to it being so negative reflects the state of the club. Simple as. Agreed. No reason to kick off the same old arguments about Shepherd et al though. Yeah its boring but those sort of things are exactly the reason why they post negative things arent they?
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