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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. Ha ha the Mackems are sick as fcuk over on RTG!! Chopra £5million mackems.gif
  2. Lol, Ramages was the best goal IMHO.
  3. 'He's big, he's flash, He's got loads of fuckin cash, Big fat Ash, big fat Ash!"
  4. pedro111

    Song for Viduka

    "When the ball hits the goal, Its not Shearer or Cole, Its Viduka!"
  5. Not strictly true - Shepherd confirmed there was no clause saying he could leave after 12 months, which was being questioned at the time. But, he did also say "of course there are clauses, which players don't have them? Alan Shearer has them" or words to that effect. He didn't, and no-one else has confirmed or denied the existence of any other clauses since, relating to specific figures, or dependant on certain qualifications. Did he?.................thats news to me then.
  6. Can someone provide evidence where Owen, his agent or Shepherd has come out and said Owen has a £9 million release clause? When he signed it was catigorically stated there are NO release clauses in his contract. So either A) there is no release clause or B) We were lied to and there is but at £9m .....nah no way is it that low, it is at least £12m. I personally think this is just your usual paper drivel from the southern media trying to fuck up Newcastle.
  7. Loved the "please stay in your seats for the lap of honour" from the PA guy (I know he was under duress). BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
  8. Ive got to the point where I begrudge every English team any success in Europe and if its two English teams then I always choose the lesser of the two evils. I am so jealous of the top four its unreal, every time I witness one of their latest trophy successes it just compounds my mood and jealousy even more and it even got to the point where I lost my rag at work on Saturday. There was a Mackem and a Man U fan (from Birmingham) wanting me to justify to them why Shearer is a Newcastle legend cause he 'hasnt won anything' for us. I eventually lost the plot and had right go at the Man U fan saying 'You call yourself a Man U fan??, for a start you're from Birmingham....... and they are playing in their biggest game of the season, on the verge of winning the title and you are sat here at fcukin work when you should be at Goodison or at the very least off work and watching it on the telly! :tickedoff:
  9. Ha ha! Ive never thought of that before, its like an drugs councillor being off his head on crack!
  10. I believe that if we fail to win again this season Allardyce is in. Under the current circumstances I wouldnt mind really.
  11. lol, nice view of those b**stard listed buildings.
  12. pedro111

    Alan Ball Dies

    RIP, last time I saw him was when he was comentating on the U-21's against Italy at Wembley a few weeks back. Shame.
  13. pedro111

    Players in public

    Also, a few years back I saw Jenas in Greggs at Four Lane ends buying a ham sandwich and a bottle of Fanta.
  14. pedro111

    Players in public

    Seen loads out and about, but most notably when I worked as a barman in Whitley. - One bank holiday Monday Babayaro (whilst playing for Chelsea), was in Whitley, served him loads of times and he would buy like 2 bottles and pay with a £20 note and let me keep about £14 change!!, needless to say as a poor 18 year old I was over the moon!!! - Given used to come in on a weekly basis, once with Marcelino, Bassedas and Cardone! - When Bridges was at Leeds and done his leg in he would be on the piss on an almost nightly basis with a huge cast on his leg. Once he brought in Robbie Keane, Smith, and Kewell. Keane asked me for 14 Smirnoff Ice!
  15. Andy Sinton Rod 'Wonder goal' Wallace
  16. We seriously need a good old irish song to sing with the words changed to take the piss out of the Mackems and their ever growing Irishness.
  17. Complete bollocks list. Ive always hated WHL especially that police 'space ship' thing hovering above the away section last time I was there.
  18. Wont happen but if there was the slightest chance............one word YES!!
  19. At least we'll get two garunteed trips to wembley! They can be our cup finals! Spurs will nowhere near fill it so we'd get as many tickets as we like!
  20. Spot on mate, it was a disgrace the constant plugging of the Rod Stewart gig, just one of the many reasons why this club is shit.
  21. If the extension goes ahead the quality of SJP will put Parkhead to shame! Does anyone know if the east stand can be flattened and then redevolped at an incredibly steep angle much like certain stadia on the continent? Anyway I hope the capacity is not just extended to 60,000 I hope its something like 63 or 64,000. Just sounds better!
  22. Total shocking timing to announce this imo. BUT, it is a chance to create a singing section or go the whole hog and be the first club to introduce safe terracing so for an extra 8,000 seats we could fit an extra 16,000 in there standing. Just a thought.
  23. I predict: - Loads of injuries to key players for the umpteenth season in a row. - Average crowds in the League of 43,000. - Mid table mediocrity once again, with many already writing the season off by Feb. - Roeder out. (if not in the summer)
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