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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. pedro111

    Steven Taylor

    I dont think he's improved at all really since he has come on the scene. He is worth keeping though as in the next 2-4 years he may really step up a level or two.
  2. He was stuck in the queue waiting for a steak bake at Greggs near Four Lane Ends.
  4. Aye, cos we're full strength and all Aye, cos Everton are full strength and all. How are they not? Tim Cahill is really the only one missing. Plus, they actually have something to play for. Does Arteta not usually start? Fuck Everton playing for Europe, our players should be equally motivated for the 3,000 Geordies supporting them and by their hefty pay packets. Meh, roll on next season!
  5. Aye, cos we're full strength and all Aye, cos Everton are full strength and all.
  6. Nah, cant agree mate. He WILL miss a crucial pen sooner or later if he continues, mark my words and then you and me will be gutted. Cross that bridge when we come to it. Nah, lets never get to that bridge in the first place.
  7. Well, if Everton are our current yardstick we are miles behind them for fucks sake.
  8. Nah, cant agree mate. He WILL miss a crucial pen sooner or later if he continues, mark my words and then you and me will be gutted.
  9. and fucks off away from taking penalties. Radio Newc reckon it crept under Howard. Scored = good penalty. Well, it's not really that simple. Err, yes it is in my book. Sure, he might not be very convincing, but if he scores, he's done his job. He either scores or doesn't; succeeds or fails. Until he fails, he's taking good penalties. He failed miserably at pens whilst at Liverpool. And that matters to us because...? He's scored the ones he's taken for us. That's all that matters. Leaving it here because it's digressing a little. It matters to us because he has a track record of missing pens and has narrowly scored the ones he has taken for us and is a cert to miss in future if he keeps taking them. Btw, I love Michael Owen, I am just stating that his arse twitches alot when he is faced with a pen, he is more of a split second instinct finisher than a placement finisher.
  10. and fucks off away from taking penalties. Radio Newc reckon it crept under Howard. Scored = good penalty. Well, it's not really that simple. Err, yes it is in my book. Sure, he might not be very convincing, but if he scores, he's done his job. He either scores or doesn't; succeeds or fails. Until he fails, he's taking good penalties. He failed miserably at pens whilst at Liverpool.
  11. Aye, next season Owen should NOT be taking penalties. Terrible at them tbh.
  12. Good opening post. I am also f****** sick that we are getting a raping while Man U are on their way to their millionth league title.
  13. Yeah like already stated that season was a HUGE anti-climax or dissapointment, whatever you want to call it. We were on the cusp of becoming a bonafide top 3 team and the club simply couldnt be arsed to take the final step to make it so. The football at times was extremely poor and that is why no one stayed at the end and booed them off. The fans felt let down big style for the umpteenth time.
  14. Tony Mowbray can speak English but with a strangely mangled diction. Maybe he could be your halfway house? Nah, he's a smoggie so he cant manage our club.
  15. Why on earth would Ashley not want to give serious funds to attract these so called 'superstar players to get us into the top four?' after already spending 200+million on the club?. It is fucking ridiculous, does he want us to stagnate in mid table for ever? Everyone involved with managing the club needs to get a fucking grip.
  16. For the love of god can we please get red names and numbers on the back of our shirts as it looks class! Hopefully we will the season after next. http://im.edirectory.co.uk/p/1944/i/8273.jpg
  17. So then, what was his defining moment in a black & white shirt? That 30 yard screamer at Southampton?
  18. Having listened to the Bellamy interview with Supermac I thought would post a few general comments about what he said. - He reckons he played his best football of his career at Newcastle under Robson. - He seemed to value playing for Liverpool and Celtic more than Newcastle. - Admitted having a tiff with Shearer and sending 'those' abusive texts which he regrets now. The fallout was because he thought he and Kluivert should start and Shearer should be on the bench. - Despite the fallout with Shearer, he respects the hell out of him as a person and footballer and would like to forget about the bust up. - He told how Robson was completely undermined towards the end of his Newcastle tenure. The sale of Viana back to Lisbon and Kluivert to Newcastle were both done by the board, behind Bobbys back and in Kluivert's case, against Robson's will.
  19. In the style of Comic Book Guy................................Worst idea in history.
  20. Having no idea who he was and then reading the thread title, did anyone else think this thread was going to be about a split arse?
  21. For those interested, Supermac has done an interview with Craig Bellamy to be aired tomorow (Wednesday) night at 8pm on Century. Should be worth a listen.
  22. I have to laugh at people who hate a player because he is some sort of 'threat' to their favorite. Shearer was great, Ronaldo was great, end of really.
  23. Lol at Ronaldo's hatred of Shearer. You say he was a hinderance to us in our last two seasons?, well, ok then who did we have that was better that he was keeping out of the team in his last two seasons? And to claim that Shearer at his best was not on the same level as Ronaldo is also a total joke. Shearer at his best was the perfect centre forward and had he went to a team winning stuff every year would of scored tons more goals than he did but thank fuck for our sake he came home.
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