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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. I also agree that the ticket allocation is shocking. When is it ever going to change?
  2. For the love of god Zenit HAVE to win this.
  3. I havent read this entire thread but I'd just like to say that I hope we sign him up at all costs and he goes on to have another 4 or 5 top class seasons with us and finally help's land us a trophy. I fuckin love the guy, and if he is the man I think he is then he will stay but if he does leave now it will leave a very, very bitter taste in the mouth.
  4. Can still remember going mental in the away end at Blackburn when his goal put us through in the FA cup, it was immense!! Also scored against Coventry at home iirc.
  5. Its not harsh mate, even I can admit that going from Newcastle to Man U is always a step up as much as I hate to admit it. We have got to stop playing ouselves down, Newcastle is much the more attractive proposition to a player than Blackburn any way you want to look at it bar the last couple of years league positions I'll give you that one Come on, TOON TOON, BLACK& WHITE ARMY!! :lol: sorry for the confusion
  6. Aye, Scholes should have been off like. Any other team and he would have.
  7. Well, it can apply to mine aswell ! Forgive me, I was in a belittleing frenzy and could not distinguish friend from foe. :violent
  8. Its not harsh mate, even I can admit that going from Newcastle to Man U is always a step up as much as I hate to admit it. We have got to stop playing ouselves down, Newcastle is much the more attractive proposition to a player than Blackburn any way you want to look at it bar the last couple of years league positions I'll give you that one Come on, TOON TOON, BLACK& WHITE ARMY!!
  9. Seriously lads, we get accused all the time of over inflating the size/attractiveness/pull/prestige or whatever you want to call it of our club but going from Blackburn to Newcastle is ALWAYS a step up in your career (bar a brief period in the 90's). It might sound arrogant or whatever but its the truth.
  10. Christ, no wonder we get a bad press. Seriously, why cant we sign Bentley?, agreeing a fee would be the hardest part, after that it would be a formality. Because we've finished below Blackburn for the last 3 years? because he wants to progress? I'm sure he's licking his lips at a mid-table battle. Christ, no wonder we get a bad press. Seriously, why cant we sign Bentley?, agreeing a fee would be the hardest part, after that it would be a formality. Because we've finished below Blackburn for the last 3 years? because he wants to progress? I'm sure he's licking his lips at a mid-table battle. Depends if KK can talk to him. I'm sure we will finish above Blackburn next season. Exactly, only a fool would suggest Blackburn have more chance of progressing than us over the next few years. They have maxed out while we are coming out of our lowest ebb for years and arent a million miles behind them.
  11. People try to belittle us all the time mate, feels nice to have the shoe on the other foot for a change!
  12. Christ, no wonder we get a bad press. Seriously, why cant we sign Bentley?, agreeing a fee would be the hardest part, after that it would be a formality.
  13. I must say that I think that Alves is good like.
  14. Eh? How exactly is Bentley easy attainable? He plays for a diddy club whom finished above us in the league but that means very little in this instance really. We bid, they accept and he jumps at the chance to play for a more prestigious club and earn more money. Simple.
  15. I want Bentley and Bullard for starters me like. Both easily attainable targets who would improve us no end immediately and have us surging up the league.
  16. The collar on the new Chelsea one reminds me of our 1999-2000 strip with the shitty collar.
  17. Chelseas new kit looked horrible today, why do kit makers insist on these horrible collars which flap about everywhere? No imagination shown at all these days. I would like to see a return to shirts with mid to late 80's style collars and a slim fit.
  18. pedro111


    Its late, im fucked and cant decipher information well while I am in this state. So are we in Europe or are we not? Whats the difference between the 'disciplinary' table and the 'fair play' table?
  19. Owen's header against the Mackems. I've never heard a roar like that from a home crowd in years.
  20. The papers are gonna love this gagging order like. Tomorow's headlines are gonna be mental.
  21. Plus Sven to be sacked and they're still owned by a dispicable dictator. Aye!
  22. Just imagine how Man City are feeling now. Spanked 8-1 off the Boro, and Man U win the league. Sick as fuck tbh.
  23. I feel for you mate and you deserve a medal for not following them, nowt worse than glory hunting twats. With all due respect, your Island is full of them.
  24. Delighted for Fulham. A club with a lot of character and their fans deserve credit for not supporting the London glamour clubs. Birmingham and Reading are wretched, wretched clubs.
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