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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. One day maybe they will show a bit of imagination. Its not bad but they've had 2 fcuking years to be a bit creative.
  2. Now that was a good tune.
  3. pedro111

    football chants

    Might sound like a daft question but if the site you were on the other day had "every chant from every team" then why do you need to go to another site?
  4. pedro111

    ITV - shite

    I think hes alright he doesnt seem to ever say anything negative about us.
  5. pedro111

    ITV - shite

    Lol, Al Murray is their only saving grace imo.
  6. pedro111

    ITV - shite

    f****** spot on. Me and my lass pointed this out early on. Haha, cant believe you mensioned that, done it at every break then realised it was from channel 5! Ha ha Lol I was doing this aswell its a catchy little whistle tune!
  7. No, the reason we are in this s*** is we have some core problems deep within the mentality of the club, and basic on field problems which continually year by year are being failed to be addressed properly and we all know what those on field problems are. problems not being adressed properly? and you don't class OMFG we NEED Shearer as just that? jesus wept on a bicycle FFS That was just one person saying we need Shearer not the majority! Shearer would probably sort the basic problems out on the pitch and give us team which may challenge. He would certainly improve our lot no end imo, but the core problems im talking about are at this club are that we dont have a real desire to train hard, live a clean life and be the absoloute best, players are more than happy to come here and do the bare minimum for their wages and that is a fuckin disgrace and no one pulls them up over it. We get a brief spell when things go well and time and again everyone at the club thinks they're world beaters and the board start shouting their mouths off then it all blows up in our face and we NEVER learn from it. These are the two things which have to change in order for this club to win things.
  8. No, the reason we are in this shit is we have some core problems deep within the mentality of the club, and basic on field problems which continually year by year are being failed to be addressed properly and we all know what those on field problems are.
  9. I think some other manager has got to succeed in winning a trophy at this club before Shearer comes in as manager. He doesnt need that monkey on his back of trying to end the drought, I think if he comes in now it will all end in tears he needs to manage another club for a few years imo cause if he fails and gets the sack or walks that would be a wound I think that the club may never recover from.
  10. I usually get over it pretty quick but when things are going a bit shit in your personal life as they are for me at the moment witnessing this crap as we did tonight seems to just cement my mood even more.
  11. Good article, he's always seemed a canny bloke, if a little eccentric.
  12. pedro111

    Parker's fitness

    I think its just his style, a bit like Duff and Chris Waddle they just always look knackered. But to be fair to Parker he covers a hell of a lot of ground probably 3 times as much as the defence or attack.
  13. Have to say I like your optimism but I cant help feeling that major catastrophy number 10,234,567 in a cup competition is just around the corner.
  14. pedro111

    Eric Gates

    Twas a strange listen tonight, that Scottish woman practically crying because Gates had gone and that bloke saying hes formed the Eric Gates Liberation Front. Basically that show is bolloxed now, Gates was the key man.
  15. £5! have a word. So what mate thats about 45 mins pay for me and its obvious judging by the crowd tonight that most people feel the same about the price. We cannot fill the ground in Europe yet Freddy continues to charge too much and would rather play in a half empty stadium than cut prices and have a full house and reap the obvious advantages this would bring, plus he wouldnt lose as much money as he thinks he would.
  16. Basically, Im refusing to go because of the price. £20 is £5 too much even at this stage of the competition so I am sticking by my guns.
  17. Spot on Im in that category as well, first game attended was 1994, I was about 12 at the time and had to beg my dad to take me (who doesnt like football), so I would say about 90% of people aged 28 or under were not 'regular' match goers pre Keegan which is a huge chunk of the support if you think about it especially at away games. And even if they were they would of been so young as to not know what was going on really.
  18. Yeah I remember that. class!
  19. I know loads of people at work who although they claim to support Newcastle they really dont have a clue. They dont go to matches, dont even bother to go to the pub to watch them as most matches are on one channel or another, ill ask them if they saw the score lat night and they didnt even know we were playing half the time yet I find myself talking to them and getting in an argument about Newcastle, players and just the game in general and it really pisses me off. Like last week I was talking to this bloke about players who played 5 years ago but arent around now, then he claimed most of them couldnt make it today as the game is so much faster and better now than it was in 2002. Thats complete and utter bullshit and told him so but he dismissed what I was saying and that had me raging inside like how the f*** does he know? Ive went home and away for years while he watches the odd game usually the big four on the telly. :tickedoff:
  20. Its location makes it the best club ground in the UK for me I still wish though it was a little bit bigger around 60,000, I think its the capacity that stops it being a true world great.
  21. Have to say I dont like the fact they have the Shearer 1 finger salute it should be the more traditional, full out-streched hand with the little finger out slightly further ie: http://www.welshartsarchive.org.uk/galleries/images/ian_simmons/shearer.jpg
  22. I cant believe Ferdinand is so high on many peoples lists. Woody and Terry are the outstanding two, the rest are much of a muchness.
  23. Probably another decade of mid table mediocrity stumbling from one calamity to the next. Sad, but probably true.
  24. pedro111

    A new song

    The song you wrote will never catch on sadly but that was a cracking video on youtube! cheers !
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