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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. pedro111

    Fabian Schär

    Two amazing passes to start both goals. Especially the second.
  2. pedro111

    Alexander Isak

    Bring back the bucket of water and sponge I say. Back in the day the fear of the sponge cleared up our injuries real quick.
  3. pedro111

    Fabian Schär

    "Say ooh Ahh Fabian Schar, say Ooh Ahh Fabian Schar!"
  4. pedro111

    Fabian Schär

    Needs a fucking song like!
  5. Sounded unreal on the telly like. Seemed like itv didn't muffle the sound like everyone seems to do at SJP. Every chant was loud and clear and it was right from the off. Not just when we were winning. Never heard one song from Fulham. Just a wall of noise from us for 90 mins. Pure class.
  6. Missing Almiron big time here like. Got nothing down the right hand side.
  7. Eddie couldn't hide his smile there with that illness quote!
  8. How man, the gadgies down at Beamish think otherwise.
  9. Thanks. That is one of my favourites too. Loved the bloke and was genuinely devastated when he left.
  10. pedro111

    Harvey Barnes

    Can't wait to have him back. The beautiful arrow slinging bastard. Will be like a new signing.
  11. Word is going about lately that Beamish are interested in Leazes terrace. ?
  12. Thanks mate! Can you believe it's been about 20 years since I made those vids! I was just a fresh faced kid at the time. Now I'm a greying early 40s numpty wondering where that time has gone! Think I was a bit of a pioneer (haha) at the time as no-one else was making football vids like that. Now you look at today and they are everywhere! and done at a way higher level by people with more talent than me! The highlight for me was seeing them being played at St James' on a match day! Good times!
  13. Listen, I am no soopa fan or anything. Far from it. I've been following the team since the mid 90's, had a season ticket for nearly 15 years. Been to maybe 30 away games before I gave up when Rafa left as I could take no more. So I am speaking from a base of perhaps being a slightly more than average fan. One thing I will say is that I don't need to be asked twice to sing my heart out home or away. On saturday I watched the match in the Black Garter (don't ask! ) with six mates. Most of them better fans than me. In years gone by at least half of them would have been in that away end. But this year they're not, they are in the Black Garter. I know we still have loads of hardcore in the away end so don't get me wrong but it was immediately noticeable right from the off when the camera pans our away end, maybe it's me but a lot of these people don't look like our away fans. Standing there like mute lemmings, gently applauding. The goals go in and some are just stood there. I don't know about you but if I was at Sunderland Away and we scored I'd be expecting at least a minor injury of some sort in the celebrations. Anyhow, my voice was gone by half time in the pub. It was like Wembley revisited. Six passionate blokes giving their support in the pub. We are just six daft lads but it's clear that there are many more (better fans than us) who can't get in now. We have long had a reputation for having a great away support and it pains me so much to see it slowly becoming watered down.
  14. Never seen him before. Haha was pissing mesell watching that. Absolutely Hilarious. Thanks for that!
  15. pedro111

    Alexander Isak

    Needs a proper song like. It's criminal that nowt gets sung for him.
  16. Tossed and turned all night. Woke up ready to shit me pants. I'm 41 for fucks sake. Fuck this match. I hate derby day.
  17. Starting to get that sickly feeling in the pit of my stomach.
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