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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. Only at this club could this level of incompetence happen. Yet another reason to hate the regime.
  2. I just saw this and couldn't wait to come on here and rage but i see others have beat me to it! Absolute disgrace from Beardsley. How out of touch can one man get? Cant believe a club legend has stooped to piping off a owner and manager who have nothing but contempt for the club and fans. What a twat.
  3. What do we know as NUFC fans? Well we know that nine times out of ten when we want something we don't get it so we should all face up to the reality that Pardew will some fucking how turn this around to an 'acceptable' level with a few wins to keep him here at least another six months. We as a fan base are cursed.
  4. What I want to know is why the fuck are these players trying for this cretin? Its beyond me. Play shit get him sacked. Simple.
  5. Good read. Finally people are starting to see where the fans are coming from and that we are not such a demanding bunch after all. Apart from Leeds being the better one club city because it apparently has 'four times as many people living there'. It always amazes me how many times people misjudge the size of Newcastle. The true size of Newcastle is not simply the number of people living within the small city boundaries but the number of people living in Tyneside as a whole and its immediate surroundings. This means Newcastle is very comparable population wise to Leeds and not one quarter of its size as the article suggests.
  6. He's been talking shite for a few weeks now. Just comes across as part of the old boys network, not prepared to tell it like it is. Fucking boring to listen to. He feels sorry for Pardew now. It beggars belief.
  7. Steve Howey is an absolute fucking numpty. Saying the fans have got to back the team AND the manager. The radio makes me angry. Big Geordie, hurry up and get on there.
  8. As people have said, Pardew was always Ashley's wet dream of a manager because he is a yes man who will take a low wage and never challenge his way of doing things. It has got to the point now though where the wet dream is well and truly over and Ashley is frantically trying to bin his spunky kegs somehow without his mam seeing them. Its just gonna take a little more patience on our part.
  9. Fuck me. Its not happening it's it?
  10. So he's not sacked yet? Wtf?
  11. Hoping for another 4 nil trouncing but knowing that spawny cunt we will probably win.
  12. We're going to beat Stoke aren't we? And this fucker will be safe for the next couple months at least. I hate this fucking club.
  13. pedro111


    To use a wrestling analogy, the folk running the sack pardew website, the protesters and most of the people on here are 'smart' marks. The sad reality is that the rest of our fanbase are simply marks. People need to smarten up and fucking quick.
  14. Exactly. I have woken up in less of a radgie today. In the cold light of day yesterdays result was piss poor in the extreme. He will be gone soon we just have to have patience.
  15. Today really couldn't have went any worse. We were on the cusp of getting rid of this cunt and then today happens. What a thoroughly depressing reality being a Newcastle fan is. Standing there fuming while most around me were going crazy over a 2-2 with Hull was genuinely one of the worst feelings ive ever had as a fan. This is going beyond a joke now. Never thought I would hate our own fans but today I did. It was sickening being shouted down for protesting, it was sickening watching people accepting their lot without question or pause. The whole place was detestable from top to bottom. Fair play to everyone who tried to make a difference but this once great club is now only great in memories alone. Fuck man, I still remember the day I found out a billionaire had bought the club , I was ecstatic but this is NUFC and I should have known it would have turned out like this.
  16. Never have i felt so demoralised leaving the ground as after this match. 2-2 against fucking Hull and our happy clapper moron fans ate this shit up like gravy. Mass hysteria at 2-2 man fuck right off. Got shouted at on 5 mins for protesting by two absolute muppets. "Support the team" etc they came out with. Today proved it for sure, most of the fans with brains are long gone and most of what are left are complete brainless, spineless, blind fucktards of the highest order. Absolutely sick as fuck that this cunt clings onto his job.
  17. pedro111


    I dunno predo, the whole team looks shot, along with the manager and coaching staff. All a team has to do is be organised and they'll win. I pray you are right mate I just have this niggling feeling.
  18. pedro111


    With our luck, we will win this game. FFS.
  19. For the first time in my life I celebrated a defeat on Saturday. Never thought I`d ever do that Ever The first time? Really? I've been supporting the opposition for months and months now. You must be a very patient man.
  20. Depressing as fuck watching them cream themselves over their new signings which signal the end of their so called 'hard' times.
  21. Hes going to fluke a win against Hull to prolong the pain isnt he?
  22. Tony Gale boiled my piss on the commentary. Basically backed Pardew to the hilt and criticised our fans for being inpatient and delusional. Really man really? In 2014 cunts like that get jobs on the telly.
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