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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. One little league cup victory and I'll go to my grave a happy man.
  2. I believe yesterday has sealed his fate. The team will only get worse and injuries will compound the fact. He has nowhere to run now. Thought it would take a lot longer than 3 games before I would start to support the opposition again but we need things to go downhill super fast from this moment on.
  3. It pisses me off how for the past 10-15 years it seems like every single class player we get both a) never fulfills even half his potential with us and b) always departs in a bad messy way which leaves everyone fucked off. Don't even know why I celebrate signings anymore. You can garuntee the same will happen with Cabella, De Jong, Janmaat et al.
  4. Most talented dribbler I've ever seen play for us. A fucking travesty tbh. Fuck NUFC.
  5. Nightmare this like but I suppose its one step closer to Pardew getting the sack and for that we should be thankful.
  6. Shambles at the back, toothless going forward despite the three goals. Abysmal.
  7. Why would Man City need 62k? Always see empty seats at the current capacity.
  8. Hate the way this cunt smiles when hes taking about our deficiency's.
  9. Get this fucker in the team now ffs.
  10. Painful to watch up front. Once injuries start to bite this team is bang average. Pardew is a mug.
  11. Such an incredible voice and style of reading the results. Like others have said, his voice brings back so many childhood memories. RIP.
  12. The whole scenario is typical of this club. This lad should be tearing the league up right now. Fucking Obertan came on and Ben Arfa probably wasn't even in the stands ffs. Complete joke.
  13. I thought that too! Desperately harsh criticising him for the second IMO, hell even the first given the quality.
  14. Why show Dzeko praising the Man City fans? Its fucking easy to support a team like that.
  15. I have to say after seeing the kits closeup today they are appalling. Shocking iron on badge and some of the stitching would be put to shame by even the worst of fakes.
  16. pedro111

    Shola Ameobi

    Still can't get my head around this. Was this really the best option he had? Crazy.
  17. Even when we win it's mostly unbearable to watch as well. I'd rather watch Pedro and Ben Arfa have a kick about in training, I honestly would. You're right. I spent a good part of last season sitting there hoping we would lose and toward the end of the season I would leave the stadium actively fuming when we had scraped a win. Shit times.
  18. Just when I had even the slightest hint of regret about giving up my season ticket, cuntface comes out with this interview. So happy I didn't renew. We have elite level muppets running this club and the sooner the last remaining people realise this the better. Another bang average or worse season awaits. Oh the joy.
  19. pedro111


    Re the Mag at work thing. I usually find that the more sane Mackems at work are the ones who are actually Geordies!
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