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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. Absolute donkey who cost the goal today. I'd take Mbiwa at his worst every day of the week.
  2. pedro111

    Loïc Remy

    The first one was fine, nothing special. The second one was beautiful though. Better than fine id say. Really hard to strike the ball from that angle precisely into the corner.
  3. pedro111

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He would have either scored or got some assists the way we played first half. Would have made the result for more comfortable than it turned out to be; ridiculous to bench him after ONLY two bad performamces.
  4. pedro111


    This is going to make it all the worse when we lose the derby.
  5. Ben Arfa should have played today and we would have won this convincingly. He would have thrived in that first half and been deadly on the counter in the second; hell even once or twice in the last 5 minutes when he came on he looked more than threatening.
  6. The thing that annoyed me was how easily Cardiff seemed to just stroll through into our box time and again second half. It led to a few last second Colo cleverness and Williamson Balls in your face moments to save us.
  7. A few decent counters but most of the time we just hoofed it forward any old place. Like I say Ben Arfa at 60 mins would have seen us score again.
  8. Delighted with the 3 points but that second half took the gloss off it quite a bit. Brilliant first half, Horrific second where we looked like conceding every time Cardiff attacked us. We couldnt string two passes together mostly. Ben Arfa should have been on for Gouffran about 25 mins earlier than he was and we would have wrapped that game up imo.
  9. That was the same old typical Newcastle that we have seen year in year out after a couple of good wins. We become immediately complacent, take our mental foot of the gas, loose the bit between our teeth and are embarrassed at home by dross. Albeit they were dross who played half decent. It happens all the fucking time and it pisses me right off. Someone mentioned that it is symptomatic of a small club mentality and I agree with them.The players should have been salivating and straining at the leash to go out there and rip Hull to shreds. Instead we got that 'we've cracked it', half arsed, lackadaisical, just have to turn up to win attitude. It stinks.
  10. Disgrace of a highlights package on MOTD. Apart from the goals only showed one other shot from us. What's the fucking point?
  11. pedro111

    Papiss Cissé

    Sooner or later I think he's gonna start banging them in again. Gotta stick with him.
  12. pedro111

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    This lad can do whatever the fuck he wants on the pitch in my eyes. Couldn't give a fuck if he loses the ball alot. Hate it when the crowd get on his back if he has the ball for more than three seconds. He is an absolute magician. He is everything I want a footballer to be and if I was a footballer I'd basically want to be him. He is THE very definition of a flair player. It will kill me when he goes.
  13. I know you said £200m at the very least, but I honestly think it would need to be someone with many times more than that. Buying the club is one thing, you then have to be able to fund it to a higher level than it is now. Someone who can just about buy the club isn't what we need, it needs to be small change to them. An extreme example I know but I really shudder to think where we'd be if Ashley had sold out to Barry Moat - an enthusiastic owner no doubt but that "pieced together" finance package of his was so small time. I know that, £200m wouldn't even scratch the surface. Was just saying it's all well and good having the Ashley out campaigns, but without a buyer it's futile. It is. And there's no guarantee of someone better coming in tbh, in recent memory there have been worse owners of Premiership football clubs than Ashley. Debatable. Hicks/Gillett. Ashley is far worse than them. They still spent vast sums on players and finished 2nd in the league. Give me Hicks and Gillett any day. I'd even take new owners who were skint after buying the club but did their best with what they've got even if it meant little investment on players and a worse team than we have now. I just want to feel like everyones pulling in the same forwards direction again.
  14. Fucks sake, we have more than enough proper rajee cunts knocking about the city centre on a match day to make this happen.
  15. Don't fuck with me plan man! It's fool proof! Hopefully the protests would be big enough to make him want shot of the club sharpish and take a big loss on it.
  16. I would love for this to happen. Any ideas on how it could be done? Sustained protests home game after home game after home game are the only way to force him out and it wouldn't even take that long in my opinion. Loud, proud constant anti Ashley songs before, during and after each game. Get it all over SSN's and MOTD. You wouldn't even need that many people to be honest just enough to swamp the main entrance pre and post match like the Hull game after Keegan left. We need to make a big enough din to get the the message across. Would be gone within the year if we could pull this off. We just need a General to organise and lead the troops.
  17. At the end of the day we have that many morons in our support who go to the games, buy the shirt and never question the shit thats served up that it makes it almost impossible for this to succeed. We here on this forum are a tiny fraction of our support in total and then even when you add those other fans who could be 'converted' into buying it you've still got a small amount of people imo. THE only way to force Ashley out is mass and persistent protests game after game until he goes. A complete poisonous atmosphere toward him and his regime. Even if it fucks the club up on the pitch. I don't think we'll ever see the unity and organisation in our support to see it though. Sadly.
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