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Everything posted by pedro111

  1. I believe that the best players at the club for the most part realise that the whole management/ownership setup is one big joke and that whatever personal ambition they may have as players is not matched in the slightest by the club and therefore perhaps subconsciously they don't give their best. I think this was a big factor last season and with the whole JFK saga and lack of positive transfer activity this summer I believe the problem will only be exacerbated, particularly if Pardew shows no signs of improvement as a manager in their eyes from last season to this. Morale is clearly on a knife edge and things could spiral out of control in the first few months of the season quite easily.
  2. As with any former industrial heartland there are vast swathes of our city region where kids have been brought up with a) poor education and b) little to no morals. As we were a bigger industrial heartland than most, we will always have as far as I can see a big charver element within our support.
  3. Our scouting "network" consists of one man which says all you need to know. I'm sure I've read before that there are a couple of others and not just Carr but I would bet that we have less than five scouts. Appalling really. Honestly, the club would be better off coming on here and asking the forum. Bet it has more knowledge than the scouting system.
  4. I bet that if our entire recruitment team/scouting network or whatever you want to call it was laid bare for us all to see that we would find that it is even more third rate and amateur than we all suspect it to be.
  5. Time is running out man, just sign some players man fuck fuck FUCK!!!111
  6. I wish he would talk to them more tbh as it would speed up the process of getting rid of him as he would eventually say something to a) get himself sacked b) get himself arrested or c) get himself so worked up that he has another heart attack. Any of the three options and I'm happy.
  7. This. The appointment of Kinnear has basically ruined the entire season for me before a ball has even been kicked. Really wouldnt be arsed if all our best players are sold and we are relegated. It's that bad. Just want this fat cunts regime gone so we can start again at whatever level we find ourselves at if that ever happens. What a sad state of affairs at such a great football club.
  8. At times Owen did look class for us coming deep and picking the ball up and then doing something useful with it.
  9. Turned down by Mick Harford. Truly a new low, but what a beautiful one.
  10. Cancel it, don't give them any more money. this is the only course of action left now really wonder why ashley isn't trying to sell the club though? you'd imagine someone would be interested with all the TV money floating about and how he's got the club running well financially...how much were fulham just bought for btw? could he get his 250m back for us? can't see why not myself like... Wish I could bring myself to actually go and cancel it. Sadly, I am a Newcastle fan, I go to matches, this is what I do.
  11. This shit just gets better and better. I'm overjoyed that I am paying over five hundred quid when I can't really afford it to watch these bunch of complete fuckwits rip our club to shreds this season.
  12. pedro111


    See what you've gone and started Mike? If only you'd fancied La Toya Jackson all those years ago when I did then maybe none of this would have happened.
  13. pedro111


    Can't believe that their signing of Altidore has made Mike like this. The quicker he gets sold the better, this Mike is troublesome.
  14. pedro111


    In this one thread, Mike is quickly undoing a lot of the good work he has done on here over the years.
  15. Fuck man, direct debits for next season have already come out.
  16. Goaltierrez was genius from JFK. It has to be said.
  17. With the way JFK is shooting from the lip I guess we can take solace in the fact that the inevitable implosion will come sooner rather than later. Perhaps even before the start of the season. Im still trying to figure out if Ashley is doing this on purpose or if he is indeed just thick as fuck and believes Kinnear genuinely is the right appointment.
  18. Cant believe that interview I am speechless. Yohan Kebab, derek Llambezi, Hatem Ben Afri. I speak to Alex Ferguson every week etc etc. This situation is so surreal. We are truly a madhouse.
  19. It is literally like having a Will Ferrell impersonation of a manager/director of football in charge of the club but THIS IS REAL LIFE.
  20. Absolutely unbelievable this. That interview is a car crash of the highest order. In what universe is this clown even 1% qualified for this job? His incompetence is only surpassed by that of Ashley and Llambias. Astonishing stuff this like. Totally crazy. What have we done as a people to deserve the crap we are continually served up? Fucks sake.
  21. If they are just painting over it it means that the sign is still there just hidden! Should have scraped the fucker up tbh.
  22. I know it's not fashionable to praise our support but that's now three home defeats in succession, 0-10 on aggregate, all three matches saw full houses and if there was another game next week it would be packed out once again. All this after the season/decade we've had. Unbelievable man, we really are a unique club, mostly for the wrong reasons but in this regard we really are world class.
  23. Been in some cracking atmospheres in big allocations before. Not that I travel away much these days like.
  24. pedro111

    Alan Pardew

    Thought they already had?
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