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Cheshire Mag

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Everything posted by Cheshire Mag

  1. Can see me and me old man stood next to the fruit machine
  2. What a steaming pile of turd this game is.
  3. Where are yous drinking once you arrive in Wigan? last time I went (06/07) there was only some crappy sports bar and a Harvester-style pub. Ketsbaia and I will be there. I think you'll recognise him. If so, come over and I will break my duck of letting people off the forum know who I am! Red Robin or something is it? rings a bell. All I remember is they got proper arsey because a few of our lot were "being disruptive" to a few families trying to enjoy a quiet Sunday dinner. Anyone else in there Boxing day when the "pass it on" incident happened? Aye!! :lol: TBF, the glass collector was loving it until he got passed into a light shade and it smashed on the floor!! Chants of "your getting sacked in the morning" soon followed!
  4. Red Robin is a good place for a few beers before/after. In the middle of a trading estate about 2 minutes walk from the away end and always packed full of our lot.
  5. What a shame for redknapp and Remy. Still, never mind, ay? :lol:
  6. Sounds like the decision is being made by our medical team in discussions with the French lot too - in hindsight might have been better to do the operation back in December, but then I've no idea if that has other associated risks so I'm basically just guessing like everyone else! It's always best to go without surgery if you can avoid it isn't it? I think that's what they're trying to decide now. Journal says he's going to be assessed by French surgeon to Paris St Germain and the French national doctors. Seems it's a case of scar tissue in the hamstring and whether a prolonged recovery will sort yeild 100% recovery without surgery or whether only surgery itself will sort the problem. Disappointing but confident he'll be back fine for next season. What do PSG have to do with anything concerning him?
  7. How many we taking down there this year? Always a good away trip is Wigan.
  8. Cheshire Mag


    Bruce started it not long after 5-1 FTM, it may even have been that match actually. That email isnt seriously from MONg is it?! :lol:
  9. Doesn't remember sol Campbell joining them from spurs or that welsh midfielder they have then.............
  10. Piers Morgan in the Fox Soccer studio as the Arsenal pundit :lol:
  11. Cheshire Mag


    How funny would it be if Sports Direct bought the naming rights? :lol:
  12. http://news.bbc.co.uk/olmedia/80000/images/_81757_portrait_alen_boksic.jpg
  13. Already been denied by the owner yesterday
  14. Commentator on Fox sports said it was nothing. Certainly a raised elbow from there guy.
  15. http://www.worldfootballers.com/images/Galleries/telfer_shot.jpg Paul Telfer.
  16. 10/10 Eastern European girls always end up with average Eastern European men. No justice, tbh.
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