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Cheshire Mag

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Everything posted by Cheshire Mag

  1. If Sissokho comes it must mean the end for Tiote. Cant see how Tiote, Cabaye, Anita & Sissokho can fit into the same team. Oh well.
  2. His best game this season, IMO. We still need something else down the left though.
  3. Id say more if cabaye had been playing we would have got something, him in for perch and hba for cisse would have been perfect for today. True about Cabaye. Tiote seems to have been told to take on Cabayes position in the side which isnt his game and nulifying his defensive qualities.
  4. Anita MOTM by a country mile. Decent performance by all IMO, yes even Williams and Simpson. Poor first half by Santon though. Had HBA been playing, dare I say it, we would have got something out of this.
  5. The 8 bells. whereabouts? Just up the road before the 9 bells, can't miss it. :lol:
  6. He certainly knows how to spot them doesnt he, good ol' Marty :lol:
  7. Whats all this 'wunderteam' bollocks about?
  8. Don't remember a Williamson hoof tonight, good stuff. P.s if you were sat behind me in the Leazes moaning your head off at everyone and having to explain to your lass the basic rules of football, your an idiot.
  9. More chance of him eating her, tbh.
  10. http://www.footballgroundguide.com/stoke_city/#Britannia-Stadium-Stoke-Pubs
  11. That Redknapp smile on the BBC Football main page :lol:
  12. Cheshire Mag

    Alan Pardew

    He's rattled. Performances are one thing, but why is he so rattled? Is there a bigger problem going on and that he's lost the players? Where is our resident ITK, Golfmag?
  13. Cheshire Mag

    Alan Pardew

    Blaming it on injuries in his interview. Standard.
  14. Le Tissier as he is now would still have a field day against us. Still have nightmares about that fucker.
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