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Cheshire Mag

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Everything posted by Cheshire Mag

  1. Tbf, Kendall is back on the sauce quite heavy again.
  2. Has this ever actually happened? I'm starting to think the chronicle are following a different Newcastle United to the rest of us.
  3. 1/2.... what the fuck?? Moyes is off to Germany
  4. Can take the player out of Liverpool................................
  5. Does he even get game time for QPR this whopper?
  6. :lol: What the hell!? What the holy hell is that?
  7. Just stuck a tenner on Barca/Real final in CL @ 40/1.
  8. Chris Moyles that aint it? EDIT: Where did the picture of Mr. Horsepuncher go??
  9. Hardly weakened IMO. Perch only just back from injury so of course Williamson is going to play. HBA only just back from injury so he was never going to start. Only one is Marv for Bigi. Maybe Marv is knackered and doesnt have as high a stamina as say someone like, Santon or Jonas.
  10. Cheshire Mag

    Steven Taylor

    Good job we have Williamson to rely on..................................
  11. Been utter pish for the last month. Needs to up his game, fast.
  12. Krul & Cisse are the only ones to come out of this with any credit. Rest of them can get fucked, tbh.
  13. Get off your high horse Could see why he passed, and Lima was clearly looking for it when he noticed that Santon was surrounded. Aye, wasnt like Lima was stood on the edge of the 18 yard box or anything..........................
  14. Cheshire Mag


    Why wasn't there all this fuss when he took charge at Swindon?
  15. Already been exposed as a fake somewhere I think. Retrotastic. http://cache2.asset-cache.net/gc/78985269-sport-football-pic-1991-arsenal-players-left-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=fOqRSGnZREbdOD5U9z9TH2RVMg7v%2Fm%2Ba9zuoVW7arp4fXUZNvMOiZeVFFdeuwYo6hAfYbFdfP3hh12Hpc5HFzw%3D%3D Maybe they are going to appoint George Graham as new manager too
  16. Already been exposed as a fake somewhere I think.
  17. Cheshire Mag


    Funny you should say that. An Everton fan at work who is rarely wrong on stuff concerning them has said that too and that Martinez will go to Everton.
  18. Thought Chelsea had first option on him? Cant see them turning that down as it looks like Torres is back of to Atletico Madrid, leaving them with Ba. Think about it.
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