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Cheshire Mag

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Everything posted by Cheshire Mag

  1. I have a funny feeling we will be drawn in the same group as Inter Milan.
  2. Videoton would be a good trip, 60p a pint in Budapest
  3. Reckon it was where Pardew was told who was leaving. Pards threw a hissy and tore it all down.
  4. He's never played in the Premier League but he has scored for Scotland.
  5. £5 Million for Emnes :lol:
  6. They aren't at the stadium. So understand why they didn't know as the tv camera didn't show the referee brandishing the red card. Still, bit of a farce, wasn't it? Car crash commentary, tbh.
  7. Just what I have read, doesnt mean its true. Sky Sport 24 are also the people who said we had sold Ba to Galatasaray. Id hold fire before breaking out the razor blades, tbh.
  8. Sky Sport 24 'claim' that Real Madrid have agreed a fee of €7 million with Lille for Debuchy.
  9. Cheshire Mag


    Remember them saying the same shit about the FA Cup last season until they got dicked by Everton. After beating the mighty Morcambe :lol:
  10. Fuck that. Got booted out of QPR last season didnt he?
  11. I dont even think that we are going to bother with it this season, tbh.
  12. Seem to remember that he was ill all week in the build up to that game too. Could be wrong like.
  13. I can hear a can of worms being opened!
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