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Cheshire Mag

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Everything posted by Cheshire Mag

  1. Mike Jones from Chester is the ref tomorrow. Looks like we have a home ref here guys.
  2. Cheshire Mag

    Joey Barton

    Well done Lee, you have done a good job with that one. Tit.
  3. Cheshire Mag


    Take it he didnt get on tonight then after being told he would start? :lol:
  4. Just read someone on twitter reckons Brugge are going to allocate 1400 (!) tickets to NUFC. Got to be bullshit that.
  5. No, not at all but we didnt sign Debuchy and Simpson and Raylor are injureed. We have to try something dont we?
  6. Leon Knight has been arrested apparently over this SAP business and had his twitter account suspended :lol
  7. The guy has a screw loose. Not really, apart from some nipples that look like they have expired
  8. Also, there is a difference between Joe Bloggs, employee of Sainsbury's, and professional footballers who represent their club and its sponsors and therefore their behaviour is associated with their brand. Also Man City have a duty of care to their staff and I think they have failed here. You can't go throwing money at kids without ensuring they spend it responsibly IMO. This is more of a football in general thing rather than being aimed at Man city though. And most of all that kid is a complete and utter idiot. You come out with some right shit you do.
  9. Bigi and Perch in the middle for Everton away!! :lol: Your off your bloody rocker.
  10. Cheshire Mag

    Alan Pardew

    The whole season that 3 games old.
  11. Van der Wiel is at PSG now isnt he?
  12. https://twitter.com/NUFCAgent Look at some of the shit this fella is posting. People are believing it too!!
  13. Maybe (likely, like) they´re not The family that own them are minted like.
  14. http://cdn2.blog.nileguide.com/destination/blog/london/files/2011/04/Michael-Jackson-statue-in-London.jpg Phillippe looks like he is loving it at the end of that photo!
  15. Bastards!!!! Would have been a good trip to Budapest!!
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