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Cheshire Mag

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Everything posted by Cheshire Mag

  1. Reckon Juventus could do with him like
  2. Ashley Young really starting to annoy me now
  3. Just read on the sky sports app that one of the owners reckons he took Fulham up from the championship??
  4. Cheshire Mag

    NUFC Kits

    That is utterly shit, good old template kit. Home kit isn't much better either. Toffs it is again next season. Looks like last seasons GK top with the sleeves cut off!
  5. This BT channel going to be free to BT Vision subscribers?
  6. Milner has been total gash too.
  7. They are the ones that keep the crowd singing, tbh.
  8. You what? Sorry, didn't realise I couldn't shout for my own country. Think he was asking what "COYBIG" meant...................
  9. Was already on his way down
  10. What happened to Ralf Ragnick(sp?). Thought he was nailed on for WBA job?
  11. They are busy that week playing in the We Dont Give A Fuck Cup
  12. Aye! Got loads on me shelf in the conservatory!
  13. Scousers in work calling him B Rod
  14. Fucking hell, does he wanna buy any more strikers? He's already signed Vaz Te, Maynard, Morrison and Piquionne as forwards. Just pissing money away down there - again. Can't see it ending well. Dont think Piquionne has much of a future at Wet Spam tbh. Was on loan at Doncaster last season, IIRC.
  15. Fancy a cheeky £1 on him being top scorer at the Euros. Cant find him anywhere though................
  16. These players were already 'stars' who played internationally. Only difference is the British audience now know who they are, though those who take an interest in European football must have already known who these players were. Ba was highly rated at Hoffenheim, Cisse was consistently banging the goals in for an awful Freiburg side and Cabaye was pulling the strings for and captaining the team who won Ligue 1. They weren't stars in England. And the EPL is the biggest league on earth. Maybe they were well-known among informed fans. But they've all crossed over to mainstream name recognition. Before Newcastle brought them in, none of these players were linked to Champions League clubs, were they? And even if you disagree with this assessment, my larger point stands. Newcastle is an attractive place for quality players - who are not going to command 20 million transfers - to come and build their reputation. Santons value increased to whom exactly?
  17. I'm pretty certain Gerald Sibon was one of the over-23s for Holland in 2008. #Mackemlogic Catts is the man for poster #5 like
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