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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. It's the "proper players" argument all over again
  2. He's fine, the Terry trial is being heard at a magistrates court. I think mags, much like crown court judges, are considered able to make their decision based on the facts at hand rather than supposition in the media/online. If Terry was being tried by jury then Barton would be in court on Monday.
  3. Ben Arfa comes with significant disadvantages, i.e. his tendency to give away the ball, his lack of defensive support etc. What's supposed to cancel out these disadvantages is supposed to be his unparalleled flair and natural ability that can produce moments of brilliance. As such, his production needs to be held to a higher standard than others. He's the kind of player you'd expect to turn things around when the others aren't preforming well. If he is just expected to play well when the rest of the team does and is immune to criticism when he plays badly, (he was much worse than most of his teammates were against Blackburn mind,) what's the point? Obviously he's better than Obertan, but Obertan is fucking terrible. This guy needs to be held to higher standards. You're right, however let's judge him after he's had a decent run of starts, rather than a handful in a variety of positions/formations in starting XIs where the contrast in quality is often stark. Wor kid raised an interesting point in Wednesday night - we hoof the ball long almost every goal kick, continually giving it away in the process so it's a bit daft to do your nut about HBA losing it a few times a match.
  4. I'm not talking about his character but about his football. He needs to understand that professional football is different than school playgrounds. He's more than capable to "purify" his football for the better. I agree there are areas of his game he probably needs to keep a handle on more often. For example trying to beat half a dozen players instead of playing the easy pass backwards can be a right pain in the arse, however if he wasn't trying to go past his man we'd have half the fuckers on here whinging about that too
  5. Very few players are capable of carrying an entire team by themselves. HBA might turn into one of these players, but you're asking too much of him to do it after playing only 18 games in 18 months in a team that is missing it's main goal threat and arguably one of the best centre midfield pairings in the league. Ben Arfa is clearly a player that thrives when there's movement in front of him. Off the top of my heard I can think of his pass for Best against QPR and his through ball for Simpson against Brighton. Both genuinely brilliant passages of play that should've resulted in a goal. Unfortunately those moments are few and far between and will be until we get Ba and Cisse playing regularly.
  6. There's too much in the way of expectation that he'll perform at the top of his game every single game from some of our fans at the moment. He's coming back after a very serious injury and he's still adjusting to the English game. Baffling to think that Obertan has more appearances to his name than HBA, despite the latter being here for 12 months more. I've seen enough since the Bolton game (what is it? 3 goals and 3 assists?) to give me heart that he'll develop into a top player for us. Blackburn was an off day for almost everyone and frankly it's scandalous we came away with 3 points given how badly we played. It's extremely harsh to single him out for criticism. Personally I think his attitude has been spot on. We've seen little of the l'enfant terrible we were promised when he signed, both on and off the pitch. He seems to accept he's got to fight for his place and he may not get on the pitch every game, so I've no idea where this notion he needs to grow up comes from.
  7. He's always had that languid style to his game, but it certainly got worse after his hip injury (which he postponed getting seen too at the instance of Roeder so he could play for us - a notice to all those who suggest he doesn't care nor try). I wouldn't be surprised if that's limited his mobility or is still causing him pain. Wasn't it touch and go whether he'd be able to kick a ball again?
  8. Winter weather killed over 100 people in Europe yesterday. South Yorkshire Police will be gutted their record has been broken.
  9. He'll get a big ol' clap from me when he jogs over to the Gallowgate End on Sunday. The bloke's a club legend and played a rather significant part in much our recent history. I've no real issues with the way he left us, at the time I was just very disappointed that he did, mainly because I thought he'd see his career out here. In hindsight it's probably worked out for the best if we're honest.
  10. There are very strong suggestions from journalists in the Middle East that the Egyptian government was behind the violence. Al-Ahly's ultras have been at the heart of the revolution movement and upset the military leaders. There are eye witness reports from people saying that the security forces locked the doors so Al-Ahly fans couldn't get out and encouraged Al-Masry supporters to attack them, who were conveniently tooled up to the eyes with bats, knives and fucking swords. The timing is extremely convenient too as it allows them to justify keeping the state of emergency in place which they were under pressure to relax. Shady as ferk.
  11. Modeste is a fucking diabolical striker
  12. This, basically. Which results in him trying to do far too much himself and losing the ball.
  13. He's part of Ranger's posse I think.
  14. We might be able to, but lets be honest with the way the club is now being ran it was always a long shot unless we could get genuine value. I don't recall using the words expensive or top class
  15. The extra the wanted is basically worth a single place in the league for prize money. If we need to play Perch for more than a handful of games then we'll slip. I can totally understand not being held to ransom over transfers. If a club is taking the piss and wanting far more money than the player is worth then we need to keep on walking away....But if we're talking a few hundred grand then we need to bite the bullet and pay. Had it been a few million on a big transfer then fair enough - this is (relative) peanuts. To be fair if the club really do have one (or two) of the players we've seen mentioned lined up to come in during the summer then I can understand the reluctance to not waste cash on a centre back now. It could effectively be £2 million down the drain if whoever we buy is immediately fourth or fifth choice in six months time. I do think it's daft the club have decided the loan market is a waste of time and money mind. Fair point Just hope not signing an CB doesn't cost us. Me too
  16. The extra the wanted is basically worth a single place in the league for prize money. If we need to play Perch for more than a handful of games then we'll slip. I can totally understand not being held to ransom over transfers. If a club is taking the piss and wanting far more money than the player is worth then we need to keep on walking away....But if we're talking a few hundred grand then we need to bite the bullet and pay. Had it been a few million on a big transfer then fair enough - this is (relative) peanuts. To be fair if the club really do have one (or two) of the players we've seen mentioned lined up to come in during the summer then I can understand the reluctance to not waste cash on a centre back now. It could effectively be £2 million down the drain if whoever we buy is immediately fourth or fifth choice in six months time. I do think it's daft the club have decided the loan market is a waste of time and money mind.
  17. If we don't sign him I can't get upset about it. Never heard of the cunt until a week ago
  18. The SSN studio wasn't big enough for both him and Jim White so he was shot.
  19. It'd be a mistake to let Best go. He's effectively our third choice striker.
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