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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. What do you mean? He already has Bramble.
  2. They'll blindly follow him until he loses a derby, and then the crown will begin to slip. Lets face it, he could sign Ian Huntley (great sweeper but has the killer instinct to play up front. Fnar fnar) but providing they don't get beat come March 4 he'll still be Marty the Messiah.
  3. Guess who the Mackems were in competition with to sign Wayne Bridge? Reading
  4. When Williamson ran into a Bolton player? Aye, that was fucking barmy I'd be tempted to take the ban and just play Abeid and Guthrie for the next few games. Get it out the way and get Tiote back before the Mackems.
  5. Krul Simpson - Colo - BMW - Santon HBA - Cabaye - Guthrie - Jonas Demba I - Demba II
  6. Bingo. We're talking about a multi-millionaire who's been paid thousands of pounds every week for the last 10 years. He's not skint, he's not struggling for cash, he's been paid circa £14m from NUFC alone since he signed for us. If he's still putting money before playing football then he's a greedy c***. He values earning money above actually playing football. He's scum. Remember Assou-Ekotto coming out a year ago or so saying he had lost the love for the game and was only in it for the money. Oh, how everybody though the honesty was refreshing. Can't remember anybody calling him money grabbing scum. If he was content to sit on the bench and continue to get paid for doing nothing the you'd have a point. He's earning his money by playing. He may not like his job as footballer but at least he's doing it. Completely different to Smith tbh. Just because the manager does not pick him ahead of first choice players? You must hate all back up players for taking money from the club..? I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year and gives precisely nothing back in return. I resent him for it and I'm quite happy to admit it. I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year too, and I can't wait for him to leave at the end of the season and the money to be invested in better players. The fact he offers nothing back in return is a choice by his manager; he makes himself available for selection but the manager estimates (correctly) that he has better options at his disposal. I don't resent the player concerned for this as I think most people would not give up the majority of their wages for another, more satisfying job, despite what they say on an internet forum. I certainly wouldn't. If that makes me a cunt, so be it. I would. I'd want to play as much football as my body would allow. I'd look at my bank balance of several million pounds (steadily accumulating over the last 12 years) and make a decision that playing football was more important than earning even more money. Id want to go back to my home town club and try to help them back into the Premier League. I don't understand his or your way of putting money before playing football. What's most important for a footballer ffs? Well then you're clearly a better man than me (or just a liar ) as I'd probably do exactly the same as Smith has done. Fair enough, I admire your honesty. I'd want to play football and would take a cut in wages to do so. I'd want to play football, but I'd realise I'm 31 on £60k p/w and I'd get a better deal if I left on a free rather than a transfer. Despite having played only a dozen games since I was 29? Who's going to throw big money at him like? At least if he'd been playing regularly for the last 18 months he'd still have a bit of a reputation in the game. No-one will touch him as he's barely played for the last 2 seasons. He's going to be a victim of his own greed. Nowt to do with how many games he's played, it's just a fact of life - free agents get better deals in terms of wages/bonuses/signing on fees because there isn't a transfer fee to be paid.
  7. Bingo. We're talking about a multi-millionaire who's been paid thousands of pounds every week for the last 10 years. He's not skint, he's not struggling for cash, he's been paid circa £14m from NUFC alone since he signed for us. If he's still putting money before playing football then he's a greedy c***. He values earning money above actually playing football. He's scum. Remember Assou-Ekotto coming out a year ago or so saying he had lost the love for the game and was only in it for the money. Oh, how everybody though the honesty was refreshing. Can't remember anybody calling him money grabbing scum. If he was content to sit on the bench and continue to get paid for doing nothing the you'd have a point. He's earning his money by playing. He may not like his job as footballer but at least he's doing it. Completely different to Smith tbh. Just because the manager does not pick him ahead of first choice players? You must hate all back up players for taking money from the club..? I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year and gives precisely nothing back in return. I resent him for it and I'm quite happy to admit it. I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year too, and I can't wait for him to leave at the end of the season and the money to be invested in better players. The fact he offers nothing back in return is a choice by his manager; he makes himself available for selection but the manager estimates (correctly) that he has better options at his disposal. I don't resent the player concerned for this as I think most people would not give up the majority of their wages for another, more satisfying job, despite what they say on an internet forum. I certainly wouldn't. If that makes me a cunt, so be it. I would. I'd want to play as much football as my body would allow. I'd look at my bank balance of several million pounds (steadily accumulating over the last 12 years) and make a decision that playing football was more important than earning even more money. Id want to go back to my home town club and try to help them back into the Premier League. I don't understand his or your way of putting money before playing football. What's most important for a footballer ffs? Well then you're clearly a better man than me (or just a liar ) as I'd probably do exactly the same as Smith has done. Fair enough, I admire your honesty. I'd want to play football and would take a cut in wages to do so. I'd want to play football, but I'd realise I'm 31 on £60k p/w and I'd get a better deal if I left on a free rather than a transfer.
  8. Bingo. We're talking about a multi-millionaire who's been paid thousands of pounds every week for the last 10 years. He's not skint, he's not struggling for cash, he's been paid circa £14m from NUFC alone since he signed for us. If he's still putting money before playing football then he's a greedy c***. He values earning money above actually playing football. He's scum. Remember Assou-Ekotto coming out a year ago or so saying he had lost the love for the game and was only in it for the money. Oh, how everybody though the honesty was refreshing. Can't remember anybody calling him money grabbing scum. If he was content to sit on the bench and continue to get paid for doing nothing the you'd have a point. He's earning his money by playing. He may not like his job as footballer but at least he's doing it. Completely different to Smith tbh. Just because the manager does not pick him ahead of first choice players? You must hate all back up players for taking money from the club..? I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year and gives precisely nothing back in return. I resent him for it and I'm quite happy to admit it. I hate the fact he takes £3m out of the club every year too, and I can't wait for him to leave at the end of the season and the money to be invested in better players. The fact he offers nothing back in return is a choice by his manager; he makes himself available for selection but the manager estimates (correctly) that he has better options at his disposal. I don't resent the player concerned for this as I think most people would not give up the majority of their wages for another, more satisfying job, despite what they say on an internet forum. I certainly wouldn't. If that makes me a cunt, so be it. I would. I'd want to play as much football as my body would allow. I'd look at my bank balance of several million pounds (steadily accumulating over the last 12 years) and make a decision that playing football was more important than earning even more money. Id want to go back to my home town club and try to help them back into the Premier League. I don't understand his or your way of putting money before playing football. What's most important for a footballer ffs? Well then you're clearly a better man than me (or just a liar ) as I'd probably do exactly the same as Smith has done.
  9. You're not living in the real world, man No human being on Earth would (at best) half their wages to do the same job that they're doing now elsewhere. Footballers included. Yes they earn a daft wage and to us it seems ridiculous but if you've been getting paid tens of thousands of pounds every week since you were 18/19 then I'd wager the difference between £30k and £60k is massive. Take into account the fact that footballer's careers rarely last longer than 15 years and of course they're going to want to earn as much as they possibly can in that short space of time. At the end of the day it's still just a job for them, once they're retired all they'll have are memories, medals and money and unfortunately the first two don't pay for the lifestyle they've lived since they were teenagers. This isn't a justification, just my view of the situation. The crux of the issue is that we shouldn't have given the useless bastard the contract in the first place but I wont actively wish ill on someone because of it. He's not like Owen, who patently wasn't interested in playing for us and actively avoided it if it would impinge on his international commitments. I'll reiterate - Smith has always given his all when on the pitch for us and played with the passion that our fans demand. Unfortunately that does not make him a good footballer.
  10. I don't think anyone is justifying the wages footballers earn, simply stating that the daft lads in here are being completely unreasonable if they believe it makes someone "scum" because they're not in a hurry to half their wages.
  11. That's a bit harsh. You can say what you like about Smith on the pitch but off it he's conducted himself well. You can't blame him for the obscene amount of cash we've thrown at him. I'd much rather he was away getting games than rotting on our bench. Like I say "fine" if he wants to see out the last few months or so. But harsh? If the lad wanted to conduct himself well he would have left for football ages ago. But he's chosen to play fuck all (and knowing this is the case) so fuck em. If he's such a model pro he would have went where the games are. He didn't...he chose to sit on the sidelines. He's not paid to be just a diplomat. He's paid to be a footballer...which he's failed at. And by his own choice. Fuck em. Would you leave your job of £60k a week if you'd struggle to get half of that elsewhere? Joking, right? I'd be expected to do my fucking job. I know that much. Love the fact you think 30k a week would be a sacrifice As I say, as far as I'm aware Smith has never refused to play for us. He can only do his job if he's called upon by the management. £30k a week is a huge drop when you've been earning twice that. Christ, I'm not trying to justify the daft wages we're paying him but at least look at the situation logically. Why the fuck would he leave to earn less than he is now, especially when he's approaching the end of his career? Would you leave your job to go and do the same thing for half the salary? I thought not. As I've said I've nothing against Smith. He hasn't acted unscrupulously or fucked the club over in the way many other players have. He's shit and he's cost a bomb but that's about it.
  12. That's a bit harsh. You can say what you like about Smith on the pitch but off it he's conducted himself well. You can't blame him for the obscene amount of cash we've thrown at him. I'd much rather he was away getting games than rotting on our bench. Like I say "fine" if he wants to see out the last few months or so. But harsh? If the lad wanted to conduct himself well he would have left for football ages ago. But he's chosen to play fuck all (and knowing this is the case) so fuck em. If he's such a model pro he would have went where the games are. He didn't...he chose to sit on the sidelines. He's not paid to be just a diplomat. He's paid to be a footballer...which he's failed at. And by his own choice. Fuck em. Would you leave your job of £60k a week if you'd struggle to get half of that elsewhere? Because I bloody well wouldn't, especially if I was approaching the end of what is in football a relatively short career. Smith's done nowt wrong. He's shit, but he's never caused the club any trouble on or off the pitch and always gave 100%. I can name dozens of ex-players who I'd wish ill on ahead of him. I'll be glad when he's off the books because it'll free up a large sum of money but at the end of the day the club wrote out the contract, he just signed his name at the bottom.
  13. That's a bit harsh. You can say what you like about Smith on the pitch but off it he's conducted himself well. You can't blame him for the obscene amount of cash we've thrown at him. I'd much rather he was away getting games than rotting on our bench.
  14. http://bbsimg.ngfiles.com/14/10607000/ngbbs452d5a5892d12.gif
  15. And the press give Capello shit for his grasp of English
  16. Don't worry, you speak better English than half the locals who post on here.
  17. I doubt it. He's never looked good enough to play in the top flight when I've seen him. Being the best keeper in SPL at such a young age does shows that he has some quality. Judge him just base on a few pre-season matches is quite unfair. The point is, while Forster seems like to be a "good" keeper in the future, Krul is showing signs of being a "great" keeper NOW. Very, very unlucky for Forster. He was pretty naff in the reserves too. Gets chipped an awful lot, can't command his area, can't come and collect the ball with any conviction for a man of his size etc. I found it staggering that one of the main issues many had with Krul when he first broke through were how he dealt with crosses, because even when he was younger and he dropped a few he was still way ahead of Harper and Forster (and Given for that matter). If Krul wasn't here I think the club would be looking to sign a new keeper rather than sticking with Forster. He's a perfect for one of the Old Firm teams.
  18. I doubt it. He's never looked good enough to play in the top flight when I've seen him.
  19. No great loss. He's not very good.
  20. The style of collar matches with the new Italy kits too, nee idea why we've got a B&W striped shirt and a B&W halved shirt though. Surely it's one or the other?
  21. I'd rather keep this seasons. It's really grown on me over the past few months, I think it looks dapper as fuck now.
  22. Enjoy them while they're out. They'll crawl back under their rocks the next time we get a result.
  23. http://www.fatbmx.com/uploads3/200711/wk45/vert50ftjustsheeted.jpg http://image.made-in-china.com/2f0j00YMFaoSNGlcby/Food-Tong-with-Nylon-Head-HP2502-.jpg http://www.haydockdogblog.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Hen.jpg
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