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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. I would agree but you can't knock his performances this year. Okay, he looked a bit out of his depth at left back after a few months but in midfield he's disciplined enough to play on the RW, particularly in game where we're not instantly favourites. For example he was great against Man United. I don't think he was great against Man U. Infact I think he was probably our weakest performing player in that match. Even if he was the worst player on the pitch that night, it's hardly a black mark against his name Fair point, well taken. Still don't like the fact he's becoming not just a key player but a bit of cult hero amongst the fans. The bloke's one of the worst footballers in the league in terms of general play. Good post Danny is worse though Guthrie? He is in no way a poor footballer. Think he means Simpson. Oh. For one brilliant moment I'd forgotten about him.
  2. I would agree but you can't knock his performances this year. Okay, he looked a bit out of his depth at left back after a few months but in midfield he's disciplined enough to play on the RW, particularly in game where we're not instantly favourites. For example he was great against Man United. I don't think he was great against Man U. Infact I think he was probably our weakest performing player in that match. Even if he was the worst player on the pitch that night, it's hardly a black mark against his name Fair point, well taken. Still don't like the fact he's becoming not just a key player but a bit of cult hero amongst the fans. The bloke's one of the worst footballers in the league in terms of general play. Good post Danny is worse though Guthrie? He is in no way a poor footballer.
  3. I would agree but you can't knock his performances this year. Okay, he looked a bit out of his depth at left back after a few months but in midfield he's disciplined enough to play on the RW, particularly in game where we're not instantly favourites. For example he was great against Man United. I don't think he was great against Man U. Infact I think he was probably our weakest performing player in that match. Even if he was the worst player on the pitch that night, it's hardly a black mark against his name Fair point, well taken. Still don't like the fact he's becoming not just a key player but a bit of cult hero amongst the fans. The bloke's one of the worst footballers in the league in terms of general play. While he agree he's not a brilliant footballer you can only really judge players on their recent form and on the whole he's performed very well this season. Compare this to Obertan who has featured 20 times for us and been the worst player on the pitch aside for one, possibly two games and it's only fair that he should be fighting with HBA for the RW spot.
  4. I would agree but you can't knock his performances this year. Okay, he looked a bit out of his depth at left back after a few months but in midfield he's disciplined enough to play on the RW, particularly in game where we're not instantly favourites. For example he was great against Man United. I don't think he was great against Man U. Infact I think he was probably our weakest performing player in that match. Even if he was the worst player on the pitch that night, it's hardly a black mark against his name
  5. Absolutely spot on. Obertan's role has to be as an impact player. You can call it what you like, but as long as he never starts again I'll be happy.
  6. I would agree but you can't knock his performances this year. Okay, he looked a bit out of his depth at left back after a few months but in midfield he's disciplined enough to play on the RW, particularly in game where we're not instantly favourites. For example he was great against Man United.
  7. Christ, if you thought that was funny you want to wait until I pull out my A game. Top class material.
  8. The two options on the right should be HBA and Raylor - the former for the games when we're able to go more attacking and the latter for his defensive ability. Obertan shouldn't factor.
  9. I was pretty apathetic when I first heard the name was being taken down (I'd expended all my energy being fucked off when it was first announced he was changing the name of the ground) but the more I think about it the more irritated I get. Not just at Ashley but at the game in general. We'll be the first of many no doubt, selling (I use the term very loosely. I doubt we'll get anything for this) our heritage down the river for a few pieces of silver. It's wrong.
  10. If he ever tried that there'd be a serious case for an FC United situation.
  11. If Tiote plays like he did against Man United I'm confident, if he has an off day we'll struggle. Same goes for Cabaye. We need to match their energy in the centre of the park. My only real worry for them is McLean and Larsson on the wings, Simpson will get his arse torn out by either of them and we're going to need Jonas to help out Santon. No injuries or suspensions I fully expect we'll go for the same starting XI we did against Man United, with Cisse in for Shola.
  12. I'd be quite happy to reimburse him for his eight cans of Fosters providing he promises to do a better fucking job next time.
  13. I've just realised who he reminds me of. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_KQz49fNJKxU/TOf6RZp3YlI/AAAAAAAAAfc/1nzyEDrjgBk/s1600/dougal+concerned.jpg
  14. I can't believe I forgot my favourite one! http://www2.2space.net/images/upl_news/120213/1329165603.jpg
  15. Put it this way, he doesn't photograph well http://images.mirror.co.uk/upl/dailyrecord3/nov2010/6/6/craig-whyte-image-1-836769892.jpg http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Football/Pix/pictures/2011/3/30/1301491427539/craig-whyte-007.jpg http://www.eveningtimes.co.uk/polopoly_fs/whyte-1.1069305!image/1680048055.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_300/1680048055.jpg http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/02010/Craig_Whyte_2010851c.jpg http://images.dailyexpress.co.uk/img/dynamic/67/285x214/238036_1.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2010/12/05/article-1335969-0C564031000005DC-156_306x423.jpg http://www.shropshirestar.com/wp-content/uploads/xmlImages/PA/2012/02/N0524531329231875237A.jpg http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/SPORT/Pix/pictures/2012/2/1/1328102093507/Craig-Whyte-007.jpg http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Football/Pix/pictures/2012/2/13/1329169293043/Rangers-owner-Craig-Whyte-007.jpg You could park a bus in the gap between his eyes.
  16. http://files.stv.tv/img/articles/240965-latest-in-craig-whytes-bid-to-takeover-rangers-410x230.jpg "Dinnae look at me, boss!"
  17. Zamblera. Christ, there's a name I'd tried to forget Watched him for the reserves once and his first touch was absolutely shocking. Couldn't trap a binbag full of wooden dildos.
  18. Are the rules different in Scotland? In England "footballing" creditors are the priority and HMRC have to fight for the money with the rest of the normal creditors, it's why Portsmouth escaped liquidation since they were able to pay pennies in the pound for their major debts. The football creditors rule doesn't apply in Scotland.
  19. It's alright, there's currently a petition doing the rounds asking HMRC to wipe off the debt They could be quite seriously fucked. £75 million is an absolutely staggering amount (staggering considering it was £50 million at lunch time today according to Rangers. Not like Craig Whyte to fudge the figures, like ) and HMRC are determined to use them as a test case to scare English clubs because the football creditors rule doesn't apply in Scotland. Rangers FC are either going to continue to exist in their current form, albeit bound by massive financial constraints which will see them struggle near the foot of the SPL for a decade or so, or they will be liquidated and a phoenix club will take up the mantle of RFC. The latter would be interesting, especially as the SFA would probably want to drop them straight back in the SPL but they couldn't possibly justify that considering what they've done to Livingston etc. One thing that hasn't been mentioned (and the reason why it may not have been is that it's fanciful, but bear with me) is the prospect of any 'Gers phoenix club potentially entering the English lower league system. Obviously there are a variety of barriers in the way of such a move and I don't think there's any chance of it happening but I thought it would've been mooted.
  20. He is not very sharp that Lee lad. I am not sure what the point is with that web-chat, it is just so meaningless. It was a PR exercise after he got loads of jip on Twitter for publishing stuff that was massively unrepresentitive of the supporter's views. Unsurprisingly it's just reaffirmed the belief many head that he's shit at his job.
  21. Ryder is a thunderous mongtard, that much has been obvious for a while, however he outdid himself with the "you can't speak for the majority of NUFC fans" line when the poll underneath showed that the majority of NUFC fans were in agreement with the lad asking the question
  22. None of your points make any sense because we're all over the place anyway when Obertan starts.
  23. Exactly. He's had more games than HBA and is no more consistent. Truth be told HBA at his worst probably isn't that far off Obertan at his best.
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