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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Aye, those protests at Hull were to blame for our relegation several months later. Behave, lad. *cough relegated by a point. Lost 3 points at home to an awful side that couldn't win for piss and were nearly relegated themselves. What bizarre logic Do you think the result in that match would've been different if we'd sat quietly?
  2. O'Neill or Coyle. However it will be Pardew and that will make me sad
  3. Aye, those protests at Hull were to blame for our relegation several months later. Behave, lad.
  4. If NUST was doing its job then maybe we'd be able to put together something sensible and effective but instead I see a few weeks of splintered bedsheet banner protests which descends into bickering and in fighting the minute some fans lose the stomach for the fight ala 2 years ago. That said I hope there is some action on Saturday. As much as people bang the "show up, support the team and it'll be fine" drum the fact of the matter is that it's obvious our form has dipped since the rumours about Hughton's position began and Calderwood left. The players know there's something rotten at the club and if we bring in the wrong man we're in danger of seeing the players slip apathetically back to where they were 2 seasons ago. The fans cant allow Ashley to think the sum total of our action against him whenever he does something daft beyond belief is a few nasty songs.
  5. Because he's a vaguely competent manager? Pardew will just be thankful to have the job, same as Kinnear was. He wont rock the boat, he wont ask questions of the board. O'Neill would expect backing.
  6. Steven Taylor can only dream he can one day be as good as Mike Williamson, let alone Fabriccio Coloccini. Comparisons are moot.
  7. That's right keep on convincing yourself that the BBC program will end of corruption in FIFA and those criticizing it are just turning a blind eye to corruption. Have a look at BBC's statement So what did they seek to achieve by screening it before the vote? Were they really expecting that somehow FIFA would suspend voting because of BBC's allegation? Don't be naive man. There would not have been an material difference (in terms of stopping corruption) had BBC screened the show after the vote. The only thing achieved by screening before the vote was to damage England's chances and get some cheap sensationalism for BBC, nothing else. I happen to believe that exposing the corrupt is not only worthwhile but essential, especially for an institution such as the BBC. I doubt it will end corruption but does that make the show any less newsworthy. Screening the show after the vote would've been pathetic, a total cop out.
  8. Really? I think he's got better. Everyone realised how poor he actually was before he was injured, now he's been out for a while people have reverted to believing that he's some kind of Geordie Baresi.
  9. Nice to see so many people in this country willimg to turn a blind eye to corruption so long as we get to see some shite like Togo versus Ukraine at St James' Park
  10. Hear hear. I'd like to think we as a nation are above indulging the type of low level corruption FIFA seem to love. They are a bunch of shysters and racketeers. The World Cup is no longer about the football (which is by and large piss poor nowadays) but it's an opportunity for both them and their corporate sponsors to rake it in. Fuck 'em. We could do a better job of anyone on this planet of hosting the World Cup and if we don't get it because someone from Russia has given them a backhander more fool them. Why should we pander to them? Or turn a blind eye?
  11. Who do you suppose replaces Jonas? HBA. With his broken leg in a moon boot. He'd still have a better chance of creating something than Jonas at the moment.
  12. Fucking hell, I'd just managed to calm myself down thinking about that
  13. I hope we hammer them. Okay we hardly covered ourselves in glory the last time but they weren't the blameless non-league club they made themselves out to be, mainly due to that wanker of a chairman Victor Green. He dragged every discussion we had with them out into the public domain to make us seem entirely unreasonable, jumped into bed with the press and threw up a temporary stand that was probably held together with spittle and gaffa tape. Anyway, thank fuck Hughton doesn't spout anywhere near as much shite as Kenny did.
  14. Now that we can agree on. Anyone with a personalised reg should be beaten around the head with it until they're comatose. I can't tell whether your serious or not Very serious.
  15. Now that we can agree on. Anyone with a personalised reg should be beaten around the head with it until they're comatose.
  16. Fuck me. You asked the question about people drinking on Friday afternoon's ffs. I was talking about the lads who hoyed stuff at Bent's car, man
  17. Think people just jumped on the chance to keep baiting him since he kept biting. That's fair enough and quite funny. Certain posters on here have taken it quite personally though.
  18. And stop them from putting their money into Newcastle's economy? No thanks. I'd like to think we're better than that lot down the road, I'd like to think that we don't physically attack people because they work south of the Tyne every Saturday afternoon. Obviously Bent shouldn't be surprised he got some stick but it's not on to attack his property/mates. I don't agree Caulkin looked like an arse. He's a journalist who is pally with a few players, one of which is Darren Bent. That shouldn't be an issue, as a journo I know you've got to build contacts especially in sport? It probably makes his job a hell of a lot easier. The only people who have looked daft tonight are our lot for attacking him over the fact he's apparently assumed that the lads who attacked Bent's car are Newcastle fans. Who the fuck else drinks in Newcastle on a Friday afternoon? Now your making yourself to be licking up to caulkin, but your a wannabe journalist. No fucking surprise there. Fucking behave man, Neesy. It's common sense. Less of the wannabe too. Caulkin's a decent journalist by today's standards but he's not beyond criticism. He's penned some fairly ropey stuff and I've been the first to tell him but I'm struggling to see what he's done wrong today.
  19. And stop them from putting their money into Newcastle's economy? No thanks. I'd like to think we're better than that lot down the road, I'd like to think that we don't physically attack people because they work south of the Tyne every Saturday afternoon. Obviously Bent shouldn't be surprised he got some stick but it's not on to attack his property/mates. I don't agree Caulkin looked like an arse. He's a journalist who is pally with a few players, one of which is Darren Bent. That shouldn't be an issue, as a journo I know you've got to build contacts especially in sport? It probably makes his job a hell of a lot easier. The only people who have looked daft tonight are our lot for attacking him over the fact he's apparently assumed that the lads who attacked Bent's car are Newcastle fans. Who the fuck else drinks in Newcastle on a Friday afternoon?
  20. Fuck off, man Why else would Darren Bent's car 'be attacked'? Unless traffic wardens in the city centre now have a very strict policy on dealing with garish, illegally parked Range Rovers.
  21. I'm going to be honest, I think it's pretty pathetic attacking a bloke for being a bit matey with a player who he'll spend a few hours a week interviewing. So small time from some of our lot.
  22. Whey, he was parked in the Bigg Market
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