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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Thanks for the information. Oh wait, you haven't given us any. I'll get banned if I post it. I'm just giving you lot a heads up.
  2. Carroll may have done something silly last night. Keep an eye on the newspapers.
  3. Too far? It's a throwaway quote, man. It means bugger all, especially as Ashley would have the final say on who goes
  4. http://www.sundaysun.co.uk/sport/newcastle-united/nufc-news/2010/10/17/newcastle-united-stars-are-not-for-sale-says-hughton-79310-27486967/ To be fair he's hardly likely to say "Alan is shit. I know it, he knows it and unless we get a few injuries he's got no chance."
  5. How many managers are totally honest with the press? What would he gain if he went on Sky and slated the non-performers like he will do in the dressing room? Just because Robson did it once doesn't mean that it's the correct thing to do. Wenger was in the papers only a few days ago saying he lies to protect players. I think some of these grievances are just a little bit pathetic. The biggest contributing factor to the poor results we've had recently isn't Hughton, it's the quality on the pitch.
  6. Am I the only one wondering why he is in Tunisia? Surely he should be spending time recovering with the best doctors/physiotherapist which I doubt would be in Tunisia? Surely he should be with close family and friends in the aftermath of a devastating personal event, rather than sat on his own in a rented flat or hotel room that he hasn't even made his own yet? That's true. As comforting as the lovely ladies in Spy can be I assume he wants to spend time with his family.
  7. Out of interest who would you have made captain? At the time it seemed the general consensus was he was the only realistic choice. It was a bit of a "would you rather lose your left foot or right foot" choice but their wasn't an abundance of obvious candidates. As i hate GK captains i would have said Colo or Barton tbh although theres not a great deal of options for him in all fairness. I'm not sure how good Colo's english is but Barton is a good shout.
  8. Fifa have already said they wont stop FAs from taking action if justified. It's a cop out from the FA.
  9. I'm not slagging off Labour as a whole, I'm a bloody Labour supporter, but residents have allowed councillors in Sunderland to become massively complacent.
  10. Something which is entirely down to them and their inability to look past a majority Labour council and not, as many Mackems believe, that a "Geordie Mafia" is trying to do them out of everything. They were offered the Sage, the council turned it down. The Arc fiasco should have been sorted a decade ago and apparently there are serious questions over the viability of the new bridge, or at least the design.
  11. That forum does for the Mackems what Sky Sports News does for us - generates this entirely false picture of their fanbase. It's full of kids and non-attendees, for f***s sake. i wonder what the age and attendee demograhic is on here ? I can't speak for anyone else but I've the mental age of a cantankerous 70 year old and I own a season ticket so I think we've already got one up on them
  12. That forum does for the Mackems what Sky Sports News does for us - generates this entirely false picture of their fanbase. It's full of kids and non-attendees, for fucks sake.
  13. The traditional Mackem's perception of a mag seems to be the equivalent of Mel Gibson's depiction of the English in Braveheart. For every Beefy (ex-mackem anyway) there's a Darren King. Pointless arguing who has the bigger number of cockends.
  14. Fucking hell. Why do they labour under this assumption that we're massively different in some way to them? Does it make them feel superior or special? Is it because they have to qualify the "Where are you from?" question that gets chucked at them every time they travel abroad with "Sunderland...yes, it's near Newcastle." Can they not face the fact that the only difference is the club we support - we share the same schools, pubs, clubs, hospitals, shopping centres, slightly prejudiced northern beliefs etc. We are exactly the same.
  15. Haven't we played a high defensive line all season? I can remember people saying Waddle was going spacker mental about it during the Villa game. It seems to be working quite well at the moment , we've conceded few goals by allowing players in behind us.
  16. If it was any other businessman I wouldn't be surprised but I always get the feeling he got pissed on Cristal, decided to float it when mortal drunk at 2am and woke up a billionaire.
  17. Ah. He's a fucking abhorrent cunt aswell though. Can shove his opinion up his arse. http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/12/06/article-0-000B34E100000258-859_306x391.jpg "It wuz a top, top tackle"
  18. It may have already been covered but does anyone else think Hughton's general niceness is what has lead to use getting some shoddy refereeing decisions over the past few weeks? Think about it, when we played Everton we were on the wrong end of some hilariously bad officiating when a week earlier Moyes had a huge bust up with a referee. Against City I got the feeling Atkinson was always looking for the decision which made his life easier rather than the correct one and nine times out of ten that was to give City the benefit of the doubt. Lets face it, Mancini is much more likely to take his concerns to the media than Hughton, who was still very magnanimous after the match despite having a word or two. I'm glad the club have complained about refereeing, maybe that'll make them think twice about blowing up in the opposition's favour.
  19. He suggested we sign James Perch too.
  20. Why is he holding up a pair of boots and a quilt? Wasn't the event to do with African children and sport, and how they would treasure a pair of boots? Sure I read that somewhere. Aye, but why the quilt? Was the event sponsored by Yorkshire Linen?
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