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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. clubs are running out of money to pay compen i rekon. I get the feeling that's the right answer. The most likely candidates for a good ol' sacking are Benitez, Brown, Megson, Hart and Zola. Luckily for them their respective clubs aren't on the soundest financial footing.
  2. Scott Parker? True and the overly critical c***s were wrong about him too. He was f***ing s****, man! More pirouettes than a night at the ballet. Made me feel f***ing ill. He came close to captaining us to relegation in 2006, he might actually succeed with West Ham. I may have more time for him if he wasn't the embodiment of Souness' drive for "proper players". Oh, and if he didn't act like a cunt towards the end of his time here. Did he flick the crowd the Vs after a typically poor performance?
  3. Opposition misses> Harper hoofs ball out> Random player gets the ball and brings it forward> entire team move fowards> opposition moves backwards > loses ball/gets throwin/gets corner/gets freekick/ falls over> we end up in a better position. FYP.
  4. Scott Parker? True and the overly critical cunts were wrong about him too. He was fucking shite, man! More pirouettes than a night at the ballet. Made me feel fucking ill.
  5. Ive no idea what you're waffling about atall really, or how you've come to that conclusion. Jonas relieves pressure on his own, by bursting out of our half continually & going past several of their players. Or he makes runs for our other players to put long passes fowards through to him, to once again give us possession deeper in their half and relieve the rest of our team. We've already seen what happens when he isnt there, thats whats so ridiculous about this whole argument. We boot it long, we lose the ball because we booted it long & then we get put under pressure again. This is repeated endlessly. Then people like you moan about us not "getting the ball down". Only for the one player who does get the ball down and run with it, to be the next main player you end up moaning about because he cant single handedly sprint past everyone AND finish or setup someone else instantly. I find it laughable really. You're saying "Jonas does something which somewhere down the line leads to an attack" which i'm simply pointing out can be applied to Harper. Extreme? Yes, but i'm trying to point out how ridiculous your point about Jonas providing some form of attack threat is. I saw us play the ball on the floor quite a lot tonight and we did so quite well. The player who was guilty more than anyone of losing the ball when on said floor was Jonas, despite the fact Guthrie was half asleep for most of the evening. I also take issue with the term 'play' the ball along the floor with regards to Jonas, because to play the ball you've got to have some semblance of skill and be able do something with it. Jonas can't.
  6. And what do you propose to do about that? Lets see if Lennon, Young, Arteta, Malouda etc want to have a go with us. Just because we can't get Lennon or Young means I should be happy with Jonas? Name a replacement you would be happy with. I can't name one off the top of my head. But my point stands, it doesn't mean that I should b happy with him. This. It is an absolutely ridiculous view to take. You can't call a player shite because there is no viable alternative Jonas is an awful footballer. Me saying this does not mean I believe we should go out and buy Aaron Lennon because I know that isn't possible. My opinion of one player is not altered because there isn't somebody better immediately available. I understand the team is stuck with him but you can fuck off if you think i'm going to pretend he's something he patently is not. If you are an NUST member and this is your level of thinking I am seriously worried. I'll take that as a complement coming from one of the members of the N-O intelligentsia Well the members of the NUST intelligentsia could be heard loud and clear with their "You fat Cockney bastard get out of our club" renditon nationwide. All I will say is just do it. Provide answers instead of complaints. It's not my job to provide answers. I will however point out that a certain player is fucking shite when it's obvious he is. Exactly my point. Unconstructive criticism is fairly useless beyond a certain point. I'm not the one going on the training ground and trying to teach this lad how to wrap his club foot around a fucking football ergo my criticism doesn't need to be constructive, just honest. This is just a two-bit football messageboard and at the end of the day what I post on here is always going to be useless. It's just another string of words floating off into the dark bowels of the interweb, all of which will be forgotten in a few weeks time. I'm not writing this to be of use to anyone, i'm writing all this because I clearly like banging my head against a brick wall.
  7. And what do you propose to do about that? Lets see if Lennon, Young, Arteta, Malouda etc want to have a go with us. Just because we can't get Lennon or Young means I should be happy with Jonas? Name a replacement you would be happy with. I can't name one off the top of my head. But my point stands, it doesn't mean that I should b happy with him. This. It is an absolutely ridiculous view to take. You can't call a player shite because there is no viable alternative Jonas is an awful footballer. Me saying this does not mean I believe we should go out and buy Aaron Lennon because I know that isn't possible. My opinion of one player is not altered because there isn't somebody better immediately available. I understand the team is stuck with him but you can fuck off if you think i'm going to pretend he's something he patently is not. If you are an NUST member and this is your level of thinking I am seriously worried. I'll take that as a complement coming from one of the members of the N-O intelligentsia Well the members of the NUST intelligentsia could be heard loud and clear with their "You fat Cockney bastard get out of our club" renditon nationwide. All I will say is just do it. Provide answers instead of complaints. It's not my job to provide answers. I will however point out that a certain player is fucking shite when it's obvious he is.
  8. Thats why we're always seeing players in this divison run the length of the pitch with the ball. That happens constantly doesnt it, no skill involved atall ofcourse. Not like you're taking his strengths for granted whatsoever. Ofcourse goals come from his attacking play, it doesnt necessarily happen directly always. Indirectly, ofcourse his runs end up with an attacking move. If he wasnt there, we'd likely be camped far more in our own half defending and nowhere near the oppositions area for about 30% more of the game. If that's the criteria we're using then Steve Harper is our most creative player because somewhere down the line he's thrown it, hoofed it or punched it. Jonas is an athlete and nothing more - runs all day but little or no skill. Similar to Boumsong in that respect.
  9. And what do you propose to do about that? Lets see if Lennon, Young, Arteta, Malouda etc want to have a go with us. Just because we can't get Lennon or Young means I should be happy with Jonas? Name a replacement you would be happy with. I can't name one off the top of my head. But my point stands, it doesn't mean that I should b happy with him. This. It is an absolutely ridiculous view to take. You can't call a player shite because there is no viable alternative Jonas is an awful footballer. Me saying this does not mean I believe we should go out and buy Aaron Lennon because I know that isn't possible. My opinion of one player is not altered because there isn't somebody better immediately available. I understand the team is stuck with him but you can fuck off if you think i'm going to pretend he's something he patently is not. If you are an NUST member and this is your level of thinking I am seriously worried. I'll take that as a complement coming from one of the members of the N-O intelligentsia
  10. And what do you propose to do about that? Lets see if Lennon, Young, Arteta, Malouda etc want to have a go with us. Just because we can't get Lennon or Young means I should be happy with Jonas? Name a replacement you would be happy with. I can't name one off the top of my head. But my point stands, it doesn't mean that I should b happy with him. This. It is an absolutely ridiculous view to take. You can't call a player s**** because there is no viable alternative Jonas is an awful footballer. Me saying this does not mean I believe we should go out and buy Aaron Lennon because I know that isn't possible. My opinion of one player is not altered because there isn't somebody better immediately available. I understand the team is stuck with him but you can f*** off if you think i'm going to pretend he's something he patently is not. But its a pointless position to start from. If we're judging them in comparison to all the other players we know, then theyre all shit. If we're judging them in comparison to eachother & the current standard of footballer we are able to sign. Jonas if one of our most useful players. Jonas is shit. Forget about comparisons with other players, potential signings etc. and just look at the facts. He's a midfielder who can't cross, pass or shoot with any degree of competency which are pretty key areas for someone in his position. However, he has got pace and on the counter he stretches the defence. Fair enough but any old athlete could do that providing they can kick a football. He wastes more opportunities than he puts away, he gets himself into decent positions only to mistime his kick and land on his arse and on the rare occasions a pass or cross do come off 99 times out of 100 they're too tame, too hard or wayward. He may stretch the defence but only very rarely do goals come from his 'attacking' play. From what I can tell his running at defenders does nothing but get a small minority of the crowd excited who have yet to realise he's toss. As an attacking threat he's non-existant because he almost always ends up beating himself and giving the ball away.
  11. And what do you propose to do about that? Lets see if Lennon, Young, Arteta, Malouda etc want to have a go with us. Just because we can't get Lennon or Young means I should be happy with Jonas? Name a replacement you would be happy with. I can't name one off the top of my head. But my point stands, it doesn't mean that I should b happy with him. This. It is an absolutely ridiculous view to take. You can't call a player shite because there is no viable alternative Jonas is an awful footballer. Me saying this does not mean I believe we should go out and buy Aaron Lennon because I know that isn't possible. My opinion of one player is not altered because there isn't somebody better immediately available. I understand the team is stuck with him but you can fuck off if you think i'm going to pretend he's something he patently is not.
  12. "Proper players", "wide workers". He had more buzzwords than some jobsworth middle manager. Can anyone remember his in thought out idea to do a two hour phone-in with Mick Lowes? Within the first half an hour he'd already had fans haul him over the coal for not playing Robert about three or four times That said I've never heard a bad word said about him from those supporters who met him. Lovely bloke, always had time for the fans, signed every autograph. Shame he was useless where it really mattered.
  13. Nolan to play behind Carroll with Marewood & Ranger on the bench should we need a goal in the last 20 minutes. I fancy Chris 'Tactical Genius' Hughton to do as he did against Sheff United and finish with three strikers on the pitch
  14. In fairness I think his recent interviews with Radio Newcastle were about as open as any club chairman could be but whatever he says he'll be criticised by most. It really has reached a point where he's damned if he speaks and damned if he doesn't and this is bound to lead to a reticence to communicate. Thet said the presentation (e.g. stadium sponsorship) leaves a lot to be desired. How can you have openess from someone who has lied his arse off?
  15. Doubtful, considering that they want him on board.
  16. Are we back to crucifying NUST on purely hypothetical situations that have been concocted by the boys and girls on here and not the people that actually run the trust? Get in
  17. There's fuck all wrong with this if you ask me. It's a relevant news story and it's one that doesn't particularly paint Barry Moat as the saviour many thought he would be. It's about a 2 out of 10 on the snide-o-meter.
  18. Having done a bundle research and writing on the subject of Ebbsfleet & MyFC I can categorically state that this set up is completely different. People pool money together, vote who gets to run it etc etc. Seems the same tbh (bar voting for who starts and who they should buy). That's the problem though, it never happened that way. There has been no transparency from those in charge, it's been a vehicle for those who thought the idea up to run a football club using others peoples cash and because of the bad press it generated and the fact Ebbsfleet doesn't have a fanbase they nearly went under when subscriptions were up for renewal. Ebbsfleet is arguably the polar opposite of the fan ownership ethos.
  19. Having done a bundle research and writing on the subject of Ebbsfleet & MyFC I can categorically state that this set up is completely different.
  20. It'd probably be worth creating a sticky thread with all the Q&As from this thread in, just to stop people from repreating themselves or other people.
  21. Appoint Temuri Ketsbaia as manager and give him full control of transfers and team affairs. Hold a quaterly meeting between board and fans where discussions about everything from team affairs to pie and pint prices can take place. Hold a vote between shareholders as to who or next kit supplier and sponsor should be. Have a raffle, the winner of which will get the joy of tearing down that Sports Direct ad on the Gallowgate. Lobby other clubs for a serious, sensible debate on safe standing.
  22. People on here. I don't think NUST have set a magic amount yet.
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