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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. If, as they claim, they've contacted the great and the good of the world of pensions, finance etc. and they've all said they're interested then they deserve to be heard by the fans. I'm not nor have I ever claimed to be a financial mastermind so I do not know how plausible this all is but if there is even the smallest chance of it working then i'll throw my weight behind it. The fact that they're not asking people to follow them blindly and we're going to have the chance to speak to independent financial advisors and make our minds up about whether this is for us or not is a good sign. The fans could do a better job running the club than Ashley, of that I have no doubt.
  2. FFS they knew ALL this would happen and could have been avoided in january by spending a little bit to see us through and away from relegation, THUS saving porkpie money. THEY DIDN'T LISTEN TO ANYONE! Its their f***ing fault the club is where it f***ing is!!!! f*** ME!!! Does no one ever question these twats!!!!! :angry: :angry: And are they suggesting they havn't cut the wage bill from £70m to to below £50m now because I'm sure they have and other than that the outgoings have been zero despite us having transfer fees coming in. It still makes no sense. "nothing more than an exercise in public relations."
  3. "It's been extremely painful - it was a shock, it was unthinkable. We did have a business plan in place at the time that we just put into a cupboard, because we thought we never needed to use it." No it fucking wasn't. The fans were predicting as much in January when the club wouldn't spend any cash.
  4. Can we ban people who don't actually go to the matches from having an opinion or a vote in this poll? The result would then be much more representative of the feeling of match going fans.
  5. Oh the poor wee lambs eh? Are they men or are the mice? They all know that the bad feeling is not towards them, it shouldn't affect them. So you reckon crossing the 'picket line' when they arrive on a Saturday lunchtime or performing to an empty stadium or having to play through round choruses o boos and anger and anti-Ashley chants will make them win every game? It might be alright at first but then they'll get more and more uncomfortable and soon most will want out, fucking up our season well and truly. I dunno about you but some things are bigger than Ashley, and for me it's a return to the PL There's also an argument to say that type of short termism is going to be more detrimental to the club because it's not going to solve anything. It'll just see us become a yo-yo club at best and us slip down the leagues at worst. If rocking the boat now means the Fat Man falls overboard but it takes a little longer to reach our destination then i'll be doing my best to make it sway a bit.
  6. You are taking the piss, aye? If the dropping a division wasn't enough to make them want away i'm certain a bit of a nasty atmos, especially when not directed at them, will have little or no effect. I would also like to believe our players are savvy enough to have looked at the current situation at the club and formulated an opinion based on what they see before them - that opinion being "Mike Ashley is an arsehole who couldn't run a bath" and they'll understand the fans feelings. Obviously though it's much easier to assume that we're going to lose every match if anyone ever raises their voice in anger towards Messers Ashley and Llambias because we had a game last season where we were none to happy with them and guess what? We lost. Scratch the fact that our form for the rest of the season, when there were no protests, was just as poor and that the performance or lack of it on the day was probably down to the upheaval of the popular Keegan leaving and players not knowing what the fuck was going on because it was those bloody protesters with their bloody banners. Christ, this place is hardly Mensa, is it
  7. ther only time to protest is after the game once the last of our players have left the pitch. Horseshite. This attitude needs to die because it's baseless nonsense. Anyway, even if it was true I couldn't give a fuck whether Jonas is a bit upset at the fact i'm calling the club owner a cunt or not.
  8. The naysayers are missing the point - protesting may not change anything immediately but it'll make his life more uncomfortable. He takes us for a bunch of mugs who'll sing a few nasty songs before buying the latest kit and a pie and pint before settling down to watch the match. While a sustained set of protests may not see him wither and sell up immediately it'll give him food for thought. I personally cannot sit there quietly watching my team in the same stadium I visited only a few years earlier to watch Champions League football while that chubby fucker smugly rubs his hands only a few hundred yards away thinking he's pulled off another PR masterstroke. If you can fair enough, but I pay my money to watch my team and i'm going to do what the fuck I like.
  9. So immune he tried to sell the whole club after the first one? After the first one. Yes. But its over a year later and he's had so many protests and demonstrations/b] and chants against him he really dosen't care what we think anymore and it won't influence him. I wish some fucker told me, i'd have turned up for them all.
  10. . thats quite a good idea. easier to get the numbers and cause a bit disruption. it would mean them having to get the police in to clear the protestors. you'd probably get a lot of shoppers joining in too. easier to organize than a huge demo at SJP and would cause more problems. still should have a protest at stadium, but the ones at the stores would allow those not comfortable joining in at the match to vent their spleen. i was talking about this at work today, 500-1000 people walk into Sportsdirect at eldon square at midday on Sat afternoon and just sit down, block everything, tills, doors etc....no one can move in or out and nothing gets sold, then at 1pm everyone gets up and walks to SJP, join in any other protests, then goes to the match. I feel like interrupting the operations of a business is something that warrants the intervention of police forces. Not sure this a bright idea. Plus it's a pretty shit idea. The unwashed masses are still going to step over anyone in their way to get to a must have pair of £7.99 Umbro tracksuit bottoms and it's not as if Mike Ashley is going to be there to witness it. Fuck this peaceful protest shite - it's time to get militant. I'm not talking about smashing up shops or phone boxes but just creating a vitriolic atmosphere. For 90 minutes on Saturday there needs to be a wall of abuse directed a Fat Mike regardless of what happens on the pitch as well as protests before and after the game. It's not a case of letting him know how we feel, i've no doubt he's aware, but it's about making life as uncomfortable for him and his pals as possible. I want to hear him whinge that he fears for his safety and he can't turn up to home games because that fat fuck shouldn't be able to show his face in the city after his tenure. Nixon and Jonny can get on their high horse and play the "I'm better than you because i'll be turning up in the latest replica shirt and shouting support from the stands for 90 minutes, regardless of what Mr. Ashley has done" card but lets face it, they're in a minority. The vast majority of supporters who turn up on Saturday realise that it isn't just going to be a normal Championship game, they're as angry as we are and once the mob mentality sets in and that ill feeling begins to filter around the ground you can bet your bottom dollar we'll see similar scenes to the Hull game. If they don't like it tough, they're pissing in the wind arguing because protests are going ahead regardless. Fuck their short termism and fuck them.
  11. I hope there is hell on come Saturday. I hope the atmosphere is one of venom and genuine hate. I want to see those fuckers sitting very uncomfortably in their seats for 90 minutes and leaving splattered in spit, blood and piss (the last one is optional). And anyone who says "It's only a name" will get a windmilling the likes of which has never been seen before. Even the Dutch will recoil in horror.
  12. I thought so. So has some sort of lease ran out on it, or was there never any real reason/money to call it that? I honestly think Dekka just made it up on the spot. Even the club doesn't refer to it by that name on any of it's literature/tickets etc.
  13. Out of the four makes polled it has to be Nike. http://i36.tinypic.com/1zguhpg.jpg Whack a Newcastle badge on that, give it red trim and even I would probably buy it.
  14. Glad we've came to some sort of agreement. Jonas is shit but we haven't got anyone else. I think you can close this now, Mods.
  15. Running with the ball and not releasing it is as bad as not running or even not having the ball in the first place. Running with the ball and giving it away cheaply because you have two left feet is even worse. Unfortunately it's something Jonas is very good at. Jonas's efforts look bad until you compare them with Lovenkrands who is the natural replacement. He was missing due to family illness yesterday, in his previous games he's been missing despite being in the starting eleven. It's bad regardless of who it's compared with. I don't agree that Jonas should be given the benefit of the doubt because he's our only real option. I begrudingly understand we're stuck with him unless we get a loanee in or a youngster breaks through but i'm not going to pretend he's something he isn't because of this. He is a horrendous footballer. I don't rate Lovenkrands as a winger anyway so the comparison with him is moot if you ask me. He's primarily a striker that has been forced out there with varying degrees of success over the course of his career.
  16. Running with the ball and not releasing it is as bad as not running or even not having the ball in the first place. Running with the ball and giving it away cheaply because you have two left feet is even worse. Unfortunately it's something Jonas is very good at.
  17. Boo. Hiss. Scum. He's trying to bankrupt them. He should've never walked out.
  18. Did you write to your MP when Ashley was ripping apart the Club, did they debate his destructive ownership in the commons ? This is so f***ing ridiculous, that something so inconsequential, and trust me the naming of a bloody football stadium is inconsquential, gets people off their arses to act more than all the s*** we've had to put up with for the last year or so. f*** off you thick arsehole. I'm not going to spell it out for you again. No whjy don't you fuck off you fucking rude son of a fucking bitch, who won't listen to other opposing view, instead wants to ram down their throats his own. Total fucking dick head iyam. I'm quite happy to listen to opposing views so long as they're planted in reality and not the ramblings of a mentally ill cyber-loop.
  19. I think you're missing the point. This is a culmination of ill feeling, it isn't just about the stadium name. He got off quite lightly with the Keegan ruling and relegation because he was 'selling' the club and we thought he was finally on the way out. No one is directing vitriol towards him simply because he's trying to sell the name of the stadium but because this is the latest thing he has done to show contempt for the fans. There's a bigger picture. No I'm not missing the point at all. It's a bloody name, who cares, honestly. Is it going to make us play any worse on the field, no. Everyone is playing the it's a tradition card, but at the end of the day, it's something that making the apathetic folk act more than the countless other acts of plain madness Ashley has done to this club, acts that have caused way more damage. You are missing the point. This may be the act people are focusing on because it's the first time since the club was taken off the market (again) he's stuck two fingers up to the fans. That's why it's been seized on. You're making the very naive assumption that the fans are purely losing their rag over this - they're not. This is simply the culmination of the anger that has been boiling over the past 12 months since he last attempted to sell the club. It probably would've happened earlier but we've been on the market. I'm not going to argue the toss with you. If you can't see that this is one of many things our support is furious about then you're a bit of a flid. OK how many times am I going to have to say this, I'M NOT MISSING THE FUCKING POINT. At the end of the day, this renaming is the thing that's got people worked up enough to act, not the far worse crap he's done before this, again you're hiding behind a culmination of evnts line to fit your argument. Do you seriously believe had none of what had happened before - the sacking of Keegan, relegation etc. occured that people would still be so worked up about the name change? Of course not, don't be so bloody stupid.
  20. Did you write to your MP when Ashley was ripping apart the Club, did they debate his destructive ownership in the commons ? This is so fucking ridiculous, that something so inconsequential, and trust me the naming of a bloody football stadium is inconsquential, gets people off their arses to act more than all the shit we've had to put up with for the last year or so. Fuck off you thick arsehole. I'm not going to spell it out for you again.
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