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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. If this was simply about the money why didn't he just see his contract out until it ended or he got sacked?
  2. Yes, but considering you can eat your Chicken Balti pie and drink your PG Tips in the stands why not a pint?
  3. The vitriol directed towards Keegan does baffle me. What exactly has he done wrong? If, as looks likely, the court are going to rule in his favour then he was entirely justified in his actions. SBR almost took the club to court when he left because he felt his severance package wasn't up to much and managed to squeeze a few million more out of us. Was he knob for doing it too?
  4. There's no real reason why it shouldn't be allowed. First of all hoying pints back ridiculously quickly pre-match and at half time gets you much drunker much quicker than it would if you were supping one over a longer period at your seat. Putting a pint in someones hand doesn't mean they're going to instantly act like a wanker which is what some people are insinuating. For instance I've managed to buy a steaming hot cup of Bovril, not spill it on anyone mid goal celebration and not throw it at the opposition....all when extremely pissed due to my quick pre-game pintage. Had that been a pint would I have got myself into a pagger and started hurling the empty glass about? No, course not. The wankers are already there and they don't need extra encouragement to act up. A pint on the terrace is going to have no effect. It would be a minor inconvenience to those fans who don't want a drink but the price would reduce the number of pints consumed. I certainly don't think letting people drink on the terraces is going to lead to tens of thousands of people going back and forth to the bar everyone ten minutes.
  5. I would agree that Hughton has done a decent job this season but there have been signs that his over-defensive tactics were going to backfire sooner or later and I also said this in the pre-match thread so it's not hindsight. Sending out teams with one striker and a slow midfield can only work so many times. Hugthon needs to ask himself why our "premier quality" midfield has been out-run and out-passed for two games in succession despite fielding an extra man in that department. Lets be fair though, he's had the tactics of recent matches pretty much forced on him because of injuries and our squad size. I doubt he'll go with one up top/five man midfield combo when Shola and Jonas are back.
  6. So you believe that you shouldnt criticize a persons actions atall, if previously they were doing well & you have no alternatives. Bit strange that tbh. Clearly not, as the post you chopped up contained criticisms of his tactics and team selections from yours truly. My gripe is with the biploar nature of some of the people on this board, Captain Haircut being the first class mong my post was aimed at.
  7. Maybe not, but our chances of winning are significantly reduced because Butt isn't the creative force either Guthrie or Barton are and he's more prone to rash challenges than either of those two (yes, even Joey).
  8. First real black marks against his name so far this season was starting with Carroll up front and Butt at all. As I said in the pre-match thread your lone striker needs to be willing and able to hold the ball up rather than flick it on to non-existant attackers. And Butt just needs putting down. That aside some people on here need to grow the fuck up. He's hardly put a foot wrong since the summer and the first loss is greated with a chorus of 'ZOMG hughton iz teh gayz!!!' Okay, he's hardly fucking Mourinho but he's done a very good, very difficult job and unfortunately at the minute he's the only choice.
  9. My issue is with playing Carroll as a lone striker, he's certainly not crap.
  10. I'm as sick of Nicky Butt being in the team as the next person, but "at this level" Yes, at this level. He was fucking shambolic against Huddersfield - needlessly clattering the opposition and passing like he had a club foot. And they're not even 'at this level'. He's lost his attributes, both physical and mental.
  11. I'm not entirely convinced with Carroll's hold up play compared to Ranger's. In the situation we are, with a lone striker, it's much more effective than having a player like AC who is good in the air but has no one to knock it on to. Butt shouldn't be anywhere near the team either, regardless of injuries. He was over the hill about 18 months ago, God knows why he's still playing football at this level.
  12. "By the way...It was a complete lie about the takeover" http://i29.tinypic.com/s45jec.jpg It was on my part anyway. Why? Whey, i'm a cunt. It's okay though. Our favourite ITK has assured us that while bullshitting I actually stumbled across the truth. Funny that.
  13. I can't name a source for the same reasons everyone with info gives. The little information I could give would mean nothing to you anyway. It's reliable though.
  14. The deal is done with Sheards 'group'. It will be announced tomorrow morning.
  15. http://images.mirror.co.uk/upl/m4/dec2008/0/9/3F5FAE9B-F817-2CBE-9D9ED86B3BEDB3B1.jpg Hiya!
  16. We didn't announce Solano for a good couple of hours after the close of the window. As long as the paper work is on it's way to the FA by 5pm then any deal can still go ahead.
  17. Great day IMO. We've brought in a striker and more importantly we haven't lost anyone else.
  18. As I said - spackers starting rumours, spackers getting excited, spackers getting annoyed. God bless the transfer window.
  19. GG doesn't follow Spurs, he follows Watford, whom Rose was on loan to last season in the Championship, so I still guessing what is it Read my earlier post, shitferbrains.
  20. He was on loan with us at Watford last season. SAME LEAGUE AS YOU. Apologies, I had you down as a Yid.
  21. There is one major difference between us and Spurs which means GG's opinion isn't really that important. Have a guess what it is.
  22. I fully expect Lovenkrands to be announced after 5 o'clock. Any deals after that are a bonus.
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