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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. It's not even the real Player of the Year poll, it's something hoyed up by the webmaster to keep them occupied This is the real Player of the Year poll... http://www.nufc.premiumtv.co.uk/page/PlayeroftheSeason/0,,10278,00.html
  2. NUSC aren't just a pressure group. They're doing a lot with regards to the Supporters Trust so the fans may one day get a seat on the board.
  3. If you were calling him shit after his first season then you need your head read Am I the only person who can remember long periods, usually as much as five or six matches at a time, where you'd forget he was on the pitch before he'd decide to put a shift in and then revert back to being anonymous?
  4. They're shite but it doesn't stop Martins from being equally as bad albeit in a different manner.
  5. Even though he was our best player in that game and got our only goal later on? don't be daft man Played through the pain barrier for us, and looked our only striker likely to score under Shearer, despite performing poorly. Yes. If he'd scored the penalty it probably would've changed the game. We had them on the ropes and when he fluffed it for no other reason than he thought he was on the training ground heads dropped and Arsenal got a boost. Personally I think Viduka was our best striker at the arse end of the season and the few chances he had he made more compared to the handful of fantastic opportunities Martins missed in horrific fashion.
  6. So do I I don't think an 83 year old Swede with a semi-on for flat pack furniture would be interested in us. If it does come off it means he could build us a new stadium from a flat pack using only alan keys with a retro look. It would take ages to put up though as no fucker would be able to read the instructions.
  7. The problems with Martins aren't just down to the rest of the team. Okay, he may have been slightly more effective if the midfield was creating chances but that still doesn't excuse his lack of footballing ability. No first touch, awful finishing, complete lack of a brain and sporadic use of this 'blistering pace' we heard so much about. Personally he should've been ran out of town when he took that penalty against Arsenal with his weaker foot.
  8. So do I I don't think an 83 year old Swede with a semi-on for flat pack furniture would be interested in us.
  9. The Arsenal comparison is foolish. The Emirates is a long term durable asset whereas you were talking about using loans to improve the playing squad which is fraught with problems and uncertainty. You're talking about financing a football club like it's a piece of piss and it isn't. It isn't simply a case of cutting back here and trimming there because of the very nature of the modern game. If it was really that simple do you not think every club would be doing it? You are right about one thing though, debt isn't neccassarily a bad thing. The problem is that we're not in a position to knock at the door of a bank and ask for some money and we probably wont be for some time. At this moment we need someone to come in and put their heart, soul and chequebook on the line rather than asking some city banker for a few million.
  10. The lack of a loan will make NUFC so much easier to sell and it's clear he wants to jettison us ASAP because he can't afford to keep pumping cash into the club at an unrealistic rate.
  11. Change Premiership to Champions League and that is pretty much how Shepherd ran the club when he was here. No bloody way we should go back to doing that. depends what the debts are when the new owner comes in. there is nothing wrong with borrowing to try and improve. the problem comes when you've borrowed and haven't improved then borrow again and don't improve. Football is not an exact science. No one can say we will improve for certain which means your doing a FFS and rolling the dice and if you don't get the correct outcome you're going to have to keep rolling the dice. Nowadays it's even more of an issue especially when clubs have to run just to stand still. It's not a risk worth taking and i'm amazed some people are suggesting it considering the flap they got themselves in over 'teh books!!1!11' when Ashley came in.
  12. I think i'm the only person who has called him what he is all the way through - shit.
  13. Change Premiership to Champions League and that is pretty much how Shepherd ran the club when he was here. No bloody way we should go back to doing that.
  14. Their normally reliable with their sources. Anything new today? They're not really. They get the occasional thing spot on by virtue of having quite a few decent reporters but by and large they deal in conjecture.
  15. Where's this from fella? Lad on Skunkers who lives in the same building as him. Been chatting to his missus while Seb's away with Cameroon. She say if he would sign? Doesn't say. It looks like offering him a new contract could be one of the things Shearer was talking over with Ashley and Llambias as he's apparently been told he wont be sold for any less than £15 million too.
  16. Where's this from fella? Lad on Skunkers who lives in the same building as him. Been chatting to his missus while Seb's away with Cameroon.
  17. There is never a perfect time for a takeover but any opportunity to get rid of that fat twat must be grasped with both hands. Things aren't going to get any better under him. His ever dwindling fortune means he is simply not going to put the money in the club needs to bounce straight back and after watching him destroy us over the past two years I don't believe he'll learn from his mistakes. It's the simple stuff like the appointments, timing of said appointments and general handling of every crisis which makes it patently obvious he's a non-football man making football decisions and poor ones at that Lets be honest, his appointment of Shearer was no great coup either. I know some people have softened their stance on MA because he sought to bring in Big Al but he pretty much acknowledged that he'd have taken the job no matter what the situation in his first press conference. There is also the fact that Shearer is another roll of the dice, much like Keegan was and much like Kinnear was. It's another appointment which smacks of desperation and made by someone who isn't in the real world. I was as happy to see Shearer come back as the next bloke simply because I jizz in my kegs a little bit when I think of everything he did on the pitch but the fact of the matter is he isn't a proven manager which you could argue is what we needed. I'm not saying Shearer wont be a good manager, it's too early to tell, but it was the type of gamble you expect a man like Ashley, who gives away positions at the club on the spin of a roulette wheel (allegedly) to make. I've seen enough of the Ashley regime to make my decision that he's never going to be the right man to run this club in the long term. You can talk about stability and the likes but we're never going to have any under this man.
  18. Ashley invested in some players but he let more go. That meant we had a smaller squad with a bigger wage bill which puts pay to the lies he was more 'finanically sound' that Shepherd as not only was he willing to risk our Premiership status but he was willing to do it while throwing cash at some utter shite. Your last point is wank too. Relegation doesn't make those assets any more saleable, we could've got rid if we'd stayed in the Premiership. The only difference is if we were up we could keep them with no major financial implications, now we have to try and get rid to save cash.
  19. I thought it was nigh on impossible to have a worse board than the previous one but I was wrong. I do think there are a lot of people on here who seem eager to place the blame anywhere but at the door of the incumbent board when it's painfully obvious that they have done so much damage to this club that it's obscene. It's not black and white, there are loads of factors that have lead to the downfall of the club but Ashley and his pals need to shoulder a fucking huge amount of it.
  20. If he keeps the club we're fucked and there will be no quick bounce back. I'd imagine we'll be an attractive proposition for someone with a fair amount of wonga. Ground, fan base, history etc. all in place and at a knock down price. We just need some money.
  21. Who sent death threats to Ashley's family, cretin? Thats the reason ashley decided to sell up, he said it himself He's said a lot of things himself, such as "Wise is only here to buy half a dozen under-19s a season and not to go behind Keegan's back", followed by "It is a fact Kevin Keegan was never buying the players and he knew it." Get to fuck sonna.
  22. Who sent death threats to Ashley's family, cretin? The fans are blameless in this. Stop spouting your lazy, ill informed rubbish and wake up and smell the coffee. On average almost 50k turned up week in, week out to support a team ran by a man and his pals in the midst of an awful midlife crisis and made up by bunch of players who simply don't give a shite. Managers didn't come to Newcastle because of what Ashley did, not because of the fans. That meant we ended up with a compulsive liar running the gaff whose tactical knowledge could've been written on the back of a packet of fags.
  23. It is nice to have the big clubs in the top league and you miss them when they're not there but when they're on the brink you're always begging for them to drop, hence the reason why we aren't getting many sympathetic messages by all and sundry.
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