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David Icke - Son of God

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Everything posted by David Icke - Son of God

  1. Which one was it? I've been a Newcastle fan all of my life and i've never been as embarrassed as I was after the Liverpool match. It wasn't the performance, but the fans who acted so childshly. We've been spoilt by the relative success of the Keegan and Robson era's which has vastly inflated expectations. We need to understand that our performances over the past few seasons haven't been down to bad luck, but bad players and bad management. We're not a top six or even a top eight club and haven't been for a while now. The blame doesn't lie at the feet of Allardyce, Mort or Ashley but the likes of Souness, Shepherd and Douglas Hall. Give Big Sam time and he'll get it right. do you think allardyce could have got better performances out of his squad quite easily in most of our games this season ? I think the answer is no, but then I don't really understand the question. i'll rephrase it.....do you think the performances and results would have been better if allardyce had played a balanced team,not played players continually out of position,setting out teams for 0-0's at the leagues weakest teams,not seeing when tactics aren't working in certain games,sending out teams with the sole intention of stopping the opposition and no plan for when they are breached ? Yes, I do. I can't defend his tactics or team selections because they have baffled me occasionally but we can't advocate sacking him after 14 games, especially when he's barely had a chance to start building his own team. It's a long process that wont improve if we hoy our toys out of the pram and sack the manager every single f****** time they do something we don't agree with. If we do then this board will be full of more posts saying "Wrong man, sack him" whenever the new fella picks Smith over Owen, Duff over N'Zogbia etc.
  2. Which one was it? I've been a Newcastle fan all of my life and i've never been as embarrassed as I was after the Liverpool match. It wasn't the performance, but the fans who acted so childshly. We've been spoilt by the relative success of the Keegan and Robson era's which has vastly inflated expectations. We need to understand that our performances over the past few seasons haven't been down to bad luck, but bad players and bad management. We're not a top six or even a top eight club and haven't been for a while now. The blame doesn't lie at the feet of Allardyce, Mort or Ashley but the likes of Souness, Shepherd and Douglas Hall. Give Big Sam time and he'll get it right. do you think allardyce could have got better performances out of his squad quite easily in most of our games this season ? I think the answer is no, but then I don't really understand the question.
  3. Which one was it? I've been a Newcastle fan all of my life and i've never been as embarrassed as I was after the Liverpool match. It wasn't the performance, but the fans who acted so childshly. We've been spoilt by the relative success of the Keegan and Robson era's which has vastly inflated expectations. We need to understand that our performances over the past few seasons haven't been down to bad luck, but bad players and bad management. We're not a top six or even a top eight club and haven't been for a while now. The blame doesn't lie at the feet of Allardyce, Mort or Ashley but the likes of Souness, Shepherd and Douglas Hall. Give Big Sam time and he'll get it right.
  4. Honestly, I despair sometimes especially knowing he isn't the only person that thinks that way. Why do people believe we're this amazing club who should be winning the league every season rather than a jumped up bunch of also rans?
  5. There's just been some utter mong on 5 Live spewing out the same old shite.... "Allardyce is an ex-Mackem" "This is the greatest job in the world" "He's brought in dross" "I don 't mind losing 4-3" Wanker
  6. 5 Live's talking point later this morning - Are Newcastle an impossible club to manage? At the minute it would seem so.
  7. Until said fans realise that it's going to take more than 3 months to turn us into a decent side. If Shearer had his head screwed on he'd turn down the job, if he gets it wrong it could seriously leave his reputation in tatters.
  8. If that happens i'm going to strap on an AK47 and fire rounds into the family of every moronic fucking spacker that has not only made a mockery of this club by going on SSN and saying "Why aye! Shearaaaaa needs to be tha managa like!" but those who have acted so fucking childishly over the past few games because things haven't went right. If Shearer becomes manager it could and probably will be an unmitigated disaster. He needs to prove himself first before coming anywhere near this club again.
  9. Why's it funny? Our two second place finishes and our more recent decent finishes five years ago have kept expectations sky high.
  10. I doubt it, what with the News Corp links. Concurred.
  11. Doubt they are, before the Pompy debacle he was being built up by the press as this uniter who was managing to keep Martins happy ("I'll stay here as long as Sam stays") and there was even talk about him getting Owen to sign a new deal in the summer. Doesn't his lack of after match interview stem from his dislike of the BBC over the whole bung investigation.
  12. I thought we'd be in a situation this season where the teams you'd expect to finish 6th to 14th would be completely interchangeable at only separated by a few points come May. We'd be in with that lot and so far I think i'm spot on in what I predicted.
  13. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/index.php?topic=43872.0 Don't see you laughing at people saying it there. Proof people are stupid
  14. Christ on a Vespa, I missed that The top 4 is stowed off, there was no chance of us getting there. Spurs in all probability were favourites for fifth and HMP Fratton Park, Everton and Blackburn were all on steady inclines and probably had the next three positions sewed. That leaves us, Wist 'Am, Villa and Citeh, who underperformed last year, to fight it out for the rest of the places. We were arguably in the worst state out of those four clubs.
  15. You don't know that so why make assumptions? There is currently no evidence whatsoever to suggest he can turn things around. Comparing Allardyce to the likes of Moyes and Hughes is stupid as their expectations when they got appointed were not half as high as ours were this season. And who's bloody fault is that? You can't blame BSA for the fact that a lot of our fanbase is made up of impatient fuck wits.
  16. Fingers cross McKay will drag Freddy and Dougie into it too
  17. You're not asking for much really are you? A Wenger type manager who plays good football and can get us winning games. Well frig me slightly, why don't you just ring Ashley and tell him? Thank you for saving our season, Kenton You're being completely unfair. It takes insight to spot that employing a double-winning, unbeaten-season-attaining, Champions League final-qualifying, gorgeous football-endorsing, outstanding talent-spotting genius would perhaps be a good idea. I'd not thought of it, had you? I hadn't, i'm just jealous
  18. You're not asking for much really are you? A Wenger type manager who plays good football and can get us winning games. Well frig me slightly, why don't you just ring Ashley and tell him? Thank you for saving our season, Kenton
  19. Fair play if he is interested. But remember this is from the same newspaper who whenever they print a Newcastle related story we quickly dismiss it as being more garbage from the Sun. Difference is that the Sun never often use direct quotes from reputable sources when they talk about us.
  20. Congratulations. You've managed to make yourself look like a tit by picking out the exceptions that prove the rule.
  21. was today,hadn't been so far i think he means rozy. I was going to say I can remember a few times today Enrique holding off a Liverpool player... ...only to pass it to a red shirt
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