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Everything posted by TRC

  1. TRC

    Alan Pardew

    Ashley hoping for a quick sale and making sure one of his mates gets a good pay out?
  2. TRC

    Danny Guthrie

    It was either him or Smith really.
  3. This by far, we finally had some stability after 7 years of a downward spiral. We have promising talent who were enjoying their football and the potential of Carroll, Ben Arfa and Jose was unlimited, Jose now seems disillusioned, chances are its the end of HBA. So we are losing a lot more than Hughton, we maybe losing a team with desire not shown since Robsons time.
  4. With Ashley, that's a very plausible suggestion. Good idea to be fair, "Can I have your attention please, I have recieved an email from your general manager" We need to appoint Michael Cole for that bit.
  5. I just think he needs dropping for a few games and then he will be back to his best. Well under Hughton I would have said so.
  6. Depends what you question as Work Rate. Does he ever try to win the ball back when he loses it, or does he stand still, look the heavens, then tighten his head band? You gave him the massive workrate stat on FM
  7. TRC

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    It looked like HBA finally found a manager that he respected and wanted to play for.
  8. TRC

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Can't see us getting this kid now.
  9. Clearly burnt out, played the most games for us this season, and went to the WC.
  10. Decent player. The one time I've seen him for a full game was the stand out player by a long way. Good Alround midfielder with an eye for goal. Decent player. The one time I've seen him for a full game was the stand out player by a long way. Good Alround midfielder with an eye for goal. Sounds like Danny Guthrie.
  11. He's running the midfield himself to be fair. When HBA comes back he will have someone that actually shows for the ball, not scared players like Guthrie and Lil Wayne or a burnt out Jonas.
  12. Really confident, yet you think we will nick it? Slightly contrasting no?
  13. I'll be happy if 2 of them are missing. Ideally Brunt and Odemwingie. Although Paul Scharner is one of the best players in the world.
  14. Thought City would be the highest by far. Robinho's agent must have made a fortune off them.
  15. He's probably shattered from the World Cup.
  16. Jonas brings a lot to the team, but we need wingers that can actually cross the ball with Carroll being so good in the air.
  17. After Colo and Willos assault on Elmander, even if we did have the dollar he probably wouldn't be keen. TBF he is lucky Tiote wasn't playing.
  18. Emre would have been good if he didn't get injured every 5 minutes.
  19. True, just with Carroll saying it in the press. Carroll should just break his jaw tbh.
  20. Did Ashley Cole pull out? Wonder how he took it that Carroll wants a peice of Cheryl.
  21. TRC

    Footy trivia

    Post it on here, I can't get on Sporcle at work.
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