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Everything posted by TRC

  1. TRC

    Jonas Gutierrez

    I haven't seen the goal, anyone got a gif or link?
  2. Was the most hated player we've had in years for 2 seasons, booed regularly before games. Got to give the bloke credit. That is all.
  3. The Paddypower thing via nufc.com gives 2/1 now?
  4. I like Shearer as manager, he hasn't got the results, but he's making good decisions.
  5. TRC

    Joey Barton

    What an idiot, after the second goal went in I said aslong as noone gets sent off we still have a good chance of staying up, and most of that was due to Barton being back, as he offers us drive. But what a fucking prick, needless tackle, potentially relegated us, as he Viduka and Martins are the only guys that can get us out of the mess.
  6. TRC

    Players in public

    Dowie in Tup Tup last night, what a hero. He was so drunk he could hardly talk, he was grinding with his wife and she give him a kinda lap dance. Possibly the funniest thing I have ever seen.
  7. I think he's just a confident bloke who doesnt give a shit about what people think of him.
  8. He's deffo not gay like. He's a right player, shags loads of birds.
  9. Arsenal are fucking shit, can't score for shit. In 2 weeks or whenever we play them Van Persie is garenteed to get a hattrick.
  10. TRC

    Players in public

    Would have been the living room. Seen Duke in eldon square yesterday
  11. Anyone bet on Boxing? 5.5/1 for Mosely to win on points tonight, worth a couple of quid as a value bet.
  12. TRC

    Players in public

    It was a free bar, you didn't need any money. Cisse was there. Habib looked alot more gangster this year.
  13. TRC

    Players in public

    Obas party was class, Dioufs a cunt, Xisco is a legend, Jonas is canny as fuck. Oba and Jonas were on the water. Xisco is a hero, good laugh, top lad, loves the ladies.
  14. TRC

    Players in public

    Cisse in the living room the other day
  15. Well maybe he doesn't want to sit in a directors box, with a bunch of posh c***s. I agree fully with the way he's ran the club, he appointed Wise as DOF, one mistake, it was only a mistake because it was Wise, who's job hasn't shown the benifits yet (but may in 3 or 4 years when these players come through) If I was Ashley I wouldn't want someone like Keegan in charge of my money, especially a Keegan 3 years out of the game. Ashley is a legend, and this has nothing to do that he bought me champaign, money can't buy my faith tbh....
  16. Put yourself in his situation, he can't go to the games anymore incase people assault him, he only bought the club for the craic really. If I bought a club I didn't support and the fans were dillusional cunts, I'd just tell them to fuck off, then sell to some right bastard, like Doug Ellis. I hope he does actually, would be great banter with NE5
  17. Course we have, Newcastle fans are morons, a good 90% of them anyway.
  18. I have West Ham in my accumulator, so hopefully the result will stay as it is.
  19. I put money on him at 25/1 on the day Keegan resigned, be pretty happy it if is him, just so I win £13.00
  20. Aye bollocks to this sport, its shite now
  21. Appiah? Is he shit now or something?
  22. I thought it was before that? Either way, he should keep his mouth shut, I wouldn't have minded about the defender, but since we were going to bring one in then didn't, I'm a bit gutted. Then again I don't really give a shit, I'd rather get beat 4-3 than win one nil anyway.
  23. He got 2 of those 3. He said those three before Milner was sold, Gonzales looks to be a quick Milner replacement.
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