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Everything posted by TRC

  1. TRC

    La Liga - 10/11

    Modric would be a decent replacement for Xavi, plays a lot deeper these days.
  2. TRC

    Kevin Nolan

    We also have HBA coming back, who will probably play in the hole. He'll get a few.
  3. TRC

    La Liga - 10/11

    I have Abidal down as the best LB in the world. I refuse to rate Cole, purely because I don't like him. Evra doesn't seem to be as awesome as he once was. I dont watch any Serie A so I can't judge any of their left backs. I think C-Ron would ruin the balance of Barca. Carles is still class though. I think they just need to start blooding their youngsters ready to replace Abidal,Puyol and Xavi, although I think Xavi can play till his mid thirties.
  4. Think we have a chance with Chiek, as much as I love Nolan, this is one of them games when he gets badly exposed.
  5. Bernard's positioning was terrible. I like Domi though, still prefer Jose.
  6. TRC


    So which of our players are good to follow on this?
  7. TRC

    Joey Barton

    Think we need to get rid of the poll now.
  8. SWP was good back when he was a bundle of energy.
  9. TRC

    Joey Barton

    Deserves a new deal like, top class this season.
  10. SWP is terrible, a few good seasons thats all.
  11. Aye, didn't Keane say about Shearer, that he saw going to get sent off anyway, so he might as well punch him?
  12. The 4-0 vs Spurs, best performance I've ever seen from a player.
  13. TRC

    The Two Escobars

    Everytime I find out its on, its already half way through. When is it next on?
  14. Kevin Nolans against Blackpool at home last season. Walked around about 10 players, and put in a sublime finish.
  15. TRC

    La Liga - 10/11

    Quite like Atletico, hope they get someone good in. VI, just wondering what makes you post on a Newcastle board? Or is Newcastle your second club or something?
  16. Is it the only place in town showing it? Its bad enough on a match day, will be horrendus when everyone is piled in there. If it was a choice out of Smith and Guthrie who would you pick? I'd seriously pick Perch in DM ahead of them two.
  17. We always get linked with him, but nothing ever happens.
  18. Ambrose would be better than Smith and Guthrie. I don't actually want Ambrose, I just think he was under rated when here.
  19. Villareal vs Arsenal could go either way. Its not a shit league if Barca>Man U, Real > City and from 5 down la liga is better, so 3 teams are better in the Prem position for position.
  20. Villareal and Valencia are good teams. Their midtable would shit on ours. Barca and Real would destroy teams in our league just as they are in theirs.
  21. I'd hardly call La Liga a shit league.
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