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Everything posted by TRC

  1. Most of Sneijders goals in the WC were deflections anyway. Iniesta or Xavi for me, Messi didn't have a great world cup. The boy Leo is a genius though.
  2. He's like a young Darren Ambrose. To be honest, I'd sign Ambrose if he wasn't injured. Should never have sold him, his goal vs Bolton was unreal. Always preferred him to Milner.
  3. To put in a "not worth thread" seems a bit disrespectful. RIP
  4. TRC

    Sebastian Larsson

    Need him before the weekend. Need Barton in the middle for the Mackems.
  5. TRC

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I thought he did ok at Marseille? Did alright for the national team too.
  6. Considering an appeal, means we aren't appealing. This is going to be like Roeder and Kuyt.
  7. Ok. Just completely ignore what I said then Didn't really read your post. Wonder what people would be saying if De Jong did that.
  8. He didn't do any of those things he attempted to get the ball and got it.
  9. I didn't know they could be downgraded? Just rescinded?
  10. TRC


    or if tiote is fit. Yeah, no chance of winning without Chieck.
  11. TRC


    Cattermole is out, as is Welbeck. I think this game depends on if how well Titus adapts to being captain, and making up for his poor performance in the home derby. I think he will have a stormer personally.
  12. Which Diarra are Malaga after?
  13. I think you lot are underating Adam. He's twice the player of Smith and Guthrie.
  14. Adam's contract is up at the end of the season? Well it is on FM...
  15. I've never heard him speak but I think he's from Yorkshire, I would love it if he was as broad as Dean Windass. Imagine that in the Turkey dressing room.
  16. TRC

    January Transfer

    deliberate? I typed loan ranger, and I thought someone would do it for me, and post something ridiuclous ruining the thread so I did it anyway.
  17. TRC

    Alan Pardew

    when we finished 7th under Roeder we weren't playing that great though.
  18. Rather not gamble on him to be fair, seemed to be a few seconds behind play when I've seen him. I also don't rate the French league much, after player like Marlet, Laslandes, and Guivarch have all came over and been terrible. They all had much better records than Chu Young, only 17 in 70 or so for Monaco, I'm guessing he brings other things into the game. I think what we need is a good poacher to compliment AC's arial ability.
  19. He used to have really white teeth, in recent photos he seems to have let himself go a fair bit.
  20. Hows he doing this season? I haven't rated him when I've seen him play, only seen him a few times like. I'd go for Vela on loan. Great finisher.
  21. TRC

    January Transfer

    Best, Shola and Carroll, are all big/strong strikers. We need a better version of Lovenkrands IMO. I'd lone Ranger and sell Xisco, no point in Xisco being at the club.
  22. Kazim Kazim Fener to Galatasaray! I'm furious about this.
  23. Thought he was a defensive mid? Striker or a winger, check out his goal vs Everton reserves.
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