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Everything posted by TRC

  1. Which book is better, Rafas Way or Douglas' Rafalution book?
  2. Never knew that, why the fuck was he at City?
  3. Was he not always their player?
  4. So is Caulkin actually never wrong? Who was it a few years ago year that kept saying we would get Austin? Also what happened to that bird with the cans on Twitter that became an ITK
  5. Looks like he only played 13 games for them last season? According to my lazy Wiki check.
  6. TRC


    Think this is a non starter.
  7. The Chronicle is absolute shite these days, every page takes ages to load. Especially when they do a time line for the day, I can never find the headline I clicked on. Was it better under Oliver?
  8. TRC


    The Kevin Ball on Roeder thing, is that just an urban myth?
  9. Was it Luke Edwards who was saying for the past four months Rafa would leave?
  10. TRC


    Now apparently Darryl Murphy will do a decent job for them....
  11. Under 24 doesn't really seem that young to be honest.
  12. What are the rules for young player of the year? Seems ridiculous to give it to Lukaku, he's been playing in the Premiership for 6 years.
  13. TRC


    The Burnley game is massive.
  14. I'm just bitter because if ref decisions hadn't have gone against us we wouldn't have been relegated, ref decisions go for them and they win the league.
  15. Yeah I tried to make that point yesterday. They got some luck during the course of the season but to label it as a fluke really diminishes their unbelievable achievement. The amount of referee decisions that went their way when it shouldn't, which according to some stats made them 10 points better off. The fact Liverpool, Chelsea, Man U and City were in a complete mess. It's a great achievement no doubt, but the chances of the circumstances aligning like that ever again are pretty low, therefore a fluke IMO.
  16. In all seriousness, he overachieved/fluked the title, they were second in the league if you take into account major refereering decisions effecting the league table. Now he is massively underachieving, he had to go if they want to have a chance to stay up.
  17. I guess it's similar to Pardew getting 5th then us wanting rid the next season.
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