a lot to unpick here.
guilty of a hit and run
cant afford insurance
earned £6.4m in career
now working as an apprentice on £22k
you are kind of right it was reported a few months later that Atlanta actually received £16m + some rather dubious performance linked bonuses e.g. if we qualified for the Champions League.
that way we were able to say we broke our record when actually we didn’t.
No, not only is Murphy a far better passer from wide, but his role involves switching the team from 433 to 532 as the game requires. Not many players can do that.
Bruno will start a) because of the suspension and b) because the captaincy situation would otherwise be awkward.
you also start Burn given his experience of playing in the lower leagues.
Gordon will be centre forward because you need at least a few players with an established confidence in front of goal.