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Everything posted by James

  1. James

    Gerry Francis

    That is because no-one is getting appointed.
  2. James

    Gerry Francis

    Really shit joke NSG, go to your room.
  3. I'd play: Given Coloccini Taylor Bassong Enrique Geremi Guthrie N'Zogbia Owen Duff Xisco Kinnear won't though.
  4. James

    Nile Ranger

    Missed a sitter in the second half.
  5. I'm ashamed to call you a fellow fan. Love me, sitting in my chair having not been to an away game for 18 months.
  6. James

    Nile Ranger

    Aarg, I could have gone to that game if I'd known about it
  7. James

    Mind your language

    The consensus, almost from day one, was that Souness cunted into the club and tried to manage like an army colonel -- e.g. respect through pulling rank, instilling fear and intimidation. I haven't heard a bit of that about or from Joe yet. My take on Joe is he's trying to appeal to whatever professional pride might exist in the squad. To get them at least playing, if not for the club, then for themselves. Frankly, if they've lost that, then he has no hope regardless -- soft touch or not. My original post didn't make the assumption that JK would try to manage like Souness, it was more of a comment that if he wants to be a success, he should play nice, whereas what you are quoting is my response to the attitude that Kinnear should be blasting his players if necessary. Just want to make that clear.
  8. James

    Mind your language

    If he's still here in January then I will agree with every word. At the moment I'm taking it at face value that he'll be here for an interim period only. On that basis he has my full backing to blast the press, light a fire under the arses of previously disinterested players and get some fucking results. Won't work. The length of his contract will see to that. The length of the contract is unavoidable because the club is in the process of being sold. If the players can't be arsed because of that then fuck them tbh, it's a disgraceful attitude. It is the modern game, it is up to Kinnear to adapt to the players not for the players to adapt to the manager. It is one of the first rules of management. Didn't people hit Souness with that particular stick?
  9. James

    Joe Kinnear

    The players were never under attack from the media, the only thing affecting them right now is the hurricane in the goldfish bowl that was being caused by other parties, ie the board and the management. Kinnear has huffed and puffed and made the hurricane much worse. In fact, here is the most severe criticism of the players this week: Definitely one way to go about splitting the dressing room there in my opinion. How much evidence was there of any spirit in that dressing room before Kinnear got here? Have you watched the last few matches under Hughton? The spirit previously is irrelevant, it is up to Kinneat to raise it, and from my perceptions of his first week in the office, things are worse, not better, we'll see for sure on Sunday whether there will be any short term effect.
  10. Everyone seems to be missing the point that JFK is here for only two months. Long term his explosive methods would be ill-advised, but in a desperate situation to turn things round as quickly as possible it could be a master stroke. We'll see over the next few games. I think it is worse because he is on a short term deal. No-one, be it the players, the fans, and the press have no motivation to respond positively to a shouter. The players weren't exactly responding to quiet and nice Chris Hughton were they? Who says anything about being quiet? It is possible to be passionate and motivational without fighting the players. Remember what happenned to Sir Bobby, players undermining him over minor constructive criticisms because he was leaving the next summer. They'll take one look at Kinnear if he starts mouthing off at them like he did the press and think: "I'll be here after you've gone"
  11. James

    Mind your language

    If he's still here in January then I will agree with every word. At the moment I'm taking it at face value that he'll be here for an interim period only. On that basis he has my full backing to blast the press, light a fire under the arses of previously disinterested players and get some fucking results. Won't work. The length of his contract will see to that.
  12. Everyone seems to be missing the point that JFK is here for only two months. Long term his explosive methods would be ill-advised, but in a desperate situation to turn things round as quickly as possible it could be a master stroke. We'll see over the next few games. I think it is worse because he is on a short term deal. No-one, be it the players, the fans, and the press have no motivation to respond positively to a shouter.
  13. James

    Joe Kinnear

    The players were never under attack from the media, the only thing affecting them right now is the hurricane in the goldfish bowl that was being caused by other parties, ie the board and the management. Kinnear has huffed and puffed and made the hurricane much worse. In fact, here is the most severe criticism of the players this week: Definitely one way to go about splitting the dressing room there in my opinion.
  14. Even the likes of Mourinho got broken eventually with run-ins with the British press, and Kinnear is no Special One.
  15. Lien is spot on, the only people Newcastle should be fighting (not literally) are the opponents on the pitch.
  16. Say we hit the jackpot with our new ownership and had someone who wanted to bankroll the club, I'm not too sure that we could persuade a top top manager to come here at this stage of things, and any half decent manager from abroad may find it difficult to settle into the team in it's current state. In that case, I'd seriously look at Steve Bruce. He isn't the complete manager, but he is a good manager, and has proven that he has the eye for a good player, and can make good players from home and abroad want to play for him. He'd settle the team towards midtable in the first season (this season) by getting the best out of Owen, Colo and Gutierrez, and then with some genuinely decent money, I could see him getting similarly good performances out of quality new players. He may not get the club punching above a certain level, but if he doesn't he'd make an excellent medium ter interim (ie 2-3 seasons) for the next guy.
  17. James

    Mind your language

    One week into the job and Kinnear is already fucking things up, for himself more than anything. He is on a short term contract. He can shout and moan and issue threats as much as he wants to, but the weakness of his own position gives no-one the motivation to respond to that. Basically with the owner's leaving, Kinnear needs to win the hearts and minds of three parties. The players. The only way he can get the players motivated to perform is by using a soft approach and winning their friendship and respect. This way, he may get some results to put on his CV. The fans. Results on the pitch and his passion are what are needed here. If he wants a shot at being kept on by the new owners, he has to get the players playing, and in turn win the fans over. The press. At the end of the day, love them or hate them, the media will be writing Joe Kinnear's epitaph when the takeover happens, and they will have a huge bearing over the reputation of Joe Kinnear, be it in the eyes of the new ownership, or perhaps of a club looking for a new manager in the future. I don't like his public manner, and I don't like his witterings about foreign players and the crazy gang. All this has created the impression for me that Kinnear is an old relic who should never be allowed near a football club on a long term basis. Good luck with his short term running of the club, but even if he wins every game he'd never get my backing long term. Kinnear in January would be one of the biggest disasters in club history.
  18. What happenned to the Joe Kinnear best ever interview thread, i wanted to post something
  19. The new 'South Africans deny any interest' title isn't strictly true, given that Jonathan Cleland is confirming his involvement, and Clifford now seems to be confirming Cleland's genuine intentions.
  20. Don't know why we have to buy at Greggs though considering the amount of money they have indirectly fleeced out of the club through Shepherd, Kluivert, and others.
  21. Aye, the BBC will usually only publish a story if they trust their sources.
  22. Keegan overworked his players in pre-season in my opinion which is why we picked up so many muscle/tendon injuries.
  23. I did consider suggesting this last week but thought better of it.
  24. It's where you say that any new owner will take debts in to account and not buy the club if it is going to hinder them. I get your initial point, but the discussion had appeared to move on from that.
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