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Everything posted by James

  1. If Ashley gave roles to Llambias and co., he's given them a contract which states their responsibilities, and if he was to undermine these contracts, they could resign and sue for constructive dismissal. Ashley does ultimately have the ultimate authority, but only if he can/will pay for it.
  2. James

    Public meeting

    I don't really know what more can be said and done. We all just have to support the team, even the likes of Shola, Duff and smith.
  3. Fortunately it is a minor break, and he'll be back in November.
  4. Given Taylor Cacapa Coloccini Bassong Geremi Butt Gonzalez Owen Xisco Martins
  5. They don't rule out circuses though.
  6. This. To be honest, until we find new owners, the club is up shit creek without a paddle. Survival is again our main objective.
  7. With the above in mind, a sale may take a little while, but I'm worried about what that could mean for NUFC in the short/medium term pre-sale.
  8. How much is the bloke who owns Sage worth? There is not going to be a Geordie white knight riding in to rescue us, nor a consortium either. Wylie is probably the only noorth easterner in that league nowadays but I doubt he would touch it with a barge pole having seen whats gone on in the last days. The fans (some) wanted Ashley out. They may soon think they should have been careful about what they wished for. plenty of people also wanted the last lot out, and should have been careful what they wished for. Simple fact is we are back to square 1. We are looking for an owner who will have good intentions for the club, and also crucially understands football and the need to support their manager. Its all a bit sad. Ultimately, the only losers are us, the fans. Some of us have stumped up a lot of money, and not been given what we quite reasonably expected to get for it. Well from Ashley's statement, it sounds like Ashley was unable to make investments in our team due to how badly the previous lot fucked us up. I'm grateful he came in when he did, because things could be much worse.
  9. Wouldn't be suprised if Ashley then bought Leeds United, as I think the club are well within his resources, and he could bring the club back to where it belongs.
  10. Feel for Ashley, many people have a lot to answer for, and yet it is the silent recluse who is alone in coming up with any answers. Situation is very similar to Sugar at Spurs. Lets hope we find a decent buyer in the near future, as we remain in mangerial limbo, and I doubt the team he's set up will remain motivated in doing their jobs.
  11. A huge percentage of that £40m is taken up by the club's wage bill and other debts owed, which is where the problems lie, and will continue to remain unless we strike lucky like Citeh and Chelsea.
  12. Apparently Steven Taylor was close to tears when he came off.
  13. Well done for getting every single point in that post spectacularly wrong. The first line was pretty much how Mick Lowes summarised the game.
  14. From the sounds of things we did create a fair few chances, and N'Zogbia aside we actually defended ok. Just one of those days, but we need to hope that the new manager is a top man manager.
  15. Same here. Some fans with a banner might be embarrassing to some on here but they don't effect what's happening on the pitch. Yep. Not only have the players lost a great motivator in Keegan, but the permanent instability at the club must make it impossible for any player to believe that they are going to have a successful career here.
  16. I wouldn't blame the players if they didn't want to play for us any more to be honest.
  17. Shut up. Will you shut up. Please shut up now. Shut up immediately. Shut up.
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