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Everything posted by James

  1. Although it is not certain one way or the other, I wouldn't read too much into the Arshavin to Spain stuff see today. The stories originated from AS, a Spanish newspaper, and I've seen English papers do similar for England's opposition. Perfect distraction mind game.
  2. Don't forget that he also rescued Macclesfield from an unrescuable situation.
  3. The point Dave was making I believe was that you have a tendency to lump in anyone who criticises the old board in any way at all with the few, and its a very small few from what I've seen, who do fail to give them any credit whatsoever for anything. My opinion of the old board/Shepherd was that their hearts were in the right place, they were genuinely trying to take the club forward, but their decision making at key times in their latter years of power seemed to indicate that they were always likely to struggle to get us there. I reckon quite a few share this opinion, and its very unfair to lump in anyone who does with the very few who fail to give them any credit whatsoever. Given the size of the club, it's reasonable to argue that there's nothing really stopping us from getting up among the top teams in the country again. Except, of course, how the club is run by those in charge. So for that reason I think people were happy to see a change at board level. Is the new board in any way gauranteed to be better? Not at all. But my feeling was that Shepherd's reign had run its course, and while nobody is denying there were some good times in there I do believe we'd gone as far as we were ever going to under him. So people are generally optimistic about having someone new in charge, and are waiting to see what happens. If they do a shite job and in a couple of years we're still stranded in mid-table, then you can bet that they won't be popular on here. But surely the deserve a fair chance first? And surely people don't deserve to be attacked for giving them that chance? Good post. The bit in bold is EXACTLY what I meant. The previous board did several things excellently. I don't have a problem with acknowledging what they did well. They quite obviously weren't 'the worst board ever', what a ridiculous thing that would be to say. They did, however, also screw some things up royally and we were due for a change. Will it 'automatically be an improvement'? Of course not. But who has actually said they thought it would be better by default? Nobody that I can remember, it's a strawman argument used time and time again. To wit: Old board - did well most of the time, fucked some key things up. New board - barely had a chance yet, let's see in a few years how well they're fairing. complete tripe. Lots of people said they just wanted rid of them, and anytime at all any names were mentioned, even that hedge fund, they were all in favour. Lots of people. Selective memory or what. Anyway, it doesn't matter. It seems that some people are now coming over to what some of the better posters used to tell you, you know those that have gone from the board, for one reason or another. Gemmill and Alex? i didn't mean you Well, clearly. That wouldn't make sense, seeing as I've gone nowhere. is the correct answer !!! If you qualified ........ Wonder how many others will leave Yes NE5. The departure of members from this forum has everything to do with the change from the old board to the new board. Well let me tell you something. In the last five years, this board has done better than the other boards such as http://z3.invisionfree.com/NUFCforum/index.php?act=idx and www.toontastic.com. What do you say to that eh? eh?
  4. NE5, you are obsessed with the old board. You have nothing else to say, so I won't ask.
  5. Only signed one shit player in my opinion, although four others didn't work out as hoped.
  6. James


    Even sadder that people believe it.
  7. Shola had developed the ability to become invisible hence three deflections of others shots. This has its advantages: He can guide the ball into the goal from an offside position without being seen He can use his hand to control the ball without being seen He can grab hold of people and unnecessarily push them to the ground, yet make it look to the referee that the player has just tripped over his own feet. Yes, his team mates wont be able to see him, but there'd be a 12th player on the pitch. I say we keep him.
  8. James


    Just read the guy's bio. His life story seems to be contradicted by the content of the blog.
  9. James


    Only 6' 1", and I think someone jumped the gun on wiki.
  10. James


    Joaquin Phoenix and Rhys Meyer
  11. Lost the ball and started rolling about, but was off the pitch so the ref didn't need to stop play and Spain looked in a promising counter attacking position. Di Natale then rolls back onto the pitch and the ref didn't see him roll onto the pitch so blew to stop play.
  12. Fucking hell, that is really good going. With 377,967 entrants, that puts you in the top 0.02%
  13. Highest Fantasy Football score this matchday No chance of winning though down in a respectable 14th place. Would like to get top 10. Our league is now 48th out of 20,000+ by the way. Well done lads.
  14. Had a feeling when he came on that Guiza would miss a penalty, he just had a look to him.
  15. Plus existing Blackburn players will respect Ince because they know that he has done it all at the top level.
  16. Fortunately it is a fake set up by a Zenit fan on his own admission.
  17. One to avoid. Everything I said was bad for Arshavin is tenfold for Aimar.
  18. Complete silence could mean that the board are completely 100% to fault for the following: Server php_bb error Boards didn't crash when we signed £3m strikers on the old board.
  19. James

    Sunday Gossip....

    Bentley said something along the lines of: "You'd never see me signing for an unstable club like Newcastle" a while back, and being the strong-minded slightly controversial guy that he is, I doubt we could change his mind this summer.
  20. Lazy twat. No denying he did all that Dave, but he played in bursts and I think you are missing the point. At the moment, there is no space for Arshavin up front at one of the bigger clubs. Playing in bursts in midfield compromises the defensive ability of the team, and teams will have to play uglier players in midfield, and I can't see a top four side wanting to do this. I'll admit that I did see him working at some stages of the game, but we have seen Robert do the same in some of the bigger games. The worry is that based on times when I thought he should have been doing something but wasn't in the European Championship Quarter finals, what will it be like once he becomes established in this league and he is playing away at Portsmouth. Feel free to bump my posts in May if he isn't dropping in and out of games like I described.
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