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Everything posted by James

  1. Off the record discussion. People wont share information publicly, but will happily discuss the information between individuals as friends. Such relationships allow journalists to drop hints, without information looking official public knowledge.
  2. And just remember who always wins.
  3. To be fair to Nobby, he has shown before that he knows the word at the Times/Sun.
  4. www.nufc.co.uk to listen as usual, but game may be the FiveLive choice, so that will be on the net if you are UK based.
  5. James

    FAO Sam Allardyce

    Is that what you're saying? No. Dalglish is dour and negative, lets get some sexy football from Gullit. Gullit is a bad man manager, and doesn't understand the region. Lets get Robson, he can do both. Robson is to soft and some of the players dont respect him. Lets get some hard man discipline from Souness. Souness has destroyed the players confidence and split the dressing room. Roeder has united them, lets stick with him. Roeder lost so many players to injuries and has no Plan B. Allardyce should solve that. Allardyce invites the opposition on to us, and doesn't understand the region. Lets get Keegan, he'll attack, and he's been there before.
  6. James

    FAO Sam Allardyce

    And people had a go at Shepherd appointing managers whose stand out attribute was the opposite to the worst attribute shown by the previous manager
  7. I hope Zog doesn't do a Dyer and believe all his hype. Although they are slightly different players, Zog is about as good as Dyer was at the same age. He has a lot to do to become the top player we think he can become.
  8. James

    Arthur Cox

    No offence to Cox, but those two are in a different league to him.
  9. James

    Arthur Cox

    I can never remember a time in my life when I 'only' mixed with people of exactly my own age. Particularly in relation to supporting NUFC, I (and everyone else, young or old, that I knew) always knew all about the current situation at the club, and all previous situations at the club - and ALL our famous players and managers. I cannot understand why or how "when you were born" should have even the tiniest little influence on anyones level of knowledge about our club. If you are a supporter, that is. I know that it is sometimes regarded as 'cool' to act ignorant (amongst some people) but it camnnot be regarded as 'cool' (surely) to post on a NUFC forum, and act IGNORANT about NUFC? (whether you were 'only-born-yesterday' or not . . .) Do I expect my children to understand my ramblings about Souness, Bellamy and Robert? No. Dont think the original poster was trying to be cool, it was a genuine question. Football is much less about generations and history these days, and it therefore isn't suprising a younger person doesn't know who Cox is, especially as Cox's achievements almost 25 years ago, aren't up there with the league challenges, and domestic and european cup runs we have experienced in recent years.
  10. James

    Arthur Cox

    Some old people need to accept that probably over 25% of Newcastle fans weren't born when Cox was manager. Me for example, I know he managed us, I know he signed Keegan and they became great friends, and I know he got us promoted, and later rejoined the backroom staff under Keegan, but anything else comes from Wikipedia.
  11. Boro could be using Spurs to try and force better terms out of us I reckon. Wouldn't be surprised if they rejected an identical offer from us just to force us to pay extra or offer Smith or Shola as leverage.
  12. This, plus Keegan said that any contract issues had to wait, plus previous stories have had Martins on less than £45,000.
  13. I'd rather ban those people who are unwelcoming to any rival fan.
  14. James


    Lets sign Cole.
  15. Pandev and Modric wont get their international clearance in time.
  16. If you go, it'll probably be for 28 days, so don't worry, it wont be permanent.
  17. Works on "Have I got News For You!" Who have their scripts read by lawyers, and also have the benefit of facial expressions/voice tone, that make it very clear that they don't mean what they are saying. If anything they make it very clear they really DO mean what they're saying. Well they have lawyers and the strength to back themselves up. We don't.
  18. Works on "Have I got News For You!" Who have their scripts read by lawyers, and also have the benefit of facial expressions/voice tone, that make it very clear that they don't mean what they are saying.
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