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Everything posted by James

  1. Speed has outperformed all midfielders/left backs at the club this season, so I for one would not be unhappy to see him involved in some playing capacity, although not as captain, merely forthe fact that he shouldn't be playing in every game.
  2. Mark Lawrenson - hates our guts because we sacked him, and is only capable of wheeling out the same old cliches about us.
  3. My thoughts exactly. Everyone is promoting from within these days, and it hardly ever works. I think all these coaching badge rules are currently destroying British management. All the successful, strong and able managers are in jobs, and the other clubs cant find an appropriate manager anywhere.
  4. To be fair, a man has got to make a living. It was obvious that he sought a career in Newcastle sports journalism, and to get half far in that field, you have to follow a certain line.
  5. Only person on this board who would ever come out with 'Roeder has been obsessed with upper body strength' Maybe because I'm insightful. He's been banging on about upper body strength all year: "Bernard isn't heavy enough" "We've got Michael working on the weights." "Shola's spent a lot of time in the weights room, so should come back even stronger" "Bramble's injury allows us to givehim time on the weights" Have a look at all our players 12 months ago. Now compare it to today - they'll be heavier, and have larger frames.
  6. Many problems with a manager go away as soon as he departs. However, all managers leave a long term legacy that will cause problems for the next guy. For instance, Roeder has been obsessed with upper body strength. When Bernard signed, Roeder had him on the weights. Owen, Bramble, Taylor, Ameobi, Pattison and N'Zogbia have clearly been on this regime as well, and it is a worry that players will have lost some of the speed and agility that was part and parcel of their game, as Roeder unsuccessfully tried to mould the team into a stronger unit. What else has Roeder left behind that we wont be able to fix overnight?
  7. Someone just added an option as I was voting, so I voted for lots instead of few even though I intended to vote for few. Please dont kill me Dave.
  8. James

    Michael Owen

    FFS one of his team mates ran into him, and he got dazed. Taken off as a precaution, yet he is just fine. He could play next weekend if he was needed.
  9. "A Newcastle spokesman has confirmed that it is just mild concussion" - Football365.com
  10. Mihir Bose for the BBC said that West Ham were not deducted points because at the time Chelsea didn't want West Ham playing Manchester United on the last game of the season with nothing left to play for.
  11. Seven goals and numerous assists since March.
  12. What. The. Fuck. That is roughly how Mick Lowes described the goal.
  13. Worst. Commentary. Ever: "Solano. Great ball to Dyer......And he's slid it under the keeper. First chance for Newcastle, he slid it under Ben Foster on-loan from Manchester United. I have to say, that was a slide rule pass by Solano, good run by Dyer too. I guess Ben Foster was perhaps slightly slow off the blocks. Dyer slid it under. For the first time, its seven. It was six, but seven is now his record."
  14. Was ganning to ask if it's on Century? Anyone knows? Well it should be on Newcastle world, but there is no audio output
  15. Is anyone getting any audio from Newcastle World?
  16. James

    Monte Carlo or bust

    That article does not make on ounce of sense to me.
  17. Probably Dyer on the right, Milner on the left, and Emre in the middle.
  18. He's been a nightmarish signing thus far.
  19. Exeter City vs Morecambe Conference Playoff Final. Its gonna be AWESOME!
  20. People have referrees they like and dislike, and they are different between teams. That is because some referees liketo be tight on certain things, and are less likely to blow for other infringements. Thus some referees are likely to blow against certain teams more than others.
  21. If Owen's not here on September 1st, are you willing to be banned? No, football is a funny old game and all that.
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