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Everything posted by kirkwdavis2001

  1. Hopefully someone will turn up and twat the cnut
  2. I don't disagree but who can we get in?
  3. Sammy shouldn't lower himself, what a fucking tosser Ranger is!
  4. Great story how was the soup? Did your lass enjoy the full day? Please confirm bummage occurred and restore my faith in this forum ;D Please cheer us all up!
  5. Lineker reckons he's quitting twitter now?!?
  6. kirkwdavis2001

    Joey Barton

    FWIW I agree with him on the kids bit, too many morons allowed to breed and sponge of the state
  7. kirkwdavis2001

    Loïc Remy

    Heart problem, dodgy thighs - sounds right up our street
  8. kirkwdavis2001

    Loïc Remy

    No offence, but are you daft?
  9. It'd be so nice to see Villa go down!
  10. kirkwdavis2001

    Loïc Remy

    Why don't we send our world famous tea lady?
  11. kirkwdavis2001

    Loïc Remy

    We could get Tino to help?
  12. kirkwdavis2001

    Loïc Remy

    Fancy playing fro the Toon? Aye. Great, sign here!
  13. kirkwdavis2001

    Loïc Remy

    Apparently these transfers are complicated....
  14. kirkwdavis2001

    Loïc Remy

    Well thats what Pardew has been told by Derrick over the phone. In reality the goon is sat in his underwear lying on the couch with a bowl of crisps on his belly. Ashley: "who was that Derrick" Lambias: "Oh just Pardew asking about transfers, I told him we are working on some." Ashley: "Should we possibly do that?" Lambias: "Yeah, I will get to it, I'm watching tele" *reaches for the remote and stuffs crisps into his mouth. Scared me a little when Pardew said he had nothing to do with the transfers and was leaving it to lee and derek. Reminds of that thing Keegan said about having a meeting about a player and thinking everything was cool and they were going to bid for him only for the board to have another private meeting and plan to bid way lower than was agreed so that it would fail. who's Lee?
  15. I normally try and lay off the negative comments but this has been fucking dire!
  16. Shola and Sammy double act, a bit like the chuckle brothers, but better
  17. http://photos1.blogger.com/blogger/699/1798/1600/joey.jpg
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