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Everything posted by kirkwdavis2001

  1. I'd get that seen to. Mine too, I've had to get a new one, this one's much better!
  2. Do Sports Direct always have a fucking sale on? Their yellow advert does my head in, chavs!
  3. Wish people would stop shouting shoot every time Tiote has the ball!
  4. Stoke not renewing his contract, looks like retirement then
  5. TBH they all say they're fighting for this country, they're not at all. They're invading someone else's. <TIN HAT ON> Also, aren't most soldiers only soldiers because they can't get any other job? </TIN HAT OFF>
  6. The c***'s probably having his pic taken at the Ricoh as we speak. Not with their transfer embargo he's not. If it wasn't a joke (which it is). Could he still sign on loan even though he doesn't have a club?
  7. I love you and miss you like nothing else, your contribution to our great football club should never been underestimated
  8. On the bright side, at least all those shitty Sports Direct signs are covered up
  9. Sad and totally disrespectful. just about sums up all the keegan haters , moreso in this thread , just attention seeking tbh. As per usual it's black and white. Anyone with criticism of the messiah is a attention seeking KK hater. I don't understand how he can come in for criticism after what he done for this club. This for me, he's a fucking hero to me and to NUFC, I don't get anyone who doesn't think so
  10. Not one person (or poster) in particular, just generally
  11. Fucking hell, poor bastard can't win. Damned if you do, damned if you dont
  12. I honestly don't understand why so much emphasis is put on the manager; at the end of the day its the players on the pitch that need to perform.
  13. If we play like we did today then we have a decent chance of taking something from this
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