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Everything posted by Sima

  1. Sima

    St James' Park

    Ban this sick filth.
  2. Sima


    Cunt has spent the last year scouring Twitter.
  3. Sima


    CaptainRed on there is one of the only ones who can be objective on the takeover and will happily admit he'd love it to have been Sunderland. Adding that the majority wouldn't give a fuck about HR if they had took them over.
  4. Sima


    It's great reading Grumpy Clueless Cunt writing in his condescending tone thinking he is the authority when it unravels about 12 hours later
  5. https://wbaunofficial.org.uk/showthread.php?tid=26980 I remember that feeling.
  6. Keane should be good at HT
  7. Bollocks. Give the cunt on the left wing acres of space.
  8. Back to the glue factory. Useless cunt.
  9. See if Lascelles can wrangle this clean sheet away.
  10. Love being so comfortable that the fans break out the greatest hits of chants.
  11. The fuck is this? Almiron didn’t even touch it.
  12. Looks poor that we didn’t bring in another winger with every passing week.
  13. Here lads, you can have Wilson back but you have to play Murphy and Longstaff. Fuck’s sake.
  14. Yeah, the collar on the original 95-97 was stiff and would hold up. Whereas the replica I got the collar was flat and soft.
  15. Sima


    Pickford played more games for Bradford than for them.
  16. Apologies, I thought you were still the chair. It's what the website says and that's the info I went off. I'll take your fix then if it's not the case. The communication from The Trust to their members around the pledge funding and the speed of the process was poor at best.
  17. You're the Chair, no? Can't really distance yourself from it on a technicality tbf.
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