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Everything posted by Sima

  1. Ryan Fraser should have just walked out when he saw Bruce having a shit.
  2. Got to admire Bruce, sticking to his 'launch it to the big man' tactics against League Two Newport.
  3. Can't believe I haven't connected him wearing it and probably why he did until this day.
  4. Might as well stop the line-up at Fraser and play with ten tbh.
  5. This tackle ruined us, we were never the same after this and its what got Robson sacked. Not even exaggerating. Agree, Everton scored in the immediate aftermath to that which started our downward spiral.
  6. Sima


    I want the same as they would want for us and I think we all know the answer to that.
  7. Sima

    Transfer rumours

    Transfer with an obligation to loan.
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