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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. go to bed child you don’t deserve this shit. Support another team brother.
  2. Haydn is such a sweet young chap lol
  3. i asked the exact same thing and have yet to see a suggestion you might argue that an allardyce might be able to work with the defence we have and rondon up front but i honestly don't see how you get more out of this squad in the areas that rafa is currently struggling with no one is gonna get this group of players playing like wolves or whatever, not a chance in hell, so what so critics of rafa actually want? Yep, would ask those who love to sit in front of their computers bashing a world class manager, booing subs, booing Ayoze after he scores goals, gladly going to matches to show they are true fans whilst lining MA's pockets to kindly shut the fuck up. I'm done attempting to even reason or listen to them. It's beyond stupid. Utterly embarrassing group of supporters we have that would act like utter pricks. We have Rafa Benitez here getting mugged by the owner and he's willingly sticking around in attempt to keep this club from getting relegated. If those match going lovers actually gave a single fuck they'd be making it well known that they are sitting around like lambs while the club is being ran straight into the ground over past 11 years. A club that should be employing more people in town, bringing young footballers through, nope, just willingly allowing a man to destroy every single bit of pride you think you had.
  4. Still waiting for a response to my post
  5. Deserves the worst of whatever is coming to him one day. Absolute piss take of a prick. Ruined our club.
  6. For those branding Rafa supporters a cult. What exactly are the mistakes? Who would do better as manager with this squad under these conditions of working under MA? What system and tactics would you play? How would you go about scouting and signing players under 15-16m pound? How would you figure out how to work within those boundaries? How would you rotate a thin squad that has ton of injuries?
  7. Booing a sub. Fuck Sake the match going fans are redic.
  8. From crap defending to poor keeping there
  9. Kanji

    Jordan Lukaku

    If there was serious doubt he’d be able to suit up for a majority of the remaining fixtures there’s absolutely no point forcing the signing through.
  10. You shouldn’t be allowed to own a football club in the PL if you aren’t committed to spending money with transparency in reporting accounts and income stream in and out. This is negligent by the PL and FA - football clubs are community and should not be treated as simply a business. Disgusting what’s become of the league and how little they care about anything but their own pockets being lined.
  11. Because Rafa really does give a shit about the club and doesn’t want to see it relegated under his watch. He’s working his tail off to make sure it doesn’t.
  12. Kanji

    Antonio Barreca

    Did we turn away from this deal when Henry was sacked?
  13. Kanji

    Jordan Lukaku

    How many failed medicals have we had?
  14. Kanji

    Jordan Lukaku

    prob don't want a repeat of the slimani thing again - paying a loan for someone who is hurt who ends up never playing
  15. Kanji

    Jordan Lukaku

    Going back in for the Monaco lad now?
  16. Kanji

    Jordan Lukaku

    Wut, you don't travel and do a medical if the wages end up being a stumbling block. If he ain't signing post medical, you have to assume FAILED medical?
  17. Kanji

    Transfer rumours

    Pretty easy for MA to be liked, treat the fans and the club with the respect we/it deserves. Invest in it and make it a success. Had he just been all-in from the get-go or learned from his mistakes in the past people would be leaving SD far alone as far as the NUFC supporter is concerned.
  18. Kanji

    Transfer rumours

    Haha! Thanks. I felt it was rambling even worse than the one I wrote above. I’m just getting sick of this stuff.
  19. Kanji

    Transfer rumours

    I literally can't stand when media folks and journalists try and belittle the plight of a football fan. This club stood long before MA and it represents the people - the Fa, the PL, Sky, etc have taken that away - they never created a checks and balances that truly holds owners to task - forcing them to act in the nature of sport, be good stewards of the club and if NOT - you are not able to own said club. Anyway, sorry - boils my blood seeing arrogant pricks like Bailey spout nonsense like that. I don't advocate violence but Bailey deserves to be knocked the fuck out.
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