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Everything posted by Kanji

  1. Happy b/c that weirdo Pardew isn't gazing at him
  2. New approach by Mike Ashley eh?
  3. only good for PKs if WC to go by
  4. Very good find How did he do well, produce decent teams and get good results though when he had little spending money and his star players sold? We've been told the last 3 years Pardew can't work in those conditions? So harsh to be working in an environment where you are handed: HBA, Abeid, Marveaux, Cabaye, Ba, Santon, Cisse, Bigi, Anita, Debuchy, MYM, Haidara, Sissoko, Remy, Ayoze, De Jong, Cabella, Janmaat and basically you decide you don't like: HBA, Marveaux, Bigi, Anita, MYM, Cabella and you cut 4 of them lose and moan left right & center about not having Cabaye while you've been handed all those fucking players and still can only finish 5th one time, nearly relegate us 1 time and blame Europa League, have us in nothing land the other 2 times, no progress in domestic cups, no progress in youth development, claim you can play front front attacking football and then play defensive wingers who aren't good enough and claim your hands are fucking tied and blame everyone but yourself. In that Reluctant Messiah book about KK, he said over and over, when his team lost it was 100% on him. It's never, ever, ever Pardew's fault, signs of a brilliant leader.
  5. Pardew is f***ing s***. f***ing s***. Honestly, you're either trolling, or blind (Cabella's height), or woke up on the wrong side of the bed man.
  6. If we get rid of Ashley in say, March (Just giving 60 some odd days to get this deal done) the new Owner could already decide on a new manager as early as when the money is hard and there is no turning back. Getting rid of Ashley would have a buoy effect like hasn't been seen before in quite some time.
  7. De Gea to Real? Doubt it, 18 month deal so he will be De Gea's number 2. Man, wish we'd sign him hell sign anyone to be Krul's backup.
  8. "One well placed source" - article written by old Luke Edwards.
  9. Interesting, I always felt Galtier was stylistically better. I know Garde continues to receive major support from Wenger, mind you. People worrying about Garde after a few of those articles need to just look at it from the point of view that Garde's career as manager has shown 1 common thing - results. He's a damn good manager - a football man who is respected, respectful (very important) and would have us at least in the top 8 every season.
  10. Kanji


    Bingo. I'm not concerned with someone like Dempsey making the move, because he'd played long enough in England to not really have his game affected much by playing in a lesser league. Bradley moved for money at the peak of his ability and it hasn't really worked out for him. Mix puts in a strong shift for a season or two and he'll get looks from Europe, especially playing for Man City's NY development squad. Also a money move though. I'm not concerned nor do I care about the way the MLS is run - the only issue I have is the schedule of the season, which IMO needs to be on the same as the other major leagues in the world. I quite like that some of our top USMNT players are in the MLS, it helps keep the interest in the league by the every day fan who many not care much for European leagues. I also quite like some of these older players from Europe joining the league as it brings in people who may not much care for the MLS but really like a player greatly IE: My older brother is a Liverpool supporter and with Gerrard going to LA, he's already excited for the upcoming season and will be paying attention to the league. I also find it quite ironic that people have these major opinions on the MLS and/or the players over here - I think we've got a pretty good mix of European based (+ Jurgey's Germans) and US based American players and believe we will also do quite well in the Cups if we continue to develop our game in the manner we continue to do. I assume the Germans will eventually run out when/if Jurgen moves on, but at the same time, the mix of US/Euro based players helps the younger kids who are coming up all over the world who are 1/2 American and are great footballers but may have felt unable to make it for one of the "bigger" nations out there.
  11. Such a wonderful quote. Reading Kevin Keegan "Reluctant Messiah" currently, and there have been some gems in there. Will finish it this evening. Also ordered Kevin Keegan "An Intimate Portrait of Football's Last Romantic" and Sir Bobby Robson's Autobiography.
  12. "I think, hold on, I didn't sign Peter Beardsley to tell him to track back. I didn't sign Ruel Fox to ask him to play any different from the way he did at Norwich. Or Robert Lee. I bought him because he's a talent. I'm not going to ask them to change. You go out and you take people on and you challenge them to play football and if you're better than them and you have a bit of luck, you get your reward." - KK
  13. Yup he f***ed hatem off after the next game wasn't it? Or one after Think the Everton game was his last straw after the Hull match. I recall he didn't play so well versus Cardiff. But you know, others who can't pass, shoot or defend get picked weekly. We had the perfect mix of attack too - Poacher CF, Wide Left Fwd, Creative Winger on Right, Cabaye the ball player, Sissoko the engine, Anita/Tiote the holder. Yet motherfucker still couldn't figure that team out. Needed some more graft and tackle and shit. Ass hole.
  14. Pardew didn't just play that team rest of season when fit either, he really was incapable of doing that. Fucking prick.
  15. just today read that they were hoping to have someone in next week. Nobody fucking knows
  16. That match was pure taking the piss, he was even getting in the box and trying to score as a striker too (his first) - he played the best football he's played for us that day. He was the SOLE reason we did anything in the beginning of the season, then made the scapegoat shortly thereafter. Fuck Pardew.
  17. The roar the crowd gave him when he was on the ball on the RW is a sound that'll always give me goose bumps, a sound that always made you deep down think "what is this brilliant bastard going to do next?"
  18. Been wondering how that was done for yonks!! cheers Kanji easiest 5 step plan in the world
  19. 1. Hover over profile link at top, Click on account settings 2. Click on Buddy/Ignore List 3. Click on Edit Ignore List 4. Type lktmpl 5. Click Add
  20. Any fucker who thinks Ashley has been good for NUFC needs a good slapping. He's the antithesis of what sports are all about - to steal a stupid quote from Herman Edwards "You play to win the game" and Mike Ashley's Newcastle United's sole existence is profits for MASH and exposure for SD. He once again has a chance to right some wrongs here: (1) hire a class manager to work within his "model" (2) if he's to sell players for extraordinary profits, then that money needs to go back into the club and replacements need to be purchased.
  21. There's not even a place for that type of "counter opinion" of a shit post too, b/c its blind deluded trolling WUM bull shit. Should be ignored by all, forever.
  22. Guess that might be one sticking point, but although it may stop someone coming in to take over with a huge amount of shares, the profit the club makes would bring in buyers surely ? Maybe, but at a far lower buying price than you would get with possible lucrative sponsorship open to negotiate from new buyers. Any owner with would look at the kind of sponsorship money going around the Premier League and how its growing and drastically downgrade what they're willing to pay. Unless we're talking purely about the stadium adds and not shirts as well? In which case it wouldn't be quite as extreme a sticking point, but still would have a reasonably significant effect on what people are willing to pay. what I was saying above. Buyers will discount the value of the club if they don't see any bit of upside or ability to grow revenues through sponsorship and such.
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