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Mags Serbia

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  1. from:The Evening Chronicle I won't sell star Milner Dec 20 2006 By Alan Oliver, The Evening Chronicle Glenn Roeder and Freddy Shepherd met today to discuss next month's transfer window deals, but before they did both the manager and the chairman insisted: "One player who is not going anywhere is James Milner." And it's just the news the England Under-21 winger and United supporters wanted to hear just hours before tonight's Carling Cup quarter-final against Chelsea at St James' Park. The Chronicle revealed news yesterday of the transfer summit between Roeder and Shepherd, and obviously United are desperate for some new players as soon as the window opens on January 1. However, Roeder told me today: "Everybody knows that James Milner almost went to Aston Villa at the 11th hour in the last transfer window and there is a lot of talk, especially in the Midlands, that that's where he will be going in January. "But not as far as myself and the chairman are concerned. "We have played 30 games this season and James has been involved in just about all of them. "As a result, he is getting the one thing he always wanted - regular first-team football. "And in any case, why should James Milner want to leave Newcastle United? "He is seeing at first-hand the progress we are making, and that we are slowly but surely changing our squad for the better. "He has played such an important part in our recent good form, with some excellent crosses which have brought some really good goals for the likes of Oba Martins, Albert Luque and Antoine Sibierski." Despite this, Milner goes in against Chelsea tonight still looking for his first goal of the season. United have only managed one goal from a winger in the Premiership all season, and that was scored by Damien Duff in the win at West Ham in September. But Milner would love to repeat Nobby Solano's two goals against Portsmouth in the Carling Cup against Chelsea, as United bid to join Wycombe Wanderers in the semi-final of the competition. Roeder added: "The only thing which is missing from Milner's game at the moment is goals, but he is working so hard on this in training. "Don't forget he is still only 20 and, with Nicky Butt, he is always the last to leave the training ground." Milner definitely starts tonight while Roeder will make last-minute decisions on Solano and Emre. But such is the team spirit in the camp these days that both want to play. United had sold 35,000 tickets when the box office opened today, and they are hoping to push this up to 40,000 by tonight's 7.45pm start, even though the game is going out live on TV. There will be cash turnstiles at the Sir John Hall Stand north west corner 9 and 13, Sir John Hall Stand north east corner 35 and 36, South East corner 52 sand 53, south west corner 71 and 72.
  2. Sir Bobby Robson : “At the time I lost my job I never thought for one moment I was under pressure 4 games in (just 14 days in), because when I took over we where bottom of the pack, I solved that got us back to top part of the premiership, we finished 4th 3ed and 5th and by the way with European football consistently and for anybody to think of us having that when I took over was unthinkable so, and we where well on our way to being consistently with those top pack which as you know is Chelsea, Manchester United, Arsenal and Liverpool, Newcastle and we where there but its gone for them now” AGREED 100 % !!!
  3. Shay Given - 6.5 Nobby Solano - 7.5 S. Taylor - 6.5 Peter Ramage - 6.5 C. Babayaro - 4 James Milner - 7 Emre - 8.5 Nicky Butt - 7 Charles N'Zogbia - 5.5(very bad game) A. Sibierski - 7.5 Obafeni Martins-8
  4. He is our best current right back. Solano is much better than Carr.
  5. Croatian players: Silvio Maric(Newcstle United) Bosko Balaban(Aston Villa) Igor Biscan(Liverpool) Niko Kranjcar(Portsmouth) Slaven Bilic(Everton,West Ham) Davor Suker(Arsenal,West Ham) Igor Stimac(Derby,West Ham) Alen Boksic(Middlesbrough)
  6. Mags Serbia

    Fake NUFC gear

    Is your favorite player Alah Shearer???
  7. Honeymoon period, combined with us playing some shiite teams, as well as some decent teams who were simply shiite on the day. Also, the squad is actually weakened now for several reasons. - The arrival of Duff's shadow has pissed NZogbia off, so we now have two totally off colour left wingers. - Solano seems to have lost his legs whilst Milner continues to be frustratingly poor at times so we have problems on the right wing. - Shearer has retired and Ameobi is crocked more than he usually is, whilst Sibierski is plain shiite despite the effort and Martins is on a different planet to the rest of the team, forget wavelength. Rossi is a kid who is out of his depth in the Premiership at this point in time. Meaning we have a poorer frontline than the shiite we had up front in the honeymoon period. - Boumsong and Elliott have gone without being replaced, Moore has regularly been found out, all giving us a weaker backline. - Faye and Bowyer have both gone, and been replaced by Butt. Not sure about the quality, apart from a good game or two theyre all consistently poor footballers, but we're weaker in numbers as well as selection, since Bowyer could play as an attacking centre mid. Hence, its probably less to do with Shearer and more to do with the players being on a high back then, as well as easier fixtures, as well as a slightly stronger squad. Class post!!! :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
  8. From nufc.com http://www.nufc.com/2006-07images/owen-training.jpg Speaking on the day that he switched on the Newcastle city Centre Christmas lights, striker Michael Owen expressed optimism that his recovery from injury remains on track: "You don't want to create a false belief so when I first had it done I thought you might as well write the season off and everyone else did as well but the operation was great. "The surgeon was happy with what he saw inside my knee and sees no reason, along as I have a good rehabilitation, to think there will be any future damage. "I would love to play again this season. "How long I play and if I play - and that is the big question - until I step up my programme it is impossible to tell. "Certainly you have got to have a target when you are down in the gym every day and my target is certainly to play again this season. "I'm still in the gym and I shall be for quite a while yet obviously. "I'm rowing, I'm on the bike, I'm walking on an incline on the treadmill and I'm swimming so that is probably the case for another four weeks then we will start picking things up gradually. "I've got to have a scan as well, that's in December or early January, and as long as they say the bone is knitting together with the graft then we can push on. "Round the turn of the year will be the important bit and then it will be all systems go for a return. "We have done particularly well in the cup competitions but not so well in the league, and Arsenal away is always going to be a tough game. "They played really well against Liverpool the other day. "It is always a top place to go and we have got a couple of really important games coming up. "We have got Watford coming up, and Portsmouth at home and we need to pick up points in the league really. "Hopefully we can progress in the cups because this place would take off if we won some silverware, but I think we need to pick up a couple of good results in the league to take the pressure off."
  9. Roeder Out !!! Shepherd Out !!!
  10. Keep Milner. http://www.toon-army.co.uk/Pictures/squad/milner.jpg
  11. Harper for England!!! :winking:
  12. We are another Leeds United... We are going down the history... Goodbye Roeder... Goodbye Shepherd... Goodbye Newcastle United...
  13. Mags Serbia


    Chopra is very good player but I think that Chopra not good for Premier League standard!
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